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1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……
汉语拼音:gào fā
《太平广记》卷二百引《抒情诗·李蔚》:“﹝ 李蔚 ﹞有布素之交 孙处士 ,不远千里,逕来修謁。 蔚 浹月留连。一日告发, 李 敦旧分,游 河 祖送。”
宋 欧阳修 《再论按察官吏状》:“国家之法,除赃吏因民告发者乃行之,其他不材之人……皆明知而不问。” 元 关汉卿 《窦娥冤》第二折:“小子太医出身,也不知道医死多人,何尝怕人告发?”《警世通言·金明池吴清逢爱爱》:“万一被这老子告发时,毕竟於我不利。”《平山冷燕》第七回:“他虽得罪於你,却无人告发,我怎好平白去拿他?” 巴金 《利娜》:“不久就有人告发了我们,我和 薇娜 被捕了。”
After all, it would be arrogant and presumptuous for anyone to tell people to engage in sexual activities they do not like.
毕竟,告发他人参与他们自己不喜欢的性活动,对于任何人来说都是傲慢的和专横的。I would be proud to give testimony but the truth is, I had not reported any of the killers.
我愿意作证,但实际上我没有告发任何行凶者。But I don't want to get Barrymore and his wife into trouble, so I shall not tell the police.
可是我不想使白瑞摩及其太太陷于困境之中,我是不会向警方告发的。After the verdicts, Susan Lewis, 46, of Great Yarmouth, told of her devastation at having to turn in her own son to the police.
在陪审团的裁决做出以后,来自于GreatYarmouth学院46岁的苏珊·刘易斯讲述了她不得不将儿子向警察局告发所受的毁灭性打击。What you did was reckless . You put me in a bad position. If you put something like that again and I'll be forced to turn you in .
你这么做太鲁莽了。你让我很难做。如果你再做那样的事,就别怪我告发你了。Individually, they could choose (without being able to talk to the others) either to snitch on their team-mates or to stand by them.
就个体而言,他们(不能与他人交谈)可以选择告发队友,或与守口如瓶。The police would never have caught the jewel robbers if the prisoner had not grassed on them and told them where they were hiding.
如果那个囚犯没有告发珠宝窃贼的藏身处所,警察是绝对抓不到窃贼的。Dan would be right to stand by his roommate and not turn him in.
丹站在他的室友一边不告发他,是正确的。Lisbeth told the police about Zalachenko's assaults on her mother, only to be put away for two years in a state psychiatric hospital.