


随风飞动:~扬。~摆。~散(sàn )。~洒。~逸(洒脱自然,与众不同)。~溢(飘荡洋溢)。~拂。~忽(a.风云等轻快地移动;b.摇摆,浮动)。~荡。~泊(同“漂泊”)。~渺(同“漂渺”)。~摇。~零(a.飘荡;b.漂泊,流落无依)。~~然……





汉语拼音:piāo hū









  1. 迅疾貌;轻快貌。

    战国 楚 宋玉 《风赋》:“飘忽淜滂,激颺熛怒。”《文选·傅毅<舞赋>》:“蜲蛇姌嫋,云转飘曶。” 李善 注:“曶,与‘忽’同。” 刘良 注:“飘忽,轻疾貌也。” 宋 李纲 《论福建海寇札子》:“以水夫驾舟,以官军施放弩弓火药,虽贼櫂飘忽,可以追逐掩击。” 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·<狗·猫·鼠>》:“几百年的老屋中的豆油灯的微光下,是老鼠跳梁的世界,飘忽地走着,吱吱地叫着。”

  2. 指光阴迅速消逝或时间短暂。

    《文选·陆机<叹逝赋>》:“时飘忽其不再,老晼晚其将及。” 李善 注引《思玄赋》:“辰倏忽其不再。” 宋 王安石 《忆鄞县东吴太白山水》诗:“三年飘忽如梦寐,万事感激徒悲歌。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·湘裙》:“伯乃送仲出,飘忽间已抵家门。”

  3. 指变化莫测。

    宋 范成大 《王希武通判挽词》之二:“遽为重壤去,凄断十年邻。物理真飘忽,家声正隐轔。” 鲁迅 《呐喊·阿Q正传》:“ 赵 府的全眷都很焦急,打着呵欠,或恨 阿Q 太飘忽,或怨 邹七嫂 不上紧。”

  4. 指踪迹不定,行动不可捉摸。

    《明史·花茂传》:“ 东莞 、 笋冈 诸县逋逃蜑户,附居海岛……飘忽不常,难於讯詰。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷八:“﹝ 阮光平 父子﹞乃招濒海亡命……令劫内洋商舶以济兵餉,夏至秋归,踪跡飘忽,大为患 粤 地。”

  5. 指生活动荡飘泊。

    唐 庾抱 《别蔡参军》诗:“人世多飘忽,沟水易西东。” 金 元好问 《老树》诗:“干戈正飘忽,不用苦思家。”

  6. 飘扬。

    清 钮琇 《觚賸续编·海天行》:“ 述祖 及众役叩首门外,惟闻乐音繚绕,香气氤氲,飘忽不断而已。”

  7. 隐约不清。

    清 沉星炜 《洞仙歌》词:“盈盈照水,又一花初发,澹著春痕半飘忽。” 冰心 《到青龙桥去》:“乱山中的城头上,暗淡飘忽的日光下,迎风独立。”



  1. Do not know why, feeling like floating clouds recently as erratic, perhaps the illness after the normal reaction.


  2. The whole stinking civilized world lies like a quagmire at the bottom of the pit, and over it, like a mirage, hovers this wavering smile.


  3. You seem to always unpredictable drifting clouds, rain whimper as the tears in my heart all over her Helinyulu.


  4. I repeated his words once again as I stared at nothing. I probably sounded like a broken record. . . but what was he talking about?


  5. It has a mind of its own. It is too lively and too bouncy and it's contributing to a poorer World Cup in terms of the quality of football.


  6. For a few weeks in this precarious, partly imaginary warmth, the gods permit you to have your cake and eat it.


  7. She raises a finger to correct him, pauses, looks off into nowhere with her eyes unfocused.


  8. And this was one of those rare few days in time when the climate was balanced, like a leaf between winds that blow just right.


  9. That torch flickering in the wind annoyed me. It had the appearance of being afraid.


  1. 飘忽不定的风

    an errant wind

  2. 飘忽, 自信, 自大, 傲慢。

    Swag, confidence, cockiness, arrogance.

  3. 午后飘忽不定的微风

    An errant afternoon breeze.

  4. 灯寒风中飘忽不定。

    The little lamp fluttered in the cold wind.

  5. 明月在流水里飘忽彷徨。

    I see the moon wiggling in the stream.

  6. 有些飘忽而缓慢,有些急剧而迅速。

    Some are drifting and slow, others jerky and rapid.

  7. 人的情绪怎么老飘忽不定?

    How is the person's mood old rove?

  8. 住处飘忽不定, 心灵也飘泊无依。

    Transients in abode, transients in heart and mind

  9. 用紧闭的双眸观摩你飘忽的芳容。

    Through heavy sleep on sightless eyes doth stay!

  10. 这些活动有的飘忽而缓慢, 有的急剧而快速。

    some drifting and slow, others jerky and rapid.

  11. 你是否跟随一只蝴蝶的飘忽的飞翔

    Ever followed a butter flys erratic flight

  12. 浓重的血腥味。在空气中飘忽不定

    The strong smell of blood. Flutters in the air suddenly not

  13. 浓重得血腥味。在空气中飘忽不定

    The strong smell of blood. Flutters in the air suddenly not

  14. 双方一直在为风向飘忽不定而苦恼。

    Both sides were troubled throughout by a capricious wind.

  15. 听筒里面丹顿的声音显得滑稽,飘忽。

    Denton's voice made a funny, sliding sound in the phone.

  16. 她的动作轻捷, 飘忽, 像蝴蝶飞舞一般。

    Her movements were as light and airy those of a butterfly

  17. 她的动作轻捷, 飘忽。象蝴蝶飞舞一般。

    Her moments were as light and airy as those of a butterfly.

  18. 丢了桨之後我们划艇的航向飘忽不定。

    Our rowboats course is erratic after we lose the OAR.

  19. 丢了桨之后我们划艇的航向飘忽不定。

    Our rowboat's course was erratic after we lost the oars.

  20. 这是一种飘忽不定, 难以名状的幽香。

    It was something elusive, something faint and fragrant that I could not name.

  21. 他的传球可能看似美妙却又飘忽不定。

    Passing and distribution can be erratic but aesthetically pleasing.

  22. 只是时刻的感觉自己有一些飘忽不定的浮躁。

    Just feel the moment there are some erratic impetuous.

  23. 我对我的记忆的飘忽不定和稀奇古怪感到绝望。

    I despair at the flightiness and whimsicality of my memory.

  24. 在黑暗里,我看见前面有一道飘忽的亮光。

    I saw a ghostly light ahead of me in the darkness.

  25. 我亲眼看着你在大陆的那边飘忽不见。

    I watch you disappear into the ground.

  26. 是什么让我和母亲的关系这么飘忽多变?

    Why are our conversations so complicated, our relationships so tense?

  27. 其飘忽手掌将授与毕生与干戈为伍的经验。

    Its ethereal hand confers a lifetime of experience with combat and steel.

  28. 偶尔也有情人追来寻找她行踪飘忽的情郎。

    Occasionally some flame would come in pursuit of her errant swain.

  29. 飘忽的身体悬浮在空中, 似乎要溶化在空气里。

    Ethereal bodies float in the air, almost dissolve and became part of it.

  30. 心情飘忽不定,时好时坏,怎么控制好自己的情绪?

    Mood rove, stand or fall, how had dominated oneself sentiment?


  1. 问:飘忽拼音怎么拼?飘忽的读音是什么?飘忽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飘忽的读音是piāohū,飘忽翻译成英文是 to float in the air hither and thither; mo...



飘忽 piāohū (1) [drift]∶(风和云)等迅速飘移,轻快迅疾的样子 (2) [mobile;uncertain]∶像波浪一样随风起伏