







汉语拼音:qù guān







  1. We often go to Guanzhou by bus.


  1. 我们常常乘公共汽车去官舟。

    We often go to Guanzhou by bus.

  2. 国王派了三位传令官去公爵那里。

    The king sent three heralds to the duke.

  3. 耶稣为什么告诉那官去变卖所有的分给穷人呢?

    Why did Jesus tell the ruler to sell everything and give it to the poor?

  4. 他们会带你去见执政官。

    They're gonna take you to the governor.

  5. 不要去做喜剧演员或是去娱乐面试官。

    Don't play comedian or try to entertain the interviewer.

  6. 我的孩子, 他为什么会去当差为官呢?

    Why does he become an official?

  7. 所以老师去做了官, 做官后老师做了不少的好事。

    So the teacher served as an official, and has done a lot of good things.

  8. 赖特夫人知道你们去叫验尸官后做了些什么?

    And what did Mrs. Wright do when she knew that you had gone for the coroner?

  9. 皮埃尔向炮兵阵地走去,那副官骑着马走开了。

    Pierre went up to the battery, and the adjutant rode away.

  10. 我得去见我的假释官了。

    I'm got to go see my parole officer.

  11. 主动去了解你的面试官。

    Get to know your interviewer.

  12. 你说你要去见你的假释官。

    You said you were going to see your parole officer.

  13. 好吧,去震倒那位面试官吧

    All right, go kick some interview butt.

  14. 在面试前, 设身处地的从面试官的角度去看问题。

    Before the interview, put yourself in the interviewer's shoes to see things from their perspective.

  15. 那些人去见他们的缓刑官坐的是宝马和宾士。

    Those lads go to meetings with their probation officers in BMWs and Mercedes.

  16. 那些人去见他们得缓刑官坐得是宝马和宾士。

    Those lads go to meetings with their probation officers in BMWs and Mercedes.

  17. 我们让长官们去和长官们喊话

    We'll have commanders talking to commanders.

  18. 我们厌烦那些官老爷把我们支来支去。

    We were tired of being pushed around by officious civil servants.

  19. 我叫他去做文官或补给官之类的。

    Make him a clerk or quartermaster, something of that sort.

  20. 嗟余听鼓应官去

    Till the rolling of a drum, alas, calls me to my duties

  21. 我会很高兴担任幕僚士官, 随便你要我去哪一排。

    I'd be happy to go to staff sergeant whichever platoon you wanna put me in.

  22. 冒著迷失自己的风险,去追求名利。这种人不是好官。

    Those who take the risk of losing selfness and chase fame and wealth are bad officials.

  23. 下官去看看巧儿醒了没有。

    Descend the officer sees Qiao son wake up have no.

  24. 约翰被送了官以后,耶稣到加利利去,宣传上帝的福音。

    After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God.

  25. 这可能让面试官觉得你太懒了,连谷歌都不去用一下。

    This might make your interviewer think you are too lazy to use Google.

  26. 或者你没有作为一个旁观者, 一个审查官去看?

    Or do you look at it without the outsider, without the censor

  27. 我是否应该和声纳官去核对, 看他们有什么发现?

    Should I check with the sonar officer, see if they reported anything?

  28. 当巡警的到时候不给利,或是不归本,找他的巡官去!

    If a policeman doesn't give interest on a loan or refuses to pay back the principle, you go and see his superior.

  29. 快去,长官,快。

    Go get'em,chief.Come on.

  30. 快去,长官,快。

    Go get'em, chief. Come on.



qùguān [quit office] 辞掉官职;离职 去官归故里