







汉语拼音:gǔ mó






  1. 外耳与中耳之间的薄膜。内表面与听小骨相连,外界的音波使鼓膜震动,借听小骨传入内耳。



  1. If accompanied by tympanic membrane perforation, can also be found mucopurulent secretions out of the ear, the children with hearing loss.


  2. Upper airway rhonchi are noted in her chest, her throat is red, and the tympanic membrane of her left ear is mildly injected.


  3. Whether the tympanic membrane was repaired by an underlay or an overlay technique, results were reliable.


  4. Note the color and contour of the eardrum with its distinct cone of light. Normally, the drum is pearly gray.


  5. The handle of the malleus, with the umbo at its tip, crosses the drum obliquely from the cone of light upward toward the short process.


  6. RESULTS: 60% of the patients presented with a retroauricular swelling, and a pathologic tympanic membrane was found in 89%.


  7. Auditory meatus, external The passageway leading from the outside of the head to the tympanic(eardrum)membrane.


  8. The eustachian tubes connect the middle ears to the pharynx, allowing air pressure on the eardrum to be equalized.


  9. tympanum An area of enlarged scales behind the gill opening in some members of the Balistidae. This area can be vibrated to produce sound.


  1. 鼓膜隆起。

    The tympanic membrane is bulging.

  2. 鼓膜张肌管

    canal for tensor tympani muscle

  3. 鼓膜上隐窝

    superior recess of tympanic membrane

  4. 鼓膜中的驻波

    Standing Waves in a Drum

  5. 鼓膜锤骨前襞

    anterior mallear fold of tympanic menbrane

  6. 鼓膜锤骨后襞

    posterior mallear fold of tympanic membrane

  7. 鼓膜外上皮层

    Outer epithelial layer of tympanic membrane

  8. 腭帆张肌, 鼓膜张肌

    tensor veli plati

  9. 鼓膜张肌半管

    semicanalis musculi tensoris tympani

  10. 汤因比肌, 鼓膜张肌

    Toynbee muscle

  11. 而且最外面是鼓膜。

    Moreover most outside is the tympanic membrane.

  12. 鼓膜和耳蜗均正常

    Normal tympanic membrane and cochlea

  13. 新鼓膜砧骨镫骨连接术


  14. 鼓膜张肌反射测定仪

    eustachian muscle reflex meter

  15. 鼓室硬化仅累及鼓膜

    Tympanosclerosis involving tympanic membrane only

  16. 汤因比韧带, 鼓膜张肌

    Toynbee ligament

  17. 电动活塞型鼓膜按摩器

    Electric piston type tympanic membrane massager.

  18. 因为棉签可能会伤到鼓膜。

    Because it can damage the eardrum.

  19. 由头外部至鼓膜的通道。

    Auditory meatus, external The passageway leading from the outside of the head to the tympanicmembrane.

  20. 我得鼓膜差点震破了。

    My eardrums are almost pierced.

  21. 我的鼓膜差点震破了。

    My eardrums are almost pierced.

  22. 鼓膜开放性外伤不伴并发症

    Open wound of ear drum without complication

  23. 咽鼓管半管, 咽鼓膜张肌半管

    seimcanalis musculi tensoris tympani

  24. 我的鼓膜破了,我的鞋子飞了出去

    My eardrum blew. My shoes flew off.

  25. 目的探讨鼓膜成形术的改进术式。

    Objective To evaluate an improved myringoplasty.

  26. 热利耶环状腱, 鼓膜纤维软骨环

    Gerlach annular tendon

  27. 鼓膜上皮干细胞的分布和培养

    Epidermal stem cells in the tympanic membrane

  28. 鼓室的,鼓膜的中耳或耳膜的,和中耳或耳膜有关的

    Of or relating to the middle ear or eardrum.

  29. 鼓膜中心则留下一变干的小孔。

    Tympanic center leaves the alveolus of one desiccate.

  30. 橡胶膜在鼓膜穿孔贴补术中的应用

    Application of Rubber Membrance in Repairing Perforation of Ear Drum


  1. 问:鼓膜拼音怎么拼?鼓膜的读音是什么?鼓膜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜的读音是gǔmó,鼓膜翻译成英文是 eardrum; tympanum ; tympanic membrane

  2. 问:鼓膜凸拼音怎么拼?鼓膜凸的读音是什么?鼓膜凸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜凸的读音是gǔ mó tū,鼓膜凸翻译成英文是 umbo membranae tympani

  3. 问:鼓膜刀拼音怎么拼?鼓膜刀的读音是什么?鼓膜刀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜刀的读音是gǔ mó dāo,鼓膜刀翻译成英文是 myringotome

  4. 问:鼓膜叶拼音怎么拼?鼓膜叶的读音是什么?鼓膜叶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜叶的读音是gǔ mó yè,鼓膜叶翻译成英文是 tympanal lobe

  5. 问:鼓膜器拼音怎么拼?鼓膜器的读音是什么?鼓膜器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜器的读音是gǔ mó qì,鼓膜器翻译成英文是 organum tympanale

  6. 问:鼓膜支拼音怎么拼?鼓膜支的读音是什么?鼓膜支翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜支的读音是gǔ mó zhī,鼓膜支翻译成英文是 branches of tympanic membrane, branch of tympan...

  7. 问:鼓膜炎拼音怎么拼?鼓膜炎的读音是什么?鼓膜炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜炎的读音是gǔ mó yán,鼓膜炎翻译成英文是 myringitis

  8. 问:鼓膜环拼音怎么拼?鼓膜环的读音是什么?鼓膜环翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜环的读音是gǔ mó huán,鼓膜环翻译成英文是 tympanic ring

  9. 问:鼓膜的拼音怎么拼?鼓膜的的读音是什么?鼓膜的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜的的读音是gǔ mó de,鼓膜的翻译成英文是 tympanal

  10. 问:鼓膜脐拼音怎么拼?鼓膜脐的读音是什么?鼓膜脐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜脐的读音是gǔ mó qí,鼓膜脐翻译成英文是 umbo of tympanic membrane

  11. 问:鼓膜张肌拼音怎么拼?鼓膜张肌的读音是什么?鼓膜张肌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜张肌的读音是gǔ mó zhāng jī,鼓膜张肌翻译成英文是 tensor tympani, musculus tensor tympani, tensor...

  12. 问:鼓膜气室拼音怎么拼?鼓膜气室的读音是什么?鼓膜气室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜气室的读音是gǔ mó qì shì,鼓膜气室翻译成英文是 tympanal air-chamber

  13. 问:鼓膜环层拼音怎么拼?鼓膜环层的读音是什么?鼓膜环层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜环层的读音是gǔ mó huán céng,鼓膜环层翻译成英文是 stratum circulare membranae tympani

  14. 问:鼓膜破裂拼音怎么拼?鼓膜破裂的读音是什么?鼓膜破裂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜破裂的读音是gǔ mó pò liè,鼓膜破裂翻译成英文是 myringorupture

  15. 问:鼓膜锤纹拼音怎么拼?鼓膜锤纹的读音是什么?鼓膜锤纹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜锤纹的读音是gǔ mó chuí wén,鼓膜锤纹翻译成英文是 stria mallearis membranae tympani

  16. 问:鼓膜上隐窝拼音怎么拼?鼓膜上隐窝的读音是什么?鼓膜上隐窝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜上隐窝的读音是gǔ mó shàng yǐn wō,鼓膜上隐窝翻译成英文是 superior recess of tympanic membrane

  17. 问:鼓膜前外襞拼音怎么拼?鼓膜前外襞的读音是什么?鼓膜前外襞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜前外襞的读音是gǔ mó qián wài bì,鼓膜前外襞翻译成英文是 plica membranae tympani externa anterior...

  18. 问:鼓膜前隐窝拼音怎么拼?鼓膜前隐窝的读音是什么?鼓膜前隐窝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜前隐窝的读音是gǔ mó qián yǐn wō,鼓膜前隐窝翻译成英文是 anterior recess of tympanic membrane

  19. 问:鼓膜后外襞拼音怎么拼?鼓膜后外襞的读音是什么?鼓膜后外襞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜后外襞的读音是gǔ mó hòu wài bì,鼓膜后外襞翻译成英文是 plica membranae tympani externa posterior...

  20. 问:鼓膜后隐窝拼音怎么拼?鼓膜后隐窝的读音是什么?鼓膜后隐窝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼓膜后隐窝的读音是gǔ mó hòu yǐn wō,鼓膜后隐窝翻译成英文是 posterior recess of tympanic membrane



鼓膜也称耳膜,为一弹性灰白色半透明薄膜,将外耳道与中耳隔开。 鼓膜距外耳道口约2.5厘米一3.5厘米,位于外耳道与鼓室之间,鼓膜的高度约9毫米,宽约8毫米,平均面积约90平方毫米,厚度0.1毫米。鼓膜呈椭圆形,其外形如漏斗,斜置于外耳道内,与外耳道成底45一50。致使外耳道之后上壁较前下壁为短。婴幼儿由于外耳道骨部未发育,鼓膜几乎与外耳道底壁平行,因此在检查鼓膜时较难看到。