




歪倒(dǎo ),反转,变动位置,改变:推~。~车。~卷。~滚。~腾。~工。~阅。~身。~地。~修。~建。~改。~脸。人仰马~。~江倒海(形容水势浩大,多喻力量或气势非常壮大)。~云覆雨(喻反覆无常或玩弄手段)。数量成倍的增加:~番。越过:……



汉语拼音:nào fān








  1. 意见不合,以致破裂。

    曹禺 《日出》第二幕:“怎么,你们又闹翻了么?” 吴运铎 《把一切献给党·觉悟》:“在我跟矿师闹翻以后,又被调回到原来的富源煤矿,照样受欺压。”



  1. Twice in his life he had to go against everything; and yet it never made him bitter.

  2. And look what they're doing to her. When you fall out of line , what do you think this going to happen to you?

  3. He started by winning the support of a powerful interest group, the Hillsdale firefighters'union, who had fallen out with the town council.

  4. Meanwhile, the Kremlin and Gazprom had a very public falling out with several of the business 'oligarchs' who backed Yanukovych.

  5. When he was thirty, he did a sales work in an insurance company. But before long, he fell out with his boss due to the bonus problems.

  6. When she returned there was a week of mutual tenderness, but it exploded in the conflict of daily frustrations and antagonisms.

  7. Eg. They used to be bosom friends, but now they fell out with each other over a trifle thing.

  8. That's one of the reasons we sort of had a falling out for a few years.

  9. and do business. His Golden Touch Bank has really prospered. Eldest Brother was a fool to break with him!


  1. 与某人闹翻

    fall out with sb.

  2. 同某人闹翻了

    raise the devil with sb.

  3. 与某某闹翻了。

    To fall out with somebody.

  4. 坏人闹翻, 好人平安。

    When rogues fall out, honest men come by their own.

  5. 坏人闹翻,好人平安。

    When rogues fall out, honest men come by their own.

  6. 她与丈夫闹翻了。

    She fell out with her husband.

  7. 你跟你母亲闹翻了。

    Did you and your mother fall out?

  8. 我跟琼斯闹翻了。

    I am out with Jones.

  9. 他跟杰克闹翻了。

    He has fallen out with Jack.

  10. 什么事使他们闹翻了?

    What was it that split them up?

  11. 这两个好朋友闹翻了。

    The two good friends split up.

  12. 我的朋友都和我闹翻了

    All of my friends fell out with me

  13. 我一个同事和我闹翻了。

    A guy at my work, he got pissed off at me.

  14. 总之,汤姆和玛丽闹翻了。

    In a word, Tom and Mary have fallen out.

  15. 他们的欢声笑语简直闹翻了天。

    Their cheers raised the roof.

  16. 我们因为一个小问题闹翻了。

    We fell out over a trivial question.

  17. 他们闹翻,舒展身躯晒太阳,他们斗嘴。

    They split up, spread out, sunned themselves, bickered.

  18. 老师离开后,教室里闹翻了天。

    When the teacher left the room, complete bedlam broke out.

  19. 没有一个人敢同他闹翻得。

    No one dared quarrel with him seriously.

  20. 没有一个人敢同他闹翻的。

    No one dared quarrel with him seriously.

  21. 那次争吵後,他与表兄闹翻了

    He opened a breach with his cousin after the quarrel.

  22. 我这次得跟管理部门闹翻了。

    I'm going to raise the devil with the management this time.

  23. 这时,孩子们在花园里闹翻了天。

    Meanwhile, the children were running riot in the garden.

  24. 他俩为了一点小事儿就闹翻了。

    They fell out with each other over some little thing.

  25. 老师一走, 教室里就闹翻了天。

    There was a lot of tomfoolery in the class when the teacher stepped out.

  26. 那次争吵后, 他与表兄闹翻了。

    He opened a breach with his cousin after the quarrel.

  27. 他们一会儿和好,一会儿闹翻,一天有上十次。

    They fall in and out ten times a day.

  28. 总经理因为一些小事而和董事长闹翻了。

    The general manager falls out with the President because of some minor matters.

  29. 他们以前是好朋友,不过我听说他们闹翻了。

    They used to be good friends,but I hear they have fallen out.

  30. 就这一点, 我和许多摄影家都闹翻了。

    I fall out with a lot of photographers over this.


  1. 问:闹翻天拼音怎么拼?闹翻天的读音是什么?闹翻天翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闹翻天的读音是,闹翻天翻译成英文是 Skywarp




拼音:nào fān

注音:ㄣㄠˋ ㄈㄢ 闹翻(闹翻)