


歪倒(dǎo ),反转,变动位置,改变:推~。~车。~卷。~滚。~腾。~工。~阅。~身。~地。~修。~建。~改。~脸。人仰马~。~江倒海(形容水势浩大,多喻力量或气势非常壮大)。~云覆雨(喻反覆无常或玩弄手段)。数量成倍的增加:~番。越过:……





汉语拼音:fān liǎn








  1. 变脸;对人的态度突然变坏。

    《儿女英雄传》第七回:“如今被这穿月白的女子这等辱駡,有个不翻脸的么?” 鲁迅 《书信集·致孟十还》:“即使订了合同,也可以翻脸不算的。” 洪深 《香稻米》第三幕:“想不到一个洋行里做小买办的人,会翻脸无情,下这样的毒手!”



  1. I don't want to have a falling out with you over this, can we try to just calm down and talk it out?


  2. A few years ago Europe's leading clubs seemed to be prepared to contemplate a breach with FIFA.


  3. But in 2007 it fell out with Mr Erdogan over stories linking party bigwigs to the diversion of money from a German-based charity.


  4. Emma Goldman, who conspired to assassinate industrialist Henry Clay Frick in 1892, was an exception, but she later disavowed those tactics.


  5. "We come with good intentions, but if you try to sneak Miyabi in, our intentions will no longer be good, " he said.


  6. He was torn between shifting the blame to his subordinates and avoiding so antagonizing them that they would turn on him .


  7. He presided over a mineral-resources and logging boom, and built his National Alliance into the dominant party in a fractious parliament.


  8. As for the West, "nobody wants to fall out with Russia over Georgia. "


  9. Eg : My girlfriend gets snippy when I tell her I'm going out with the boys .


  1. 不要怪我跟你翻脸。

    Dont blame me for getting hostile.

  2. 给你脸你不要脸,我翻脸。

    I give you face you don't want face, I turn my face.

  3. 莫莉,我的妹妹和我翻脸了。

    Molly, my sister and I fell out.

  4. 他不同意,她就翻脸了。

    He said no, she flipped out, she went nuts.

  5. 你要是翻脸,我就得自卫。

    Whatever turns you on! But I'll have to defend myself.

  6. 给你脸不要脸, 你丢脸, 我翻脸!

    I give you face, you do not want face, you lose face, turn my face!

  7. 先生和太太常常为了小事翻脸。

    Husband and wife often fall out over small matters.

  8. 你为什么想让她们和我翻脸?

    But why would you want to turn them against me?

  9. 我会和你翻脸投靠公共律师。

    I'll fire you and go back with the public defender.

  10. 我声明要翻脸了,你得和我言归于好。

    What have I done to you? I declare that I am perplexed.

  11. 别怪我翻脸不认人我很忙明白?

    Hey, listen, cousin or no cousin, I'm a busy man, all right ?

  12. 这次他跟我翻脸,因为他认为我欺骗了他。

    This time he turned on me because he thought I deceived him.

  13. 如果你还放你男朋友的鸽子,他会翻脸的!

    If you continue standing your boyfriend up, he will get annoyed.

  14. 给你脸你不要脸,地磅解码器,你丢脸,我翻脸。

    I give you face you don't wanna face, you lose you face, I turn my face.

  15. 翻脸的那对夫妻一年以后又和好了

    The estranged couple reconciled after a year

  16. 我的密友都憎恶我, 平日所爱的人向我翻脸。

    All my intimate friends detest me those I love have turned against me.

  17. 本来一切都很顺利,直至卡扎菲突然翻脸。

    Everything would be going well, until the Old Man suddenly blew cold.

  18. 云子也写了一封信, 悍然与营左翻脸。

    Cloud son also wrote a letter, brazen and left over the camp.

  19. 人在世界上最好的朋友可能会翻脸成仇。

    The best friend a man has in the world may against him and become his enemy.

  20. 伯1919我的密友都憎恶我,平日所爱的人向我翻脸。

    All my associates abhor me, And those I love have turned against me.

  21. 当你的律师也与你翻脸的时候,事态一定很严重。

    WHEN your own lawyers turn on you, things must be serious.

  22. 这些女士永远明天就会跟她们的丈夫翻脸的。

    These ladies won't be on speaking terms with their husbands tomorrow.

  23. 这些女士永远明天就会跟她们得丈夫翻脸得。

    These ladies won't be on speaking terms with their husbands tomorrow.

  24. 如果他们违反了这神圣的规定,就和他们翻脸吧。

    If they break this sacred rule, you must turn upon them with the Wrath of Hell.

  25. 假使我们在最后关头同他们翻脸,他们往哪儿去呢,嗯?

    If we turn on them at the last moment where will they be, eh?

  26. 如果3。25美元就可以成交,那么华友的股东肯定翻脸了。

    If 3.25 dollars can clinch a deal, so Hua You s partner affirms fall out.

  27. 他是如此虚荣狂妄,宁可和人翻脸,有笑话却不能不说。

    He was so vain and reckless that he would break a friendship, rather than not break a jest.

  28. 建设性批评意见更易被当作是翻脸的手段, 而不是真知灼见。

    Constructive criticism is more likely be taken as breaking off relations than as insightful advice.

  29. 如果你胆敢当面说他伪善, 他就会立刻翻脸, 露出不悦的神情。

    He will be hostile and vinegary right after you point out that he is hypocritical in his presence.

  30. 杰克·谢泼德曾为怀尔德出力抢劫和杀害良民,结果使怀尔德得以富有。他就是那些和老板翻脸的爪牙之一,于是当然就被出卖给了当局。

    Jack Sheppard, who had robbed for Wild and killed honest men so that Wild might grow rich, was one of those who fell out with the boss and was duly betrayed to the authorities.


  1. 问:翻脸拼音怎么拼?翻脸的读音是什么?翻脸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:翻脸的读音是fānliǎn,翻脸翻译成英文是 fall out


翻脸,读作fān liǎn,汉语词语,指脸色突然变坏,不认账,发脾气,对人的态度突然变坏,出自于《儿女英雄传》第七回。