


排成的行:罗~。行(háng )~。队~。~岛。众多,各:~位。~强。~传(zhuàn )。摆出:~举。安排到某类事务之中:~席。量词,用于成行列的事物:一~火车。类:不在此~。姓。古同“烈”,强烈,猛然。古同“裂”,分裂。……


用草或苇子编成的成片的东西,古人用以坐、卧,现通常用来铺床或炕等:~子。草~。苇~。竹~。凉~。~地而坐。~卷(juǎn )。座位:~位。~次。出~。列~。酒筵,成桌的饭菜:筵~。宴~。酒~。特指议会中当选的人数:四~。职位:主~。西~(塾……



汉语拼音:liè xí








  1. 依次而坐。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《郊居赋》:“或列席而赋诗,或班觴而宴语。” 唐 王勃 《圣泉宴》诗:“披襟乘石磴,列席俯春泉。” 明 陈恭尹 《宿宝积寺》诗:“列席就清阴,开襟面凉风。”

  2. 指参加会议而无表决权。

    郭沫若 《洪波曲》第五章五:“设计委员会本来是在编制外的,故只能列席。” 柔石 《一个伟大的印象》:“在这次的代表会议里,有我们底十六岁的年青的勇敢的少年列席。”



  1. At this point, it was more a Notting Hill event than an Afro-Caribbean event, and only around a thousand people turned out.


  2. I would agree that this is one of the assets of being here, to have the international presence.


  3. The meeting is presided by general manager of the company, participants are general manager, deputy geer . . .


  4. This comes on top of three defections: two to the Conservatives and a third who has chosen to sit as an independent.


  5. As a Council of Ministries: where representatives of the different associations and groups are sent to the Pastoral Council.


  6. And in case anyone thought this was not a cost-cutting exercise, officials from the Treasury are sitting in all the key meetings.


  7. Opening parliament this week, the speaker, who sits on the National Security Council, voice d his support for a renegotiation.


  8. In the course of deliberation of the bill, the special committee may invite the bill sponsor to the deliberation session to give comments.


  9. Dr. Li Yuxia, a technical expert of conservation tillage and a long-term expert of the SADP in IMAR, attended the conference.


  1. 列席观察员

    a passive observer of events.

  2. 全体法官列席

    in banc

  3. 请你们两位列席。

    I'd like you both to sit in.

  4. 以观察员身分列席

    in attendance as observer

  5. 监事列席董事会会议。

    The supervisors shall be present at board meetings.

  6. 全体法官列席的审讯

    trial at Bar

  7. 经理列席董事会会议。

    The general manager shall be present at board meetings.

  8. 老板希望你列席这个会议。

    The boss wants you to sit in on the meeting.

  9. 我获准列席董事会商讨议事。

    I was allowed to sit in on the deliberations of the board.

  10. 一些团员列席党支部的会议。

    Some of the League members sat in on the Party branch meeting.

  11. 我获准列席一次行政会议。

    I was allowed to sit in on an executive meeting.

  12. 派观察员列席一个国际会议

    Appoint observers to sit in on an international meeting

  13. 我们的老师应邀列席参加讨论会。

    Our teacher was invited to sit in on the conference.

  14. 我计划只是列席而不多做什么。

    I plan on just sitting in and not do much.

  15. 几位外国记者被允许列席听证会。

    Several foreign correspondents were allowed to sit in on the hearings.

  16. 老师允许一名学生列席他们的会议。

    The teacher allowed a pupil to sit in on their meeting.

  17. 老师允许一名学生列席他们得会议。

    The teacher allowed a pupil to sit in on their meeting.

  18. 有14位新兴国家领导人将列席会议。

    As many as 14 leaders from emerging powers will make cameo appearances.

  19. 列席这次会议的教授们来自山东大学。

    The professors present at the meeting came from Shandong University.

  20. 虽然他没有选举权,但让他列席了会议。

    Though he had no vote, he was allowed to sit in on the conference.

  21. 这星期初, 我们列席了产品评估会议。

    We sat in at the product evaluation meeting at the beginning of the week.

  22. 我以为他今晚会来这里列席集会。

    I think he will come here to attend the meeting tonight.

  23. 小岛屿国家联盟主席也列席了会议。

    The Chairman of the Alliance of Small Island States was also present during the meeting.

  24. 如果你能列席我们的会议我们将很高兴。

    We'll be glad if you can come to attend our meeting.

  25. 教师允许有一名学生列席他们的会议。

    The teachers allowed a pupil to sit in on their meeting.

  26. 委派官员列席立法会并代表政府发言。

    To designate officials to sit in on the meetings of the Legislative Council and to speak on behalf of the government.

  27. 将进行公开审讯, 欢迎比利时代表列席。

    The trial would be public, and the representative of Belgium was welcome to attend.

  28. 在招待名人贵宾的宴会上他也多次列席。

    He appeared at banquets to distinguished strangers.

  29. 总统夫人既没有乱干预政策,也没有列席内阁会议。

    The president's wife doesn't muck around with policy or sit in on Cabinet meetings.

  30. 我赞成参会是一种资产, 有国际列席资格。

    I would agree that this is one of the assets of being here, to have the international presence.


  1. 问:列席拼音怎么拼?列席的读音是什么?列席翻译成英文是什么?

    答:列席的读音是lièxí,列席翻译成英文是 attend as an observer

  2. 问:列席会议拼音怎么拼?列席会议的读音是什么?列席会议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:列席会议的读音是liè xí huì yì,列席会议翻译成英文是 attend a meeting without voting rights




拼音:liè xí 词性:动词 词义: 1、设席列全。王勃《圣泉宴》诗:“披襟乘石磴,列席俯春泉。” 2、指参加会议而无表决权。 基本解释 [attend a meeting as a nonvoting delegate] 作为旁观者出席,有发言权,但没有表决权 详细解释 1. 依次而坐。 南朝 梁 沉约 《郊居赋》:“或列席而赋诗,或班觞而宴语。” 唐 王勃 《圣泉宴》诗:“披襟乘石磴,列席俯春泉。” 明 陈恭尹 《宿宝积寺》诗:“列席就清阴,开襟面凉风。” 2. 指参加会议而无表决权。 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第五章五:“设计委员会本来是在编制外的,故只能列席。” 柔石 《一个伟大的印象》:“在这次的代表会议里,有我们底十六岁的年青的勇敢的少年列席。”