







汉语拼音:chūn cháo






  1. Spring tides occur every two weeks, usually within a few days of the new and full moon.


  2. Indeed, an ugly bitch, a funny Shorty, combination of these two can in life, appearing Chunchao surging waves?


  3. Have we really had a moment when warm spring waves surged through our heart?


  4. Guo Xin flowers, clouds, full moon aggregate family reunion day, red flags fluttering, joy, spring tide is surging, 10000 people joy.


  5. This is online map of the address "Dong Ting Zhen Chun Chao Zhong Lu , Xishan District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China" .


  6. With the running torrents of spring, the era is striding forward.


  7. Your spring tide train of thought instantaneous?


  8. Like a spring flood surging!


  9. April, come she will, when streams are rip and swelled with rain.


  1. 热浪春潮电影海报

    Back to the beach Movie Poster

  2. 像春潮般的涌动!

    Like a spring flood surging!

  3. 像春潮般的涌动!

    Like a spring flood surging!

  4. 春潮带雨晚来急,

    The spring morning torrents at nightfall heavy showers bring.

  5. 珠江春潮动地来

    Spring Tide of the Zhujiang River Rolles on

  6. 这里真是春潮涌动,春意盎然。

    With the spring tide coming, spring is in the air here.

  7. 这里真是春潮涌动,春意盎然。

    With the spring tide coming, spring is in the air here.

  8. 春潮吞没了海滩上的房子。

    The spring tide engulfedthe beach houses.

  9. 四海春潮涌三江气象新

    The spring tide surging from the whole country, Hechuan has taken on a new look

  10. 你覧尽了春潮思绪般的瞬间了吗?

    Your spring tide train of thought instantaneous?

  11. 春潮激涌, 时代在大踏步向前迈进。

    With the running torrents of spring, the era is striding forward.

  12. 饮杯可乐,你能感受如可乐般清新的春潮。

    You will find your youth as refreshing as a can of coke.

  13. 在高混浊河口春潮大块溶解无机碳释放

    A massive dissolved inorganic carbon release at spring tide in a highly turbid estuary

  14. 每到旺季商贩云集, 车流涌动, 繁荣之势如同春潮。

    Every season many vendors, surging traffic, prosperous and powerful as the spring.

  15. 千真万确地,我们有那么一刻内心深处陡卷温暖春潮?

    Have we really had a moment when warm spring waves surged through our heart?

  16. 四月, 春潮带雨袭来之时, 她挟一段爱飘然而至。

    April, come she will, when streams are rip and swelled with rain.

  17. 实在饿得不能忍受了, 才每天跑去春潮书店借钱。

    Pressed by hunger, I would visit Chunchao Bookstore every day to seek a loan of money.

  18. 浩浩北国风送春到草原, 万马奔腾踏春潮牧歌随风传。

    The vast north national customs deliver the spring to arrive at the prairie, goes full steam ahead treads the spring tide madrigal along with the rumor.

  19. 春潮带雨滚滚来韩天梅早春时节, 北国大地依然寒风料峭。

    Chun Chao takes pluvial billow to come season of early spring of Han day plum, northland earth still cold wind chilly.

  20. 独怜幽草涧边生上有黄鹂深树鸣春潮带雨晚来急。

    And deep boughs trill with mangobirds, On the spring flood of last nights rain The ferryboat moves as though someone were poling.


  1. 问:春潮拼音怎么拼?春潮的读音是什么?春潮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:春潮的读音是chūncháo,春潮翻译成英文是 Spring tides.

  2. 问:春潮级潜艇拼音怎么拼?春潮级潜艇的读音是什么?春潮级潜艇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:春潮级潜艇的读音是,春潮级潜艇翻译成英文是 Harushio class submarine

  3. 问:春潮极低水位拼音怎么拼?春潮极低水位的读音是什么?春潮极低水位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:春潮极低水位的读音是chūn cháo jí dī shuǐ wèi,春潮极低水位翻译成英文是 Extreme Low Water of Spring Tides



“春潮”是个多义词,它可以指春潮(凯传、徐沛东创作歌曲), 春潮(1933年郑应时执导的电影), 春潮(竹笛名曲), 春潮(美国海明威长篇小说), 春潮(汉语词语)。