







汉语拼音:rěn xīn








  1. 狠心;昧着良心;硬着心肠。

    《诗·大雅·桑柔》:“惟彼忍心,是顾是復。” 朱熹 集传:“忍,残忍也。” 清 李渔 《奈何天·闹封》:“边陲告急,司转运者,充耳不闻;赋役久逋,奉催徵者,忍心不顾。” 柯岩 《追赶太阳的人》六:“繁重的劳动压得妈妈伸不直腰,妈妈只好忍心地把他放在地头上。”

  2. 耐心。

    唐 白居易 《酬皇甫十早春对雪见赠》诗:“忍心三两日,莫作破斋人。” 老舍 《四世同堂》十八:“他忍心的等着;他的钱像舞台上的名角似的,非敲敲锣鼓是不会出来的。”

  3. 抑制心情。

    唐 张鷟 《游仙窟》:“余时把著手子,忍心不得。又咏曰:‘千思千肠热,一念一心焦;若为求守得,暂借可怜腰。’”



  1. For this to her, in her arms teacher didn't have the heart to tell her bandaged, action points.


  2. I should be sorry, you know, to think ill of a young man who has lived so long in Derbyshire .


  3. I was not in the mood, but he was so sincere that I did not have the heart to turn him down. Reluctantly, I took a look at the essay.


  4. Old father said: "The road home for the son's tag. " How could not bear his son in confusion on this abandoned old father.


  5. i cannot bear to see a bear bearing down upon a hare . when bare of hair he strips the hare , right there i cry , " forbear ! "


  6. As if the butterfly flies only sea, nobody has the heart to blame.


  7. He did not like to look at the fish anymore since he had been mutilated. When the fish had been hit it was as though he himself were hit.


  8. See it tremble with fear that way, I really do not have the heart, as if innocent people to be tortured like!


  9. This time, you have the heart to yell at him, but also the heart to ask him why he has not paid wages it?


  1. 所以你就忍心

    So you just left her.

  2. 不忍心打搅他们。

    Pity to disturb them.

  3. 不忍心做某事

    do not have the heart.

  4. 我不忍心解雇他

    I can't bring myself to fire him

  5. 强忍心中的痛苦

    to sustain the sufferings by force

  6. 你们怎么能忍心这样

    Gypsy in heart, but real homer in soul.

  7. 我们又不忍心说她

    We don't have the heart to tell her.

  8. 你怎么忍心杀狗呢

    How could you have the heart to kill a dog ?

  9. 我始终不忍心杀它。

    I could never find in my heart to kill her.

  10. 对不起,我真的不忍心

    I'm sorry.I couldn't take it.

  11. 我不忍心看动物受苦。

    I hate to see animals suffering.

  12. 对不起,我真的不忍心。

    I'm sorry. I couldn't take it.

  13. 他连苍蝇都不忍心打。

    He wouldn't hurt a fly.

  14. 他连苍蝇都不忍心打。

    He wouldn't hurt a fly.

  15. 她不忍心再转回身去。

    She couldn't bear to turn around again.

  16. 我不忍心让他独自留下。

    I cannot bear to leave him alone.

  17. 看到孩子受罪,你忍心吗?

    How can you bear to watch the children suffer?

  18. 让孩子跟着跑,真忍心呐!

    Let the child run accordingly, true give the heart to!

  19. 你怎么忍心让孩子们失望呢

    How can you find it in your heart to disappoint the children

  20. 我怎么忍心让孩子们失望呢?

    How can I find it in my heart to disappoint the children

  21. 啊,我简直不忍心去想它。

    Oh, I can't bear to think of it!

  22. 我们不忍心弄死这条狗。

    We cannot have the heart to kill the dog.

  23. 这么好的机会,你忍心浪费吗?

    Do we really want to let that go to waste?

  24. 你知道吗,如果你不忍心当面说。

    Howard You know, if you cant talk to her.

  25. 我不忍心就这事和他对质。

    I could not bring myself to confront him about it.

  26. 我不忍心蹬掉他再觅新欢。

    I can't bring myself to ditch him and start again.

  27. 可他还忍心开这样狠毒的玩笑。

    And he dared to joke.

  28. 我不忍心让你一个人背黑锅

    I don't have the heart to leave you alone holding the Bag

  29. 她简直不忍心瞧那可怜的青蛙。

    She could scarcely bear to look at the poor frog.

  30. 我们怎忍心去找老妇人的麻烦?

    Is it right heaping trouble on an old lady's head?


  1. 问:忍心拼音怎么拼?忍心的读音是什么?忍心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忍心的读音是rěnxīn,忍心翻译成英文是 bear


