


1. 化 [huà]2. 化 [huā]化 [huà]性质或形态改变:变~。分~。僵~。教(jiào )~。熔~。融~。潜移默~。~干弋为玉帛。。佛教、道教徒募集财物:~缘。~斋。用在名词或形容词后,表示转变成某种性质或状态:丑~。绿~。习……





汉语拼音:huà tán






化痰 [huà tán]
  1. 化除痰液。




  1. Licorice has been used for centuries as an expectorant to loosen phlegm.


  2. Clearing heat and transforming phlegm; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough, due to colds and acute bronchitis.


  3. its treatment centers on notifying kidney and spleen, coordinated with removing sputum and stasis, with differentiation of sings.


  4. The method of phenol red excretion in mice was used to investigate the expectorant effects.


  5. Objective To observe effects and function mechanism of replenishing kidney essence and removing phlegm therapy on behavior in the rat of AD.


  6. Good for antipyretic and throat smoother, curing cough and facilitating expectoration.


  7. The pathogenesis of Mammary hyperplasia is Qi stagnation, blood stasis, and phlegm accumulation.


  8. Objective To observe the therapeutic efficacy of qi-descending and phlegm-resolving therapy for non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease.


  9. is a traditional Chinese medical diet for removing heat from the lung, dissolving phlegm and arresting cough.


  1. 逐瘀化痰汤

    zhuyu huatan decoction

  2. 化痰解语颗粒

    Huatanjieyu granule

  3. 橘红化痰丸

    Juhong Huatan pills.

  4. 扶正化痰活血方

    Fuzheng Huatan Huoxue Formula

  5. 活络化痰法

    method of activating collaterals and dissipating phlegm.

  6. 清肝化痰活血方

    Qinggan Huatan Huoxue Decoction

  7. 辰砂化痰丸

    Cinnabaris Pill for Eliminating Phlegm.

  8. 理气化痰川

    regulating the flow of qi to eliminate phlegm.

  9. 化痰安神熄风法

    Eliminate phlegm tranquilized and calming wind syndrome method

  10. 固本化痰通脉颗粒

    Gubenhuatantongmai granules

  11. 降气化痰,温肾纳气

    send down the aBnormally ascending qi and resolve phlegm, warm the kidney and improve inspiration

  12. 降气快膈,化痰消食。

    To relieve cough and asthma by lower qi, to resolve phlegm and stimulate digestion.

  13. 养阴润肺,化痰止咳。

    To nourish Yin of the lung, resolve phlegm and relieve cough.

  14. 枇杷药膏, 清肺, 化痰, 止咳。

    Semifluid Extract of Loquat Leaf removes heat from the lung, dissolves phlegm and arrests cough.

  15. 润肺清热, 理气化痰。

    To nourish the lung and remove heat, to regulate the flow of qi and resolve phlegm.

  16. 润肺清热,理气化痰。

    To nourish the lung and remove heat, to regulate the flow of qi and resolve phlegm.

  17. 通肺化痰,治疗咳嗽与气喘。

    The lung and resolving phlegm, relieving cough and heavy pant.

  18. 强调化痰通瘀治疗的重要意义。

    Stressed the importance of phlegm and blood stasis in treatment.

  19. 甘草用于化痰已有几个世纪了。

    Licorice has been used for centuries as an expectorant to loosen phlegm.

  20. 化痰解郁汤治疗失眠的临床研究

    Clinical Research of Hua Tan Jie Yu Tang in Treating Insomnia.

  21. 搜风祛瘀化痰汤治疗偏头痛83例

    Treating 83 Cases of migraine with Sou Feng Qu Yu Hua Tan Tang

  22. 蒟酱可以行气化痰、祛风散寒。

    The betel pepper can promote the circulation of qi and reduce phlegm, as well as dispel wind and expel cold.

  23. 燥湿化痰法治疗肿瘤机制初探

    Study on mechanism of the method for removing dampness to reduce phlegm in treating tumors

  24. 可润肺化痰 健脑, 美容, 润发, 抗癌。

    Huatan to Moistening Lung, Brain, beauty, hair, cancer.

  25. 蛇胆川贝合剂, 止咳化痰显奇效。

    This mixture of snake gallBladder and Sichuan fritillary BulB has a wonder effect in curing cough and reducing phlegm.

  26. 心得日常饮用止咳化痰,清热润肺。

    Daily consume toaway heat, detoxifying purging lung and dissolving phlegm.

  27. 化痰开窍泻浊法在脑出血治疗中的应用

    The Transform Phlegm Open the Orifices and Drain Turbidity Treatment of Intracerebral Hemorrhage.

  28. 有什么清喉, 润嗓化痰得好方法?

    Have what clear larynx, the good method with embellish expectorant throat ?

  29. 有什么清喉,润嗓化痰的好方法?

    Have what clear larynx, the good method with embellish expectorant throat ?

  30. 化痰降气胶囊化痰、止咳、平喘的实验研究

    Experimental studies on expectorant, antitussive and antiasthmatic effects of huatan jiangqi capsules.


  1. 问:化痰拼音怎么拼?化痰的读音是什么?化痰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:化痰的读音是huàtán,化痰翻译成英文是 to reduce phlegm

  2. 问:化痰药拼音怎么拼?化痰药的读音是什么?化痰药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:化痰药的读音是,化痰药翻译成英文是 expectorant



指祛除痰浊的一种治法。 适用于痰而导致的多种上疾患。常用药物如半夏.陈皮.茯苓.贝母等。痰证因病邪留阻部位.临床表现及病机的不同,化痰法常与宣肺.顺气.清热.燥湿.健脾.温阳或熄风潜阳等法分别配合应用。