


有效验:~验。~丹妙药。聪明,不呆滞:~巧。机~。~慧。敏捷的心理活动:~机。~感。~性。精神:~魂。心~。英~。旧时称神或关于神仙的:神~。精~。反映敏捷,活动迅速:~活。~犀。~便(biàn )。关于死人的:幽~。~魂。~柩。……





汉语拼音:líng yàn









  1. 神奇的效应。

    晋 孙绰 《游天台山赋》:“覩灵验而遂徂,忽乎吾之将行。” 宋 苏轼 《乞赐光梵寺额状》:“里俗相与漆塑其身,造塔供养,时有光景,颇著灵验。”《红楼梦》第一○一回:“惟有佛家香火歷来不絶,他到底是祝国祝民,有些灵验,人纔信服。” 郁达夫 《出奔》:“积贮了许多本地的土货,好教一船装去,到有灵验的庙宇所在地去卖。”

  2. 预言能够应验。

    元 无名氏 《盆儿鬼》楔子:“遇着一个打卦先生,叫做 贾半仙 ,人都説他灵验的紧。” 清 青城子 《志异续编·测字》:“尝见一测字者,灵验异常。” 老舍 《茶馆》第一幕:“你要是不戒了大烟,就永远交不了好运!这是我的相法,比你的更灵验!”



  1. The truth was, that a superstition of his had failed, here, which he and all his comrades had always looked upon as infallible .


  2. Knives should be suitable for the sharpness is effectively scraper ink, and does not produce a knife.


  3. When asked if he really believed that it would bring him good luck, he said, "I am told that it works even if you don't believe in it. "


  4. What I'm about to suggest to you is a simple approach that has worked every single time I or one of my students have used it.


  5. When they handed him over to be brought up largely by his grandmother they cannot have dreamt that that name would prove so apt.


  6. Although those predictions turned out to be right, neither was remotely close to being the big story of the past 12 months.


  7. Since the adjustment by the pressure of the water roll version is not valid, you can try again by version rollers.


  8. Some types of old-fashioned repression, like the decision to suspend two opposition newspapers, no longer work in a digital age.


  9. Witches'powers are not always efficacious. Sometimes dirt would hinder their magic power.


  1. 这药很灵验。

    This medicine is highly efficacious.

  2. 天气预报果然灵验。

    The weather forecast turned out to be accurate.

  3. 她的祷告灵验了。

    Her prayer was altered.

  4. 我的祈祷灵验了!

    My prayers were answered!

  5. 这一规律总是灵验。

    Now, this was cosmic.

  6. 她说的话果然灵验。

    What she said is proved to be correct.

  7. 我的第六感觉很灵验。

    My sixth sense often proves to be right.

  8. 这鬼把戏好象灵验了。

    The trick seems to be working.

  9. 他买的药并不灵验。

    The remedy he purchased failed to work.

  10. 最后灵验的话才是至理名言

    Thats good wisdom which is wisdom in the end.

  11. 可是有人觉得它很灵验。

    Well, some people believe it works.

  12. 你的梦试过不灵验吗?

    Are your dreams ever wrong?

  13. 这是风水灵验, 这是时造人杰?

    This is that geomantic omen is efficacious two, this that time creates outstanding personality ?

  14. 这种药在止咳方面很灵验。

    The medicine is efficacious in stopping a cough.

  15. 这种药在止咳方面很灵验。

    The medicine is efficacious in stopping a cough.

  16. 灵验的能产生或产生所期的效果的

    Producing or capable of producing a desired effect.

  17. 我们的药品显然是最灵验之最的!

    Our drug is clearly the most efficaciousest!

  18. 这种新药治我得胃痛很灵验。

    This mew medicine has worked wonders for my stomachache.

  19. 这种新药治我的胃痛很灵验。

    This mew medicine has worked wonders for my stomachache.

  20. 他终于来了,好像她祷告很灵验。

    He arrived, as if in answer to her prayers.

  21. 你傻啊?我要是告诉你了就不灵验了!

    What are you, stupid? If I tell you it won't come true!

  22. 传教士们祈祷求雨,明知这种祈祷从未灵验过。

    Preachers pray for rain, knowing full well that no such prayer was ever answered.

  23. 她拿起话筒, 试拨开关, 看是否灵验。

    She picked up the microphone and began to experiment with the switches.

  24. 这是我祖先传下来的秘方,非常灵验。

    This is a secret passed down from my ancestors, and it never fails.

  25. 这种新药治我的胃痛很灵验。不适合

    This mew medicine has worked wonders for my stomachache.

  26. 噩梦果真灵验,有人神秘暴毙,有人离奇遇害。

    The nightmare is really effective, some people die a violent death mystically, some people are murdered strangely.

  27. 这里的妈祖庙香火很盛,据说挺灵验的。

    The Mazu temple here attracts a large number of pilgrims, and it is said that it is quite effective.

  28. 这里的妈祖庙香火很盛,据说挺灵验的。

    The Mazu temple here attracts a large number of pilgrims, and it is said that it is quite effective.

  29. 不是我胡搞迷信,人家的语言还是很灵验的。

    Im not being superstitious, but his predictions turn out to be accurate.

  30. 我对原因并不确定,但对我而言,魔法灵验了。

    I am not certain why, but for me the alchemy works.


  1. 问:灵验拼音怎么拼?灵验的读音是什么?灵验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灵验的读音是língyàn,灵验翻译成英文是 effective; accurate

  2. 问:灵验地拼音怎么拼?灵验地的读音是什么?灵验地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灵验地的读音是,灵验地翻译成英文是 efficaciously

  3. 问:灵验的拼音怎么拼?灵验的的读音是什么?灵验的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灵验的的读音是,灵验的翻译成英文是 efficacious



词义 (1).神奇的效应。 (2).预言能够应验。