







汉语拼音:jiǎng qiú







  1. 修习研究。

    《左传·宣公十六年》:“ 武子 归而讲求典礼,以脩 晋国 之法。” 南朝 宋 何承天 《重答颜光禄》:“凡讲求至理,曾不折以圣言,多採譎怪,以相扶翼,得无似以水济水邪?” 宋 陈亮 《江河淮汴策》:“然其议臣之讲求,若东流北流之説, 贾生 、 韩生 之论,虽或足以为一时之便利,揆之古义,是皆汩陈其五行者也,乌足以动天而回河乎!”

  2. 追求;重视。

    夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》十六:“因为讲求快速,行书比楷书更多用处。” 沙汀 《困兽记》十二:“他是很讲求实际的,可是别人却也并不虚华。”



  1. The moral sense of fairness is hardwired into our brains and is an emotion shared by most people and primates tested for it.

  2. On graduation he worked in the Nixon administration, setting out his philosophy in a 1973 memo: "I take a hard-nosed critical approach. "

  3. All this, however, is foreign to the mission on which you sent me and will probably be very uninteresting to your severely practical mind.

  4. I brought little money, and no prestige, as I entered a practical country with small respect for the dark side of the moon.

  5. "I'm all about the disconnect, " she said. "If I'm wearing a plaid shirt and ripped jeans, I will wear a satin stiletto. "

  6. They must be able to compete in a very competitive job market; therefore, a practical education is very important.

  7. Work efficiency, there is a sense of responsibility, good self-discipline, be able to fulfill its duties and complete the work.

  8. From the investigation result, practical and rational consumption is still the main current students' consumption concept.

  9. We might remember, though, that Abe Lincoln was at a stylistic disadvantage when he wrote his Gettysburg Address.


  1. 廉正无私讲求效率。

    An Honest and Effective Civil Service

  2. 她也非常讲求实效。

    She is also immensely pragmatic.

  3. 首先,打仗讲求灵活变通。

    Firstly,there is a need for flexibility in war.

  4. 三是立面讲求三段式。

    Third Legislative face stress syllogism.

  5. 管理风格和蔼可亲,讲求民主。

    Management Style Affable and democratic.

  6. 国药治病讲求标本兼治。

    Chinese medicine stresses treating both the outward symptoms, and root causes of a disease at the same time.

  7. 国药治病讲求标本兼治。

    Chinese medicine stresses treating both the outward symptoms, and root causes of a disease at the same time.

  8. 要讲求实效, 不搞形式主义。

    We need to place emphasis on practical results rather than go in for formalism.

  9. 在工作中我们必须讲求效率。

    We must strive for efficiency in work.

  10. 这个新方向讲求内在的诱因

    It's an approach built much more around intrinsic motivation.

  11. 我们的老板是个讲求实际的人。

    Our boss is a practical man.

  12. 讲求写信得技巧似已过时。

    The art of writing letters seems to is a thing of the past.

  13. 讲求写信的技巧似已过时。

    The art of writing letters seems to is a thing of the past.

  14. 而你们这些讲求公道得法官啊,

    And you judges who would be just.

  15. 而你们这些讲求公道的法官啊,

    And you judges who would be just.

  16. 规划和执行应该讲求方法,有条不紊。

    Planning and implementation should be methodical.

  17. 在使用与保存之间要讲求平衡。

    There's balance between use and preservation.

  18. 整个方法既讲求科学性又讲求个性化。

    The entire approach was scientific and customised.

  19. 讲求行动的人不以空谈为满足。

    A man of action is not content to talk.

  20. 我想你也是讲求众生平等,侦探。

    I thought you might be one as well, detective.

  21. 跳舞讲求的就是停止思考,完全放开。

    The whole point about dancing is to stop thinking and lose all your inhibitions.

  22. 他为人和做官都不拘小节,讲求实效。

    He did not bother about amall matters in personal behaviour and in being an official.

  23. 温斯顿这个人最不讲求社会等级。

    Winston was a very classless person.

  24. 而数学,最终,就是那讲求规律的学说。

    and mathematics is, ultimately, all about the study of patterns.

  25. 二是讲究品牌。三是讲求含而不露。

    secondly, they are dainty about the brand and thirdly they are dainty about the implicit quality.

  26. 专业训练使我懂得看问题要讲求逻辑。

    My professional training has taught me to look at things logically.

  27. 她非常讲求礼节,所以你最好问她的意见。

    She's a real stickler for etiquette, so you'd better ask her advice.

  28. 我丈夫是个非常讲求理性的人,她说。

    My husband is a perfectly rational being, she said.

  29. 今日我们太讲求 所有事情的正义和公平

    Because the emphasis nowadays is so much on the justice of everything.

  30. 浙江精神中,讲求实效是价值的直接目标。

    In Zhejiang spirit, stressing real results is a direct target of a worth.


  1. 问:讲求拼音怎么拼?讲求的读音是什么?讲求翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讲求的读音是jiǎngqiú,讲求翻译成英文是 be particular about; pay attention to

  2. 问:讲求虚礼拼音怎么拼?讲求虚礼的读音是什么?讲求虚礼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讲求虚礼的读音是,讲求虚礼翻译成英文是 formality

  3. 问:讲求实际的人拼音怎么拼?讲求实际的人的读音是什么?讲求实际的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讲求实际的人的读音是,讲求实际的人翻译成英文是 hardhead



词目:讲求 拼音:jiǎng qiú 词性:动词 释义:讲究;追求 示例: 讲求效率。
