




1. 正 [zhèng]2. 正 [zhēng]正 [zhèng]不偏斜,与“歪”相对:~午。~中(zhōng )。~襟危坐。合于法则的:~当(dāng)。~派。~楷。~规。~大光明。~言厉色。拨乱反~。合于道理的:~道。~确。~义。~气。……



汉语拼音:gāi zhèng






  1. 值班。

    明 刘若愚 《酌中志·内臣职掌纪略》:“第一员监官,提督 皇史宬 ,并新房候转提督,俱轮流该正,在廊下家宿。”



  1. In this example, a red square will appear and expand to 200 by 200 pixels over the course of one second.


  1. 不明飞行物降落时,这个男该正走在大街上。

    The boy was wlking down the street when the UFO landed.

  2. 真若国际局势继绝好化,守打打算该该正在十两月执止。

    If the international situation continued to intensify, the attack plan called for execution in December.

  3. 睡过尾并没有是放学迟到得正该来由。

    Oversleeping is not a valid excuse for being late for school.

  4. 睡过尾并没有是放学迟到的正该来由。

    Oversleeping is not a valid excuse for being late for school.

  5. 该团正接受检阅。

    The regiment is on parade.

  6. 该合同正考虑续订。

    The contract is up for renewal.

  7. 该法案正在审理中。

    The bill is now under discussion

  8. 该船正在接近港口。

    The ship was drawing near the harbor.

  9. 该公司正几近破产。

    The company was drifting towards bankruptcy.

  10. 该公司正几近破产。

    The company was drifting towards bankruptcy.

  11. 该内阁正准备认输。

    The ministry is about to haul up the white flag.

  12. 最后一桩倒不失为好现象,战时人口正该补充。

    Since the wartime population needed replenishment, pregnancies were a good sign.

  13. 该船正满帆而行。

    The ship was in full sail.

  14. 该政党正逐步脱离群众。

    The party is losing contact with the grass roots.

  15. 该公司正在抵制合并出价。

    The company is resisting the takeover bid.

  16. 该公司正将产品半价出售。

    The company is halving its prices.

  17. 该公司正计划申请人类实验。

    The company is planning apply for approval to perform human trials.

  18. 该家庭正处于七日服丧期。

    The family is sitting shiva.

  19. 该公司正在重新制定其折扣结构。

    The company is reorganizing its discount structure.

  20. 该公司正在国家得南部开采煤矿。

    The company is mining coal in the south of country.

  21. 该公司正在国家的南部开采煤矿。

    The company is mining coal in the south of country.

  22. 目前该报告正在最后定稿过程中。

    That report is now in the process of being finalized.

  23. 该公司正着手准备进入韩国市场。

    The company is making ready to enter the Korean market.

  24. 该公司正由新的管理人员领导。

    The business is under new management.

  25. 该教授正进行高深得学术研究。

    The professor is engaged in advanced studies.

  26. 该政府正致力于清除其自身的积弊。

    The government is cleansing its own Augeon stables.

  27. 该业主正试图提高这块地的价值。

    The proprietor is trying to improve the land.

  28. 他警告说该行动正对经济造成破坏。

    He warned that the action was damaging the economy.

  29. 该民族正从肉体上和精神上毁灭自己。

    The nation is ruining itself physically and morally.

  30. 该设备正在使用不支持得数据传输率。

    The device is using an unsupported data transfer rate.