


物体的周围部分,外缘:~缘。~沿。国家或地区交界处:~疆。~界。~防。~境。~陲(边境)。几何学上指夹成角或围成多角形的直线:等~三角形。旁侧,近旁:身~。~锋。方面:~干(gàn )~学。表示方位:上~。外~。姓。……





汉语拼音:biān lóu






  1. 指边关的城楼。

    清 吴兆骞 《出关》诗:“边楼回首削嶙峋,篳篥喧喧驛骑尘。”



  1. This is online map of the address "Chao Lian Zhen Lu Bian Lou Qian Zhi Jie , Pengjiang District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China" .


  2. the Putting a Question to the Spring Pavilion the Spring of Flying Snow the Gully the Side Tower the Make-up Autumn Gallery


  1. 我请她离开楼边走到里面来,到我怀里来。

    I asked her to come in off the ledge and into my arms.

  2. 我边上楼边狠狠地骂,流年不利,碰上一对神经病。

    I went upstairs and chewed, an unlucky year, touch on a pair of neuropathy.

  3. 我听到她边唱歌边跑上楼。

    I heard her singing as she ran upstairs.

  4. 你可以听到她边唱边跑上楼。

    One could hear her sinning as she ran upstairs.

  5. 这位年轻的妇女坐在位于夹层楼的桌子边。

    A young woman was sitting at a desk on the mezzanine floor.

  6. 拳头打, 打拳头, 两人打垮车边楼。

    Fist is hit, make fist, building of edge of car of two people crumple up.

  7. 她边往阁楼走边读。

    Lets call this whole loft a noble experiment.

  8. 三楼的童装部在自动扶梯右手边。

    You can childen's wear on the third floor right next to the escalators.

  9. 是的,你可以在你的左手边看见一栋很高的楼。

    Yeah! You can see a tall building on your left side.

  10. 向右转后爬楼梯上二楼,办公室就在你右手边。

    Make a right and take stairs to the second floor. The office is on your right.

  11. 他肯定住在一间小阁楼里,边画画边啃干面包,同时还想着玛莎小姐饼屋里的种种美味。

    No doubt he lived in a garret, where he painted pictures and ate stale bread and thought of the good things to eat in Miss Martha's bakery.

  12. 放在楼外边

    outside the building.

  13. 桥楼甲板边板

    bridge deck stringer.

  14. 教学楼八边形教室的设计

    The Design of Octagonal Classrooms in a Teaching Building

  15. 再往前一步, 跨出楼边。

    Then take one more step, over the edge.

  16. 与边靖楼遥相对峙, 竞相争高。

    Jing floor with the edge distance of confrontation, competing high.

  17. 某住宅楼基础及边坡支护结构设计

    Design of foundation and slope fender piles for a home

  18. 站在13楼楼顶得边檐上, 得儿意地笑。

    Standing on the edge of the top of a building, 13th floor.

  19. 一个地球形状的东西在我们楼的边上闪耀。

    An earth shape shone over the side of my building.

  20. 我们能从楼梯脚边望到阁楼的内部。

    We could see up into the loft from bottom of the stairs.

  21. 我们能从楼梯脚边望到阁楼得内部。

    We could see up into the loft from bottom of the stairs.

  22. 站在13楼楼顶的边檐上,得儿意地笑。

    Standing on the edge of the top of a building, 13th floor.

  23. 我们能从楼梯脚边仰望到阁楼的内部。

    We could see up into the loft from the bottom of the stairs.

  24. 我们能从楼梯脚边仰望到阁楼得内部。

    We could see up into the loft from the bottom of the stairs.

  25. 自从地震起他派人在楼边听生命迹象。

    He had stationed people at the building since the quake, listening for signs of life.

  26. 他阿爸拉我在自家的吊脚楼前边聊边喝茶。

    And that, his father and I sat by the side of his private Diaojiao house and chatted over tea.

  27. 转头看了眼唐晚楼,嘴角边的笑意又回来了。

    Turned a head apt see eye Tang Wan Lou, the corner of jaws smiling of side mind came behind afresh.

  28. 锚喷技术在人民医院附属楼基坑边坡支护中的应用

    Application of anchor spray technique to slope support of pit for building construction of Hospital of people

  29. 别动队当晚的战地指挥部就设在城边的一座空楼里。

    The team's field headquarters that night would be an empty building on the very edge of town.

  30. 后桅桅楼上下桅连接索显示了帆上的卷帆带, 缝边, 和点。

    Mizen TopMast Shroud Shows the reef band, cringles, and points on the sails.