


1. 论 [lùn]2. 论 [lún]论 [lùn]分析判断事物的道理:~断。~点。~辩。~据。~者。议~。讨~。辩~。分析阐明事物道理的文章、理论和言论:理~。舆~。专~。社~。学说,有系统的主张:系统~。看待:一概而~。衡量,评定:~……


长形的东西从中间分开:~裂。~层。~面。截~。~肠。~魂。~线风筝。不继续,禁绝:~粮。~水。~炊。~奶。~档。~流。~种(zhóng )。~交。~片。~续。~子绝孙。判定,决定:判~。诊~。~狱(审理和判决罪案)。一定,绝对:~乎不可。~……



汉语拼音:lùn duàn










  1. 推论判断。

    明 唐顺之 《万古斋公传》:“然至疑难处,輒掩卷自思,及有所得,多出儒先论断之外。” 清 顾炎武 《日知录·史记于序事中寓论断》:“古人作史,有不待论断,而于序事之中,即见其指者,惟 太史公 能之。” 阿英 《关于<中国小说史略>》:“在研究过程中,怎样探索倾向影响,阐明艺术特征,然后自抒卓见,作出合理的分析论断。”

  2. 指论证断定。

    杨伯峻 《<春秋左传注>前言》:“论断《左传》成书年代,首先要引 崔述 《洙泗考信録餘録》。”

  3. 判决罪案。




  1. It was that anyone noticed, for Mr Buffett's assertion that the rich should pay more is hardly as bold as it seems.


  2. That, at least, is the case convincingly put forward at a website devoted to the history of the bank of San Giorgio.


  3. This statement is crucial; the model is not the system itself but a formalized representation of the system.


  4. Without a spirit of open-minded inquiry it is all too easy to make the wrong judgement as an outsider.


  5. Keep him in that state of mind as long as you can.


  6. So that would not, at first sight, seem to suggest that oil money has been driving bond yields up and down.


  7. Miss Tox looked as if she saw no way out of such a cogent argument as that, at all.


  8. If Hudson's or another team were to reel in axions, the announcement that they are the dark matter particle would not immediately follow.


  9. The argument would be more persuasive if the populism of the book didn't scatter about accusations that seem to have little to back them up.


  1. 肯定句, 论断句

    an assertive sentence

  2. 靠不住的论断

    a precarious assertion

  3. 这个论断十分精辟。

    This is a brilliant exposition.

  4. 抛开过去的论断

    Moving beyond past conclusions.

  5. 权威论断不妨存疑

    Some Questions to the Thesis made by the Authoritative Person

  6. 你怎么理解这个论断?

    What do you understand by this assertion?

  7. 因此这个论断是错的。

    So this statement is wrong.

  8. 但这些论断是错误的。

    Well, the assumptions are wrong.

  9. 你们不要论断人, 就不被论断。

    Judge not or you will be judged.

  10. 这是一个惊人的论断。

    Now, that's a stunning claim.

  11. 我们不应论断他人罗马书14

    We are not to judge others Rom 14.

  12. 这个论断当然是无法证实的。

    This thesis is unprovable, of course.

  13. 精明的人、精辟的论断、英明的决定。

    A sagacious person, remark, decision.

  14. 这似乎是一个奇怪的论断。

    That might seem a strange judgment.

  15. 不要说这种话,不要妄下论断。

    Don't say that. Don't you dare judge her.

  16. 他没有丝毫证据证明这个论断。

    He has not a vestige of evidence for this assertion.

  17. 他解释了这一论断的意义

    He puzzled out the significance of the statement.

  18. 不要论断, 否则你也会被人论断。

    Judge not or you will be judged.

  19. 在他的论断中有两个论点。

    There are two planks to his argument.

  20. 他也必须容忍无畏武侠的论断。

    He had to endure snide remarks by the Furious Five.

  21. 我们可以确证他的论断是错误的。

    We can prove conclusively that his assertion is wrong.

  22. 人若批评弟兄, 论断弟兄, 就是批评律法, 论断律法。

    Anyone who against his brother or judges against the law and judges it.

  23. 否认被告对原告的某个论断的反对

    The opposing by a defendant of an allegation of the plaintiff.

  24. 我证明了与他论断相反的观点。

    I proved the contrary of his statement.

  25. 我证明了与他论断相反的观点。

    I proved the contrary of his statement.

  26. 公义是一种论断,而不是一种实体。

    Righteousness is a verdict, not a substance.

  27. 某些民主党人也赞同这一论断。

    Some Democrats concur with this assessment.

  28. 我只是在按论断的方式叙述事实。

    I have merely stated facts in a dogmatic way.

  29. 论断分明, 又不失诗人奔驰的想象。

    Judge, and do not break poet's imagination.

  30. 论断分明,又不失诗人奔驰得想象。

    Judge, and do not break poet's imagination.


  1. 问:论断拼音怎么拼?论断的读音是什么?论断翻译成英文是什么?

    答:论断的读音是lùnduàn,论断翻译成英文是 thesis