







汉语拼音:shǒu jiè






  1. 第一次;第一期。

    《新华日报》1992.8.10:“ 深圳市 8日举行首届高新科技成果拍卖会。”



  1. The inaugural project was an architecturally based installation in 1998 by an Austrian artist collective, Gelatin.


  2. "It's my first official competition with Brazil and I can't wait for it, " he said.


  3. The first tennis championship in England took place in 1877 sponsored by the All England Croquet Club at a little place called Wimbledon.


  4. A year after that, Libyans should hold their first multiparty elections for a proper parliament.


  5. Figure skating was one of the events at the very first Winter Olympics in 1924.


  6. Add in a couple of fringe Islamist parties and you could be looking at an Islamist majority in Egypt's first parliament.


  7. Recently, Stefanie was awarded the " China trade award" for her great contribution to both China and Singapore.


  8. None of that, however, appears to have dampened enthusiasm among STL aspirants , some 200 of whom applied for 57 slots in the first class.


  9. I will always treasure traveling to Australia with him for the first CAZAB conference in 1967.


  1. 广州首届房地产博览会

    The First Guangzhou Real Estate Expo

  2. 对话首届厨卫论坛

    Exchanges in the First Forum on Kitchen and Bathroom

  3. 首届中韩围棋对抗赛

    First China And Korea Go Competition

  4. 首届世界汉语大会闭幕

    The First World Chinese Meeting lowers the curtain

  5. 南非首届雷鬼音乐节

    First Reggae Festival In South Africa

  6. 全国首届民间吹歌比赛

    Nationwide folk wind instruments contest

  7. 首届禁烟奥运会是哪届?

    Is Olympiad banning opium session a session ?

  8. 首届复杂冠脉介入论坛

    The First Complex Coronary Revascularization Forum

  9. 吉林首届油画展一等奖

    First place in the First Oil Paintings Exhibition in Jilin

  10. 在首届长江论坛上的致辞

    The Speech at the First Yangtze River Forum

  11. 图为首届论坛部长级会议。

    The picture above shows the First Ministerial Conference of the Forum.

  12. 我军招收首届审计学博士生

    PLA recruits doctorial students majoring in audit for the first time

  13. 是吗这是首届世界休博会,是吗

    Really Its the first World Leisure Expo, isnt it.

  14. 厦门队夺冠首届国际风筝赛

    Xiamen Team tops World Kite Tournament

  15. 全军首届维和工作会议闭幕

    First PLA peacekeeping work conference concluded

  16. 首届国际大学生电影节邀请函

    Invitation from the First International Movie Festival of University Students

  17. 英国伦敦举办了1851首届世博会。

    London, England held the first World Expo in1851.

  18. 全国首届青年版画大展铜奖

    The First National Exhibition of Young Printmakers, Bronze medal

  19. 首届成员中只有一位不是牧师。

    All but one of the inaugural members was a minister.

  20. 参加首届国际金融供应链研讨会。

    Golden Cereal attended the first seminar of International financial Supply Chain.

  21. 该委员会将于2003年举行首届会议。

    The Committee will hold its first session in2003.

  22. 上海混凝土行业首届混凝土工艺师结业

    First commencement for concrete technologist in Shanghai concrete industry

  23. 感谢你们支持首届华文小剧场节!

    THANK YOU for supporting our first Chinese Theatre Festival!

  24. 首届世界旅游推广峰会在宁闭幕。

    The first World Tourism Marketing Summit concluded in Nanjing.

  25. 香港首届同性恋大集会场面火爆!

    Big Hong Kong session of homosexuality rallies appearance be irritable!

  26. 首届华人平面设计大赛获奖作品选2。

    The prize selections of the first international Chinese graphic design competition III.

  27. 首届校园文化节打字比赛三等奖。

    First campus culture festival typewriting competition third prize.

  28. 星期三,十月15日,是首届全球洗手日。

    Wednesday,October 15 th,is the first Global Washing Handwashing Day.

  29. 首届暴洪预报工作坊的团体合照

    Group Photo of the First International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting

  30. 首届短毛虎斑猫大赛在京举行

    Match of tabby cats held its first in Beijing.


  1. 问:首届拼音怎么拼?首届的读音是什么?首届翻译成英文是什么?

    答:首届的读音是shǒujiè,首届翻译成英文是 the first session