


1. 雨 [yǔ]2. 雨 [yù]雨 [yǔ]从云层中降落的水滴:~水。~季。雨 [yù]下雨,落下:~雪。……


1. 淋 [lín]2. 淋 [lìn]淋 [lín]〔~漓〕a.沾湿或流滴,如“大汗~~”;b.畅快,如“~~尽致。”浇:~浴。~湿。日晒雨~。淋 [lìn]过滤:过~。一种性病,病原体是淋病球菌。病人尿道红肿溃烂,尿有浓血。通称“淋病”……


1. 淋 [lín]2. 淋 [lìn]淋 [lín]〔~漓〕a.沾湿或流滴,如“大汗~~”;b.畅快,如“~~尽致。”浇:~浴。~湿。日晒雨~。淋 [lìn]过滤:过~。一种性病,病原体是淋病球菌。病人尿道红肿溃烂,尿有浓血。通称“淋病”……



汉语拼音:yǔ lín lín







  1. 大雨滂沱貌。

    元 杨显之 《潇湘雨》第四折:“我只见雨淋淋写出 瀟湘 景,更和这云淡淡粧成水墨天。”

  2. 被雨水淋湿貌。

    陈炎荣 《雨过天晴》:“门一开,随着一阵冷风,二舅雨淋淋的走了进来。”



  1. Yu-Lin Lin is still out of the window, Lei Longlong good a busy summer!


  2. I sat gazing into the watery darkness, alone as usual.


  3. LinLin wringing cloud, the rain clouds


  1. 雨淋保险单

    pluvious policy

  2. 雨淋浇注系统

    Shower gating system

  3. 雨淋淡水损失

    rain and fresh water damage

  4. 让雨淋透了

    Got soaked through in the rain.

  5. 差一点被雨淋

    be all but catch by rain

  6. 雨淋及淡水险

    Risk of rain andor fresh water damage

  7. 你叫雨淋了吗?

    Did you get wet?

  8. 雨淋喷水灭火系统

    deluge sprinkler system

  9. 雨淋在我得被子上。

    It's raining on the quilt.

  10. 雨淋在我的被子上。

    It's raining on the quilt.

  11. 快进来, 别让雨淋著。

    Come in out of the rain.

  12. 他的雨衣被雨淋透。

    His raincoat is soaking wet.

  13. 雨淋得他浑身湿透。

    The rain drenched him through and through.

  14. 雨淋系统布置方式的探讨

    Discussion on layout of deluge system for fire control

  15. 我被雨淋后,衣服变皱。

    My suit became crisp after I was caught in the rain.

  16. 油漆因受雨淋而剥落了。

    The paint came off as the result of exposure to the rain.

  17. 淡水和雨淋损淡水和或雨淋损失

    Fresh andor rain water damage

  18. 她的外套使她免受雨淋之苦。

    Her coat gave her protection from the rain.

  19. 雨淋过以后,我的帽子就变形了。

    My hat was out of shape after the rain.

  20. 他被雨淋得从头顶一直湿到脚底。

    The rain soaked him from head to foot.

  21. 我希望你站在外面没有被雨淋透。

    I hope you didn't get soaked standing out in the rain.

  22. 穿过田野,经过雨淋和日晒,不分昼夜。

    Over field and meadow, in rain and sunshine by night and by day.

  23. 我们挨了雨淋,回家时已浑身湿透。

    We were caught in the rain and came home saturated.

  24. 于干燥处存放,避免雨淋和阳光下曝晒。

    Storage Store in dry indoor area; keep away from rain and sunshine.

  25. 它们保护鸟免受日晒,风吹和雨淋之苦。

    They protect the birds from the sun, wind and water.

  26. 天黑了还下着雨,你会被雨淋而且很疲惫。

    It was come dark and rain, will make you weary and tired.

  27. 轮形铸铁件补缩式雨淋浇注系统的设计

    Design of Shower Gating System with Feeding Ability to Produce Cast Iron Wheel Castings

  28. 为什么还躺在一块被雨淋过的冰冷的胶土上?

    Why would a dog lie in a cold puddle in the freezing rain ?

  29. 货损可能是由于多种原因造成的,雨淋就可能是原因之一。

    The damage may be causes by many factors with rain water being possibly one of them.

  30. 搭设工作棚或设防护罩,防止卷扬机暴晒,雨淋,积水受潮。

    Set the workshop or shelter to protect the hoisting machine from the sun, rain and humidity.