




1. 各 [gè]2. 各 [gě]各 [gè]每个,彼此不同:~别。~得其所。~尽所能。~有千秋。~自为政。各 [gě]〔自~儿(gěr)〕自己,亦作“自个儿”。方言,特别:这个人真~。……


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:rén gè yǒu zhì






  1. "Each to his own, " she said with a shrug, and turned away.


  2. But now many people through various channels to go abroad, do not want to stay at home, afraid, which is barely!


  3. It is the same with our children.


  1. 人各有志,不必强求,对儿女也是如此。

    It is the same with our children.

  2. 笔者调查发现,人各有志,不尽相同。

    The author investigates discovery, the person has keep in mind each, endless and identical.

  3. 你爱干什么就干什么, 人各有志, 不必强求。

    Do whatever you like. Different strokes for different folks.

  4. 人各有志,她边说边耸耸肩,然后转过头去。

    Each to his own, she said with a shrug, and turned away.

  5. 你不要强迫他做他不愿意做的事了, 人各有志嘛。

    Don't force him to do what he is unwilling to do, everyone has his own ambitions.

  6. 你不要强迫他做他不愿意做的事了,人各有志嘛。

    Don't force him to do what he is unwilling to do, everyone has his own ambitions.

  7. 不是所有的花都在一个花圈上。人各有志,切勿强求。

    All flowers are not in one garland.

  8. 人各有志。

    Each has his own ideal.

  9. 人各有别。

    People differ individually.

  10. 人各有价。

    Every man has his price.

  11. 人各有偶。

    Every Jack must have his Jill.

  12. 人各有极限。

    Each man has his limitation.

  13. 人各有所能。

    Each man has his limitation.

  14. 人各有好恶。

    Everyone has his likes and dislikes.

  15. 人各有缘份

    The fortune of each one is predestined.

  16. 人各有其趣。

    Every man thinks his own things best.

  17. 人各有所不能。

    Each man has his limitations.

  18. 人各有他的脾气。

    Every man has his humor.

  19. 人各有优点和缺点。

    Everyone has demerits and merits.

  20. 人各有长处和短处。

    Every man has his strong and weak points.

  21. 人人皆有妻可娶, 人各有偶。

    Every jack has his jill.

  22. 不过每代人各有机遇创造非凡。

    But every generation has a chance at greatness.

  23. 这些选票将决定两位竞选人各赢得多少党代表。

    They will determine the number of delegates each candidate wins.

  24. 正如制作人各不相同,所涵盖的电影风格和范畴也各不相同。

    The style and range of the films included are as various as the filmmakers.

  25. 我们不回家, 直等到以色列人各承受自己得产业。

    We will not return to our homes until every Israelite has received his inheritance.

  26. 我们不回家,直等到以色列人各承受自己的产业。

    We will not return to our homes until every Israelite has received his inheritance.

  27. 在将来,一个人各方面的才能并不是由性别来决定的。

    In the future, a person's abilities may not be determined by sex.

  28. 在美国, 似乎热情支持和强烈反对布什的人各占一半。

    America appears to be evenly split between passionate support for or passionate opposition to Bush.

  29. 她们开始了比赛, 两人各就其位并把织物接到了桁架上。

    They proceed to the contest. Each takes her station and attaches the web to the beam.

  30. 人贵有志,学贵有恒。

    Men should have high aspirations; students should study perseveringly.


  1. 问:人各有志拼音怎么拼?人各有志的读音是什么?人各有志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人各有志的读音是réngèyǒuzhì,人各有志翻译成英文是 Different people have different ambitions and...



注 音:rén gè yǒu zhì 解 释: 谓人各自有不同的志向愿望,不能勉为其难。 出 处: 晋·陈寿《三国志·管宁传》:“太祖曰:'人各有志,出处异趣。'” 示 例: 洞庭君乃击席而歌曰:“大天苍苍兮,大地茫茫。人各有志兮,何可思量?”《柳毅传》 用 法: 主谓式;作分句;含褒义 近义词: 人心如面、出处异趣 反义词: 人同此心、人心所趋