







汉语拼音:gé mó







  1. 人或哺乳动物胸腔和腹腔之间的膜状肌肉。也称横膈膜。

    明 高攀龙 《文学景耀唐公墓志铭》:“吾尝读 旌阳 许仙 书,见其所云中黄者,人身膈膜也,隔下体秽浊之气,不得上薰心府。”

  2. 犹隔膜。情与意不相通或有距离。

    张继煦 《<湖北学生界>叙论》:“且吾有理想欲公之於人,则不得不宣之於言;惟口舌之不能普及也,故以文字代之,然已苦其膈膜矣。吾又从而支离焉,隐晦焉,膈膜不滋甚乎?”



  1. Notice how this pulsating 'bow' of silvery-white and other intertwined colors rains down in a shower of sparkles on your diaphragm.


  2. He heard the firing and as he walked he felt it in the pit of his stomach as though it echoed on his own diaphragm.


  3. At this point the upper stem has lost contact with the diaphragms. The valve should be opened to this point but not back seated.


  4. The diaphragmatic repair should be approached through a laparotomy due to the high incidence of simultaneous intra-abdominal organ injury.


  5. The valve has a threaded leak check port located on the side of the valve. This allows the diaphragms to be leak checked.


  6. Most of the time, it's wind, splinting or pneumonia. Pheumonia's easy to assume, especially if you're too busy to do the tests.


  7. Use your whole body, from the ground up. Push your voice up through your diaphragm, your chest, and your throat, and then out of your mouth.


  8. The trouble is caused by the faulty oesophageal sphincter, the muscular ring at the lower end of the oesophagus, near the diaphragm.


  9. Leaks occurring at the cylinder valve's pressure relief device, diaphragms, or valve to the cylinder connection cannot be repaired.


  1. 横膈膜运动

    diaphragmatic movement.

  2. 由于横膈膜里的胶体

    Her stomach is herniating into her left hemithorax.

  3. 他自横膈膜发出气吹进壳。

    He blew into the shell with air from his diaphragm.

  4. 横膈膜得表面积大约是1平方英寸。

    The diaphragms a surface area of about one square inch.

  5. 横膈膜的表面积大约是1平方英寸。

    The diaphragms a surface area of about one square inch.

  6. 横膈膜痉挛是导致疼痛的原因。

    The pain is caused by a spasm of the diaphragm, the muscle that controls your breathing.

  7. 从胸膈膜处发气吹向唇部。

    Blow air from your diaphragm out through your lips.

  8. 横膈膜向下运动让空气进入肺部。

    The diaphragm draws air into the lungs.

  9. 职业歌手学习如何用横膈膜控制气息。

    Professional singers learn how to control their breathing using the diaphragm.

  10. 推荐的调整器是带有不锈钢横膈膜的横膈膜调整器。

    The recommended regulators are diaphragm regulators with steel diaphragms.

  11. 推荐得调整器是带有不锈钢横膈膜得横膈膜调整器。

    The recommended regulators are diaphragm regulators with steel diaphragms.

  12. 横膈膜中心也正是立刻放进这地方。

    The diaphragm center is also being set into place right now.

  13. 这些横膈膜防止了沿着阀杆的泄漏。

    These diaphragms prevent leakage along the valve stem.

  14. 这些横膈膜防止了沿着阀杆得泄漏。

    These diaphragms prevent leakage along the valve stem.

  15. 只能使用无衬垫膈膜阀或波纹管阀。

    Only valves such as pack less diaphragm or bellows type should be used.

  16. 让腹部脏器从骨盆中松解向横膈膜方向。

    Allow the organs to tumble down out of the pelvis towards the diaphragm.

  17. 在此时, 上阀杆已经失去了同横膈膜的接触。

    At this point the upper stem has lost contact with the diaphragms.

  18. 上阀杆通过丝口旋在横膈膜止动螺母里。

    The upper stem is threaded into the diaphragm retainer nut.

  19. 打嗝是由膈膜神经不自主的搏动引发的膈膜抽搐造成的。

    Hiccups are triggered by uncontrolled impulses of the phrenic nerve which lead the diaphragm to spasm.

  20. 如果你的呼吸失去控制或者不够规律, 横膈膜就要抱怨了。

    If your breathing isn't controlled and disciplined, the diaphragm may be complaining.

  21. 接下来让我们聚焦在一个新的脉轮部位,它位于横膈膜之上。

    Let us next focus on a new chakra region, which sits over the diaphragm.



膈膜 : ɡé mó 1.人或哺乳动物胸腔和腹腔之间的膜状肌肉。也称横膈膜。 2.犹隔膜。情与意不相通或有距离。 3.中间存在一层东西。通常说这个人与那个人之间有隔膜,意思是这两个有矛盾,不合。