







汉语拼音:yǐ hòu









  1. Known as the "republic of" the firstborn already moved to the fourth group, faw group "of" unbearable.


  2. When she was soundly asleep, Er Dan took his ghost judge friend to their bedroom.


  3. That good, this is later on my address, go to Kunming to stand, you directly come to my house.


  1. 棒球,蝙蝠是由他支配和外衣,货架已后备箱里。

    Baseball bats were the roost, and a coat rack was the trunk.

  2. 他长途旅行后已回来。

    He has just got back from his long journey.

  3. 文件自上次备份后已更改。

    File has changed since last backup.

  4. 我父亲手术后已完全康复了。

    My father has made a full recovery from the operation.

  5. 地毯用过多年后已变色了。

    The carpet had discoloured over the years.

  6. 这些衣服洗后已缩了很多。

    There has been much shrinkage of the clothes in the wash.

  7. 焊丝用完后已卷绕起来了。

    The tin wire was spooled after it was used.

  8. 经修正后已通过全体委员会审议阶段。

    Had passed through Committee with amendments.

  9. 音响效果经预录后已加入对话中。

    The sound effects had been pre recorded and were added to the dialogue.

  10. 文件自上次复制站点后已被添加。

    The file has been added since the last time the site was copied.

  11. 音响效果经预录后已加入到对话中。

    The sound effects had been prerecorded and were added to the dialogue.

  12. 这尊铜像在遭到破坏后已被收藏起来。

    The statue is now in storage after its bronze weapons were vandalized.

  13. 文件自上次复制站点后已被移除。

    The file has been removed since the last time the site was copied.

  14. 他离开大学后已有两个月没有工作了。

    He was unemployed for two months after leaving college.

  15. 火灾后已修复高强混凝土结构的地震反应分析

    Experimental research on the mechanical properties of confined HSC after high temperatures

  16. 林肯伊科六号在发现被污染后已被隔离。

    Lincoln Six Echo remains in quarantine after contamination exposure.

  17. 该项目建立后已组建了三支新的昆曲剧团。

    Three new troupes have been formed in the wake of the revival.

  18. 台军方获悉后已依规将这名少校移送法办。

    The Taiwan military learned, transferred accordingthe gauge this major according to law.

  19. 整料集已更后呼叫。

    Called after the entire recordset has changed.

  20. 当一个产品升级后已有的产品被移除和替换。

    When a product is upgraded, the existing product is removed and replaced.

  21. 我醒来后已置身在一个鸟笼中了, 蕴就在我旁边。

    I woke up in a cage after the exposure, and Yun is on my side.

  22. 亲爱的买家,物品截标后已4天,我尚未收到款项。

    Dear buyer, it has been 4 days since the auction ended and I still have not receive the payment.

  23. 自文件打开后已修改, 但未保存到磁盘得代码行。

    Lines of code that have been modified since the file was opened but are not saved to disk.

  24. 自文件打开后已修改,但未保存到磁盘的代码行。

    Lines of code that have been modified since the file was opened but are not saved to disk.

  25. 议会在夏季休会后已复会, 它决心增强其效率和效益。

    The Assembly returned from its summer recess determined to increase its efficiency and effectiveness.

  26. 该汇票经提出后已获承兑,以便清偿对你方的欠款。

    The draft,which was just present,has been accepted in order to discharge the balance in your favour.

  27. 弗利在性暗示邮件和短信被曝光后已于星期五辞职。

    Foley quit Congress Friday after the disclosures of the sexually suggestive emails and instant messages.

  28. 现金每股盈利营运现金流除以摊薄后已发行股份。

    Cash EPS A ratio derived from operating cash flow divided by diluted shares outstanding.

  29. 上海南浦大桥浦东段伸缩缝使用多年后已严重损坏。

    The expansion joint of Pudong section of Shanghai Nanpu Bridge has been damaged deeply after many years.

  30. 该汇票经提出后已获承兑,以便请偿对你方的欠款。

    The draft,which has just been presented,has been accepted in order to discharge the balance in your favour.



【词目 】已后


【 英文】〖after;later〗同“以后” 解释 已后典籍。——宋·沈括《梦溪笔谈·活板》