


1. 奔 [bēn]2. 奔 [bèn]奔 [bēn]急走,跑:~跑。~驰。~突(横冲直撞;奔驰)。~流。~腾。~忙。~波(劳苦奔走)。~放(疾驰。喻气势雄伟,不受拘束)。私~(女子私自投奔所爱的人,或跟他一起逃走)。奔 [bèn]直往,趋……





汉语拼音:bēn bō








  1. 奔腾的波涛。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·正郭》:“况可冒衝风而乘奔波乎?” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·渐江水》:“濬流惊急,奔波聒天。” 唐 元稹 《楚歌》之九:“ 三峡 连天水,奔波万里来。”

  2. 忙碌奔走。

    汉 仲长统 《昌言·杂篇》:“救患赴急,跋涉奔波者,忧乐之尽也。” 唐 王建 《行见月》诗:“不缘衣食相驱遣,此身谁愿长奔波。”如:因为工作需要,他常年在外奔波。



  1. In fact, volunteers have little idea how much their painstaking efforts over the last decade have touched Gansu's people.


  2. In 1931 all the long voyages ended for him in a hobo jungle.


  3. She had lost weight on her travels, and he didn't think she looked better than before.


  4. Moving into a ritzy neighborhood would be even more harmful to your happiness if it means a longer commute.


  5. And without even a bit of experience or medical background, he went around trying to find people with medical background and experience.


  6. People will move around to do different jobs, rather than moving up in the company as before.


  7. Small the Everyman that pays a system to be able to let these rush about for domestic bread, gain income through citizen reporter behavior.


  8. But this was no dream, and, unlike the nightmare, I wasn't running for my life; I was racing to save something infinitely more precious.


  9. One of the most frustrating paradigms in the modern workplace is that "staying busy" is often substituted for "staying efficient. "


  1. 我疲于奔波。

    I am tired with running about.

  2. 常年的四处奔波

    I had been traveling to one country after another.

  3. 妈妈被迫整天奔波。

    Mum has to been on the go all the time.

  4. 人人永远都在忙碌奔波。

    Everyone has always been busy.

  5. 他在到处奔波寻找工作。

    He is going around looking for work.

  6. 他们经常看见我四处奔波。

    They often saw me out and about.

  7. 她一直奔波于世界各地。

    Shes been traipsing back and forth across the world.

  8. 我只是太劳于奔波了。

    I'm just so tired of running.

  9. 大家好像都在拼命奔波。

    Everybody seemed to be rushing around looking straight ahead.

  10. 我已经连续奔波两天了

    I've been traveling for two days.

  11. 我受够了各种四处奔波了

    I'm sick of all this schlepping.

  12. 我奔波了一整天找工作。

    I chased around all day looking for a job.

  13. 我在这里与那里来回奔波。

    I'm staying here and there.

  14. 奔波追逐你是多么的乏味

    How boring to run around chasing you.

  15. 你认为我们在徒劳的奔波?

    Do you think were on a fools errand

  16. 他曾被放逐,四处奔波,穷苦。

    He had been proscribed, a wanderer, poor.

  17. 他为了每日的口粮而奔波。

    He works for daily sustenance.

  18. 奔波于曲棍球,橄榄球和足球之间。

    He went from hockey to soccer to football.

  19. 然后,继续为了生活而奔波劳碌

    Now you go back to raising kids and waging peace and craving candy.

  20. 人到晚年仍然奔波劳累, 牵肠挂肚。

    Life in old age continues to be work and worry.

  21. 一些人在为避免战争而奔波。

    Some men would do anything to get out of the war.

  22. 终年四处奔波 一直要小心翼翼的。

    Running all these years, Always looking over your shoulder.

  23. 史密电斯先生到处奔波找工作。

    Mr. Smith is going around looking for work.

  24. 为了生计, 他不得不经常在外奔波。

    In order to make a living, he had to go from place to place hunting for jobs.

  25. 政治家们将在欧洲大陆上来往奔波。

    Statesmen will crisscross the Continent.

  26. 他们河曲回奔波在一系列的曲线。

    They meander back and forth in a series of curves.

  27. 她为一家国际旅行社四处奔波。

    She gets around quite a lot, working for an international travel agency.

  28. 你到处奔波,艰苦求索,不满于现状。

    You everywhere rush about, difficult seeking, discontentedly in present situation.

  29. 让他去追求和平并为和平而奔波吧。

    Let him seek peace and ensue it!

  30. 我不喜欢这种奔波生活,我想定居下来。

    I hate all the travel. I want to settle down.


  1. 问:奔波拼音怎么拼?奔波的读音是什么?奔波翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奔波的读音是bēnbō,奔波翻译成英文是 dash around



拼音:bēn bō 释义:①辛苦,忙忙碌碌地往来奔走。 ②奔腾的波涛。 例句:①王先生奔波一世。 ②奔波聒天。——《水经注·渐江水》

近义词:①奔走:跑,为一定目的而到处活动。 ②奔忙:奔走操劳。

反义词: 闲适:清静,空闲,安逸 区别:“奔波”既是劳碌奔走,又是历尽波折。 “奔走”是为办成某事各处活动。 “奔忙”是重在因事情繁忙、任务紧迫而东奔西跑。