







汉语拼音:xián shì








  1. 亦作“间适”。亦作“闲适”。妾代嫡妻之意。

    《汉书·杜钦传》:“以改前之容侍於未衰之年,而不以礼为制,则其原不可救而后徠异态;后徠异态,则正后自疑而支庶有间适之心。” 颜师古 注:“间,代也,音居莧反。适读曰嫡。”

  2. 亦作“间适”。亦作“闲适”。清闲安逸;优游自在。

    唐 白居易 《与元九书》:“至於‘讽諭’者,意激而言质;‘闲适’者,思澹而词迂:以质合迂,宜人之不爱也。” 宋 苏轼 《与监丞事书》:“君自名臣子,才美渐著,岂復久浮沉里中,宜及今为乐。异时一为世故所縻,求此閒适,岂可復得耶?” 清 宣鼎 《夜雨秋灯录续集·石郎蓑笠墓》:“时以短笛自娱,意亦閒适。” 郁达夫 《一个人在途上》:“这一年的暑假,总算过得最快乐,最闲适。”



  1. The bulls have began to close, some play played some lazy, leisurely down, some of your head up, the wind took them to a distant Shen huan.


  2. I love to live a relaxed and leisurely life. I don't like a tight schedule. I don't like an elaborately arranged program.


  3. When the last shopper had gone, late on Christmas Eve, Peter was glad. It was all over for another year.


  4. At least once or twice, you should experience a sense of restfulness as you do this.


  5. The intense competition of the gadget world makes that sort of leisurely pace unthinkable.


  6. A woman with born beauty lived comfortably in a small town. She had a husband of nobody.


  7. Both Kian and I could have enjoyed comfortable lives as academics in the west, but instead we both decided to return to our roots.


  8. Lately, Chan has settled into a more modest double life: making broad action comedies on both sides of the Pacific.


  9. He was the bard of the farmers and workers of New England and his quiet verse mirrored the staid New Hampshire countryside .


  1. 忧患的闲适

    Crisis Leisure.

  2. 戊 闲适笔调

    The Familiar Style.

  3. 闲适性散文

    leisurely prose

  4. 喜欢静谧闲适的美。

    Enjoy beautiful with quiet and leisure.

  5. 闲适的家庭生活景象。

    a scene of cosy domesticity

  6. 气氛闲适幽雅的旅馆

    a hotel with a restful atmosphere

  7. 闲适的精义就是自由。

    The essence of leisure is freedom.

  8. 过着优裕闲适的生活

    Lead a life of elegant ease

  9. 约翰过着闲适的生活。

    John lives a life of ease and idleness.

  10. 狂放之性与闲适之趣

    Unrestrained Disposition and Leisurely Delight

  11. 说流利英语,品闲适人生!

    Easy English Easy Say, Easy Life Easy Day!

  12. 闲适得家庭生活景象。

    a scene of cosy domesticity

  13. 闲适始于一只松鼠。

    Leisure started from a squirrel.

  14. 只为营造一方闲适的意境。

    But merely to elaborate a leisurable land.

  15. 不安于闲适生活。冒险中体味快乐。

    Never be satisfied current idle life and enjoy the happiness coming from adventures.

  16. 闲适沉静,很少说话,不贪图荣华富贵。

    Leisurely, quiet and rarely speak, not just for the sake of high position and great wealth.

  17. 茂密的绿叶呈现出一派闲适宁静的景象。

    Dense green foliage affords a restful sight.

  18. 这首诗写出了诗人闲适的心情。

    This poem expresses the leisurely and comfortable mood of the poet.

  19. 大雁整齐地飞过, 匆忙而又闲适。

    Wild gooses wing regularly, haste and idle.

  20. 因为闲适地生活节奏而心醉身迷。

    Swooning for the leisurely rhythm of life.

  21. 茂密得绿叶呈现出一派闲适宁静得景象。

    Dense green foliage affords a restful sight.

  22. 这首诗写出了诗人闲适得心情。

    This poem expresses the leisurely and comfortable mood of the poet.

  23. 明年他父亲就要退休而过闲适的生活了。

    Next year his father will retire and take things easy.

  24. 闲适自在的人,最善于处理人生的惊变。

    The carefree are apt to handle the unexpected.

  25. 因为有了这个放松,所以有一种闲适感。

    Because of the relaxation, one gets a kind of comfortable feeling.

  26. 它将带给我们宁静的闲适和甜美的梦境

    The males defend their bower against opportunistic thieves and wait for females to inspect their creations.

  27. 林语堂小品文创作中幽默、闲适、悲愤的情愫

    Sincere Feelings of Humor, Idleness and Resentful Lament in the Writing of Essays by Lin Yutang

  28. 他们大多是在晚上尽情享受这种闲适的生活。

    Night time is when the people of Barcelona most participate in the city's leisure activities.

  29. 在海滨, 你可以选择尽情玩乐, 也可以选择慵懒闲适。

    At the waterfront, you can choose to enjoy fun, can also choose to lounge leisurely.

  30. 心情闲适的巴丝谢芭百无聊赖地靠在帆布上。

    Bathsheba, being in a negligent mood, leant so idly against the canvas.


  1. 问:闲适拼音怎么拼?闲适的读音是什么?闲适翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闲适的读音是xiánshì,闲适翻译成英文是 Leisurely and comfortable.



基本信息 词目:闲适

拼音:xián shì 基本解释 [leisurely and comfortable] 清闲安适