







汉语拼音:suǒ xìng








  1. 亦作“ 索兴 ”。干脆;直截了当。

    宋 朱熹 《与魏元履书》:“ 熹 看得今日之事,只是士大夫不肯索性尽底裡説话,不可专咎人主。”《西游记》第十七回:“拖将过来看处,却是一条白花蛇怪。索性提起来,捽做五七断。” 清 陈维崧 《菩萨蛮·云臣招看牡丹以雨未赴》词:“留花花不可,索性将花躲。”《儿女英雄传》第五回:“偏偏那女子又是有意而来,彼此阴错阳差,你越防他,他越近你,防着防着,索兴防到自己屋里来了。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致郑振铎》:“那么,《老莲集》索兴在 北平 印,怎样呢?” 巴金 《中国人》:“索性摆出自己的观点,看谁能说服别人。”

  2. 痛快。

    《朱子语类》卷四十:“ 曾点 言志,当时夫子只是见他説几句索性话,令人快意,所以与之。” 元 李文蔚 《燕青博鱼》第三折:“满鼻凹清风,拍胸膛爽气。落的这彻骨毛索性。”



  1. As if to forestall any more questions, he began to jog through the sand.


  2. To him, home was just like a hell. So he began to play truant and then at last he left his home.


  3. Simply pick up the volume on their hands Kujiao I walked up and down in a stream, flow through the father's toes, He He.


  4. I figured sooner or later they were going to holler for me to come help clean it up anyway, so I left my books and went downstairs.


  5. normal, 5 times last time I changed all pass, the content does not violate the rules to ask, do not simply give the final answer.


  6. You know these all have nothing to do with you simply.


  7. Apparently reckoning he would be unable to beat his Shia rivals, he decided to join them.


  8. After a while, I'd just ask Bill to turn off the lights and lock up when he was through.


  9. With all this ambiguity, you may be thinking it's safer just to avoid colour, but that's not the case.


  1. 索性骨髓病

    funicular myelosis.

  2. 纤维索性支气管炎

    COPD fibrinopuralent bronchitis

  3. 索性细胞性细胞群

    funicular cellular cell

  4. 所有我索性不去了。

    So I just quit going.

  5. 我索性撇开你的问题。

    I just disregard your questions.

  6. 我索性撇开你得问题。

    I just disregard your questions .

  7. 你索性就坦白交代吧?

    Now how about you start telling me the truth?

  8. 你索性就坦白交代吧?

    Now how about you start telling me the truth?

  9. 我们索性搞一幅你的

    Maybe we'll just do a big blow up.

  10. 慢性运动轴索性神经病

    Chronic motor axonal neuropathy

  11. 没有约请我, 我很不利落索性。

    I'm hurt not to have been invited.

  12. 索性你知道这些都和你无关。

    You know these all have nothing to do with you simply.

  13. 幼儿神经轴索性营养不良

    infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy

  14. 那为什么不索性戴上它呢?

    Why don't you just go ahead and wear this?

  15. 那为什么不索性戴上它呢?

    Why don't you just go ahead and wear this?

  16. 我索性对他大发了一通脾气。

    I simply blew up at him.

  17. 她一生气索性撕破面子了。

    As she got into a temper, she simply cast aside all considerations of face.

  18. 索性的是一艘帆船发现了我

    and was picked up by a brig.

  19. 既然你已经来了, 你可以索性留下来。

    Now that you have come, you may as well stay.

  20. 一不做二不休, 要干索性大干。

    As well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.

  21. 既然这样!索性把所有东西都毁了!

    So be it! Let everything be destroyed!

  22. 咱们今天索性打开天窗说亮话,嗯?

    Let's just get this all out in the open today, hmm?

  23. 他决定索性将全部情况都告诉老人。

    He decided that he might as well inform the old man completely.

  24. 既然已经帮助他了, 就索性帮到底。

    Since we've already helped him out, we might as well help until the job is done.

  25. 既然已经帮助他了,就索性帮到底。

    Since we've already helped him out, we might as well help until the job is done.

  26. 既然已经骂开了,他索性也不道歉。

    Since he had made the blasphemy he did not apologize.

  27. 我索性告诉你吧, 州长, 你总吓不倒我。

    I might as well tell you, governer, that you can't shout me down.

  28. 那我索性把这个鬼东西送给他吧!

    I will take him the devilish thing!

  29. 大多数政府肯定会索性对那个问题视而不见。

    Most governments must simply be shutting their eyes to the problem.

  30. 于是于是,更多的人索性哑口无言,沉默是金。

    And then, more people simply speechless, silence is gold.


  1. 问:索性拼音怎么拼?索性的读音是什么?索性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:索性的读音是suǒxìng,索性翻译成英文是 might as well



1.亦作“索兴”。干脆;直截了当。 宋 朱熹 《与魏元履书》:“熹看得今日之事,只是士大夫不肯索性尽底里说话,不可专咎人主。”《西游记》第十七回:“拖将过来看处,却是一条白花蛇怪。索性提起来,捽做五七断。” 明 冯梦龙 《喻世明言》第一卷:“到第五日,夫妇两个啼啼哭哭,说了一夜的说话,索性不睡了。”清 陈维崧 《菩萨蛮·云臣招看牡丹以雨未赴》词:“留花花不可,索性将花躲。”《儿女英雄传》第五回:“偏偏那女子又是有意而来,彼此阴错阳差,你越防他,他越近你,防着防着,索兴防到自己屋里来了。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致郑振铎》:“那么,《老莲集》索兴在北平印,怎样呢?” 巴金《中国人》:“索性摆出自己的观点,看谁能说服别人。” 2.痛快。《朱子语类》卷四十:“曾点言志,当时夫子只是见他说几句索性话,令人快意,所以与之。 ” 元 李文蔚 《燕青博鱼》第三折:“满鼻凹清风,拍胸膛爽气。落的这彻骨毛索性。”