


1. 饶 [ráo]饶 [ráo]富足,多:富~。~裕。~舌(多话)。宽恕,免除处罚:~恕。~命。尽管:~这样,他还不同意。另外增添:~头。买十~一。姓。……





汉语拼音:ráo shé








  1. 唠叨;多嘴。

    《北齐书·斛律光传》:“盲眼老公背上下大斧,饶舌老母不得语。” 唐 白居易 《酬严给事》诗:“不缘啼鸟春饶舌,青琐仙郎可得知?” 清 黄遵宪 《以莲菊桃杂供一瓶作歌》:“花不能言我饶舌,花神汝莫生分别。” 茅盾 《子夜》七:“但是同样有几杯酒下肚的 李玉亭 却也例外地饶舌。”



  1. Chatty Mercury makes the same shift just a few hours later, opening mouths to speak more freely while spurring hearts to seek excitement.


  2. if i had time , and was not in mortal dread of some prating prig of a servant passing , i would know what all this means.


  3. Scorcher, a rapper from London who recently signed his first record deal, set up a clothing label even before he made his first video.


  4. You know how when you listen to rock, rap, or any popular music, it's easy to clap your hands with the beat.


  5. In real life, rapper Eminem had better luck with his alter ego "Slim Shady, " which he said came to him while he was on the toilet.


  6. Having gone from selling CDs out of his trunk to running a multimillion -dollar rap label, P long ago proved he was a quick study.


  7. She said it was an easy sell, given that Snoop Dogg had been one of the first rap musicians to license works for ring tones and voice tones.


  8. The album was more two songs honor the top ten hits, so many dog lovers are very happy, let us continue to support Kazakhstan rap dog it !


  9. to the law of old China, which permitted a man to divorce his wife for being a chatterbox.


  1. 愚人受饶舌。

    The tongues of idle persons are never still.

  2. 这家伙很饶舌。

    This guy is gabby.

  3. 智短爱饶舌。

    The smaller the heart the longer the tongue.

  4. 象喜鹊一样饶舌

    chatter like a magpie

  5. 他可真能饶舌。

    He is a terrible talker.

  6. 这个年轻人真是饶舌。

    This young man is really a magpie.

  7. 她有饶舌的倾向。

    She tends to talk too much.

  8. 饶舌型陈述人

    garrulous type of stater

  9. 饶舌者的舌头

    The tongue of a garrulous person.

  10. 她总是不断地饶舌。

    Her tongue is always wagging.

  11. 邀请所有的饶舌歌手

    Let every rapper rock it

  12. 非常有趣的饶舌歌曲。

    A fun song completely rapped.

  13. 你好啊,饶舌裤头

    What up, MC Underpants?

  14. 约翰是一个饶舌大王。

    John is such a windbag.

  15. 你喜欢听饶舌歌吗?

    Do you like to listen to rap?

  16. 我讨厌这种饶舌的人。

    I dislike this sort of gossips.

  17. 不理会叽叽喳喳的饶舌。

    Pay no attention to clacking tongues, ie to people gossiping.

  18. 爱评头论足的饶舌族

    chattering classes

  19. 饶舌得人比贼还坏。

    A tattler is worse than a thief.

  20. 饶舌的人比贼还坏。

    A tattler is worse than a thief.

  21. 那侍女确实很会饶舌。

    The ladiesmaids tongue was sure to run nineteen to the dozen.

  22. 快点说,别再饶舌了。

    Tell me quickly – no more beating about the bush.

  23. 饶舌的邻居妨碍她做家务。

    kept from her housework by gabby neighbors.

  24. 歌剧、摇滚、饶舌歌我都喜欢。

    Opera, rock and roll, rap, I like it all.

  25. 汶蒂特圣湖中饶舌的猴子

    Chattering Monkeys at the Sacred Lake of Wendit

  26. 纽约爱饶舌的一群艺术家。

    New York's garrulous clan of artists.

  27. 婆娘女人, 尤指饶舌的老妇人

    A woman, especially a garrulous old one.

  28. 我讨厌这垃圾,这不是唱饶舌歌。

    Man I hate this crap, this ain't rap.

  29. 阿姆大概是最有名的饶舌歌手。

    Eminem is probably the most famous rap singer.

  30. 饶舌者的嘴巴是魔鬼的邮袋。

    A gossips mouth is the devils mailbag.


  1. 问:饶舌拼音怎么拼?饶舌的读音是什么?饶舌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饶舌的读音是ráoshé,饶舌翻译成英文是 prattle

  2. 问:饶舌地拼音怎么拼?饶舌地的读音是什么?饶舌地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饶舌地的读音是,饶舌地翻译成英文是 garrulously

  3. 问:饶舌家拼音怎么拼?饶舌家的读音是什么?饶舌家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饶舌家的读音是,饶舌家翻译成英文是 clatterer

  4. 问:饶舌癖拼音怎么拼?饶舌癖的读音是什么?饶舌癖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饶舌癖的读音是ráo shé pǐ,饶舌癖翻译成英文是 verbomania

  5. 问:饶舌的拼音怎么拼?饶舌的的读音是什么?饶舌的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饶舌的的读音是,饶舌的翻译成英文是 garrulous

  6. 问:饶舌者拼音怎么拼?饶舌者的读音是什么?饶舌者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饶舌者的读音是,饶舌者翻译成英文是 newsmonger

  7. 问:饶舌之人拼音怎么拼?饶舌之人的读音是什么?饶舌之人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饶舌之人的读音是,饶舌之人翻译成英文是 windbag

  8. 问:饶舌的人拼音怎么拼?饶舌的人的读音是什么?饶舌的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饶舌的人的读音是,饶舌的人翻译成英文是 chatterer



“饶舌”是个多义词,它可以指饶舌(歌曲演唱方式), 饶舌(汉语词语)。