




斫,消除,修改:~误(亦作“勘误”)。校(jiào )~。不~之论(喻至理名言)。刻:~石。~印。~本。排版印刷:~行(xíng )。创~。~登。~载。出版物:~物。报~。书~。……



汉语拼音:yuè kān






  1. 每月出版一次的定期刊物。

    柳亚子 《怀念阿英先生》:“太阳社好像是出版月刊和丛书的,主要的人物是 蒋光慈 先生和 钱杏邨 先生。” 巴金 《随想录》二九:“先生的文章发表在 孟十还 主编的《作家》月刊上。”



  1. In an interview with The Atlantic magazine, the top U. S. diplomat accused China "of trying to stop history, which is a fool's errand. "


  2. 'You and I can be our own lexicographers now, ' says Barbara Wallraff, the longtime language columnist for The Atlantic magazine.


  3. As Molly Ball of The Atlantic pointed out, Mr. Romney "described conservatism as if it were a disease. " Indeed.


  4. With a bundle of cartoon monthly, the postman walked out of the elevator, squeezed through the crowded corridor sideways.


  5. The Atlantic cover story went on to examine emerging technologies, like solar energy, that lay at the heart of Lovins's vision.


  6. "It happened quickly, but I was certain it was what I wanted, " the actress tells In Style in its January issue.


  7. She tells the August issue of the magazine: 'Leaving Brown had nothing to do with bullying, as the media have been suggesting recently.


  8. the staff of the department in charge of information integration and editing work, the company completed Monthly editorial.


  9. Analysts said the crude market will take cues from monthly U. S. unemployment figures later Friday.


  1. 改装汽车月刊

    hot rod

  2. 摔跤内幕月刊

    Inside Wrestling.

  3. 汽艇驾驶月刊

    Motor Boating and Sailing.

  4. 此杂志是月刊。

    The magazine appears monthly.

  5. 那本杂志是月刊。

    The journal is published monthly.

  6. 国际局应出版月刊。

    The International Bureau shall publish a monthly periodical.

  7. 我订两种月刊。

    I take two monthly magazines.

  8. 非洲爱滋病研究月刊,

    African Journal of AIDS Research.

  9. 儿童和母亲中心的月刊。

    Monthly publications of the Child and Mother Centre.

  10. 我认为这本杂志是月刊。

    I think this magazine is a monthly.

  11. 该照片发布于1992年2月刊。

    From the February 1992 issue.Photograph by Wayne Maser.

  12. 轮值表将放在教会月刊上。

    The monthly magazine will list the schedules.

  13. 月刊每月出版一次的刊物

    A periodical publication appearing once each month.

  14. 一月刊是我们的成衣前瞻刊。

    Uh, the january issue is our readytowear issue.

  15. 这家书店出售所有得计算机月刊。

    The bookstore sells all the computer monthlies.

  16. 这家书店出售所有的计算机月刊。

    The bookstore sells all the computer monthlies.

  17. 那家报刊经销商销售所有电脑月刊。

    The newsagent sells all the computer monthlies.

  18. 报刊经售人出售所有的计算机月刊。

    The newsagent sells all the computer monthlyes.

  19. 这期月刊概述了他的工作生涯。

    His career is profiled in this month's journal.

  20. 这家图书馆订的是那些常见的月刊。

    The library gets the usual monthly publications.

  21. 这家图书馆订得是那些常见得月刊。

    The library gets the usual monthly publications.

  22. 原文摘录自台湾天下杂志月刊。

    The Chinese original, of which this is an abridgement, was published in Common Wealth Monthly.

  23. 是的,你们卖美国月刊国家地理吗

    Yes. Have you got the American monthly magazine National Geographic.

  24. 开始为月刊杂志撰稿和做编辑工作。

    He began working as a writer and editor for monthly magazines.

  25. 我订了给业余摄影家看的月刊。

    I subscribe to a monthly magazine for amateur photographers.

  26. 这项研究将在该杂志7月刊发表。

    The study will appear in print in the journals July issue.

  27. 她在英国广播公司主持一个月刊节目。

    She presents a monthly magazine programme on the BBC.

  28. 公共运输月刊, 每期均有精彩报导的月刊。

    Mass Transit, monthly magazine with good topical coverage.

  29. 各位好!我是媒体月刊的莱斯特。伯纳姆。

    Hello . This is Lester Burnham from Media Monthly magazine.

  30. 研究结果发表在神经病学档案五月刊上。

    The findings are published in the May issue of Archies of Neurology.


  1. 问:月刊拼音怎么拼?月刊的读音是什么?月刊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:月刊的读音是yuèkān,月刊翻译成英文是 monthly magazine

  2. 问:月刊IKKI拼音怎么拼?月刊IKKI的读音是什么?月刊IKKI翻译成英文是什么?

    答:月刊IKKI的读音是,月刊IKKI翻译成英文是 Monthly Ikki

  3. 问:月刊Asuka拼音怎么拼?月刊Asuka的读音是什么?月刊Asuka翻译成英文是什么?

    答:月刊Asuka的读音是,月刊Asuka翻译成英文是 Monthly Asuka

  4. 问:月刊Comp Ace拼音怎么拼?月刊Comp Ace的读音是什么?月刊Comp Ace翻译成英文是什么?

    答:月刊Comp Ace的读音是,月刊Comp Ace翻译成英文是 Comp Ace

  5. 问:月刊Comic电击大王拼音怎么拼?月刊Comic电击大王的读音是什么?月刊Comic电击大王翻译成英文是什么?

    答:月刊Comic电击大王的读音是,月刊Comic电击大王翻译成英文是 Dengeki Daioh

  6. 问:月刊Dragon Age拼音怎么拼?月刊Dragon Age的读音是什么?月刊Dragon Age翻译成英文是什么?

    答:月刊Dragon Age的读音是,月刊Dragon Age翻译成英文是 Monthly Dragon Age

  7. 问:月刊Comic Alive拼音怎么拼?月刊Comic Alive的读音是什么?月刊Comic Alive翻译成英文是什么?

    答:月刊Comic Alive的读音是,月刊Comic Alive翻译成英文是 Monthly Comic Alive

  8. 问:月刊Comic BLADE拼音怎么拼?月刊Comic BLADE的读音是什么?月刊Comic BLADE翻译成英文是什么?

    答:月刊Comic BLADE的读音是,月刊Comic BLADE翻译成英文是 Monthly Comic Blade

  9. 问:月刊Comic Avarus拼音怎么拼?月刊Comic Avarus的读音是什么?月刊Comic Avarus翻译成英文是什么?

    答:月刊Comic Avarus的读音是,月刊Comic Avarus翻译成英文是 Monthly Comic Avarus

  10. 问:月刊Sunday Gene X拼音怎么拼?月刊Sunday Gene X的读音是什么?月刊Sunday Gene X翻译成英文是什么?

    答:月刊Sunday Gene X的读音是,月刊Sunday Gene X翻译成英文是 Monthly Sunday Gene X

  11. 问:月刊Big Comic Spirits拼音怎么拼?月刊Big Comic Spirits的读音是什么?月刊Big Comic Spirits翻译成英文是什么?

    答:月刊Big Comic Spirits的读音是,月刊Big Comic Spirits翻译成英文是 Monthly Big Comic Spirits


