


引长:~长(cháng )。~续。蔓~。~年益寿。展缓,推迟:~迟。~缓。~宕。~误。引进,请:~聘(聘请)。~纳。~师。~医。姓。……





汉语拼音:yán wù







  1. 迟延耽误。

    清 林则徐 《札苏藩司儹修宝山海塘工程并查报各项款数》:“邇来天气晴霽,亟应乘时儹修完固,以资捍御,未便稍事延误。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致许寿裳》:“转信殊多延误,此后赐示,似不如由内山书店转也。”



  1. Your flight may be delayed so don't pack your computer cord, as you may need it as you sit there in the terminal and wait for your flight.


  2. My delay in answering his letter, which worried him so much, he took a direct flight to come to see me.


  3. Late flights and missed connections seem to be a normal part of travel these days, and they are no fun at all.


  4. It will allow you to come in the next day and know exactly where to start; no more slow starts to the day. . . just action.


  5. Learn your airline's policy for flight cancellations and delays due to bad weather so you know what to expect if it happens to you.


  6. His flight home delayed and able to obtain the necessary permits, he drove up to the affected coast.


  7. The bad news was that this supply route is also fraught with pitfalls, from arduous delays to bribes and extortion.


  8. Representative: Captain, our ship-owner instructed me to check a few details with you on this delay.


  9. From already we ask for excuses for the happened waiting be able to understand that the mistake has not been ours but of the customs agent.


  1. 延误航班集

    delay flight set.

  2. 延误的异议

    belated opposition.

  3. 罢工延误险

    strike delay insurance.

  4. 工期延误风险

    the risks of delay.

  5. 延误招致危险。

    Delay spells danger.

  6. 延误交货索赔

    Claim for delayed delivery.

  7. 工程不得延误。

    The project admits of no delay.

  8. 码头延误费

    wharf demurrages.

  9. 航班延误树

    flight delay tree.

  10. 工期延误率

    variance of construction time.

  11. 马上做,不得延误!

    Do it without delay!

  12. 延误使他们战败。

    The delay lost them the battle.

  13. 不应有的延误

    undue delay.

  14. 发送货物不得延误。

    There must be no delay in forwarding the goods.

  15. 望原谅我的延误。

    Wish this delay tolerate

  16. 没什么,只是有些延误

    Nothing. I'm just a little behind.

  17. 这只是延误, 如此而已。

    This is just a delay, that's all it is.

  18. 我们的飞机延误了。

    Our plane was delayed.

  19. 行人过街延误研究

    Research on delay of pedestrian crossing

  20. 他详述延误的原因。

    He specified the reasons for the delay.

  21. 延误让伯莎十分恼怒。

    Bertha was exasperated at the delay.

  22. 坏天气延误了班机。

    The flight is delayed by terrible weather.

  23. 我们延误了多少小时?

    How many hours are we delayed?

  24. 延误是由于缺乏人手。

    The delay is due to shortage of hands.

  25. 二故意延误载运邮件。

    Intentional delay in forwarding mail items.

  26. 能够镇定的接受延误的。

    Capable of accepting delay with equanimity.

  27. 稍有延误她就不满。

    She frets at even the slightest delays.

  28. 我想是对方延误了。

    I think it was delayed on the other side.

  29. 一再的延误令其生气。

    The delays maddened him.

  30. 列车因暴风而延误了。

    The train is hold up by the storm.


  1. 问:延误拼音怎么拼?延误的读音是什么?延误翻译成英文是什么?

    答:延误的读音是yánwù,延误翻译成英文是 delay

  2. 问:延误费拼音怎么拼?延误费的读音是什么?延误费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:延误费的读音是yán wù fèi,延误费翻译成英文是 cost of delays

  3. 问:延误战机拼音怎么拼?延误战机的读音是什么?延误战机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:延误战机的读音是yán wù zhàn jī,延误战机翻译成英文是 Miss an Opportunity Because of a Delay

  4. 问:延误时间拼音怎么拼?延误时间的读音是什么?延误时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:延误时间的读音是yán wù shí jiān,延误时间翻译成英文是 delay time at stop

  5. 问:延误比赛拼音怎么拼?延误比赛的读音是什么?延误比赛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:延误比赛的读音是yán wù bǐ sài,延误比赛翻译成英文是 delay the game

  6. 问:延误消息拼音怎么拼?延误消息的读音是什么?延误消息翻译成英文是什么?

    答:延误消息的读音是yánwù xiāoxi,延误消息翻译成英文是 delay message

  7. 问:延误责任拼音怎么拼?延误责任的读音是什么?延误责任翻译成英文是什么?

    答:延误责任的读音是yánwùzérèn,延误责任翻译成英文是 liability for losses incurred through delay...

  8. 问:延误赔偿拼音怎么拼?延误赔偿的读音是什么?延误赔偿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:延误赔偿的读音是yánwùpéicháng,延误赔偿翻译成英文是 compensation for delay




拼音:yánwù 基本解释 延误 yánwù [incur loss through delay] 指缓慢移动或行动,以致未按预料的进度进行,或使预料的工作留下来未完成 真正的成功似乎总是在延误自己 愚蠢地延误,直至所有机会全失掉 延误 yánwù [delay] 迟延耽误 延误工期 详细解释 迟延耽误。 清 林则徐 《札苏藩司儹修宝山海塘工程并查报各项款数》:“迩来天气晴霁,亟应乘时儹修完固,以资捍御,未便稍事延误。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致许寿裳》:“转信殊多延误,此后赐示,似不如由内山书店转也。” 交通工程学科解释 延误是指由于交通摩阻与交通管制引起的行驶时间的损失。