


1. 汗 [hàn]2. 汗 [hán]汗 [hàn]由身体的毛孔排泄出来的液体:~水。~流浃背。出汗,使出汗:~颜(因羞惭而出汗;泛指惭愧)。~马功劳。~牛充栋。汗 [hán]〔可(kè)~〕见“可2”。……





汉语拼音:hàn shuǐ






  1. 指较多的汗。

    靳以 《卖笑》:“从草帽边的鬓发上,痒痒地流下一条汗水来。”

  2. 借指辛勤劳动。

    陈登科 等《破壁记》第七章:“这一片桃园是柳岗大队男女老少用汗水浇灌起来的。”



  1. Maura was grinning at him, pulling sections of his hair through her fingers, her face damp with sweat but not at all sleepy.


  2. Calling such people threw out with the barrel, sweat, tears, and water sprinkled on like an oven with the land.


  3. She had already finished washing. Seated on a stone beside the stream, she wiped her perspiring face with her tunic.


  4. Although the content of the work of a single boring, but I was able to stick with it.


  5. What I can devote to is nothing but warm blood, swink, tears and sweat.


  6. But, I still want to send you my best wishes and encouragement! I know how much hard work you have poured into getting ready for tomorrow!


  7. The stem of everyone eager, the sweat bedewed clothes, flow full ZHANG ZHANG's smiling face, hope the whose on the faces is all red all.


  8. You'll still work up a great sweat, but breathing hard is not the goal of this workout - pounding on your biceps, triceps, and shoulders is.


  9. The main cause of smelly feet is sweat which, although it has no odour in itself, creates an environment for bacterial growth.


  1. 涔涔的汗水

    a slick of sweat.

  2. 我满身汗水。

    I am reeking with sweat.

  3. 一分汗水,一分收获。

    A sweat, a harvest.

  4. 鲜血,眼泪和汗水

    blood, tears and sweat

  5. 他全身汗水淋漓。

    He was bathed in sweat.

  6. 汗水浸透了衬衫。

    The shirt was sodden with sweat.

  7. 那匹马满身汗水。

    The horse was reeking with sweat.

  8. 他脸上汗水直流。

    Sweat was streaming down his face.

  9. 浸透了汗水的背心

    a vest damp with sweat

  10. 跑步者汗水淋淋。

    The runner was bathed in sweat.

  11. 热血, 辛劳, 眼泪和汗水

    Blood, Toil and Sweat

  12. 他们浑身流淌着汗水。

    Their bodies streamed with sweat.

  13. 热血、辛劳、汗水和眼泪

    Blood, Toil, Sweat and Tears

  14. 汗水是成功的润滑剂。

    Sweat is the lubricant of success.

  15. 让汗水渐渐蒸发, 稀释。

    Gradually allow sweat evaporation, dilution.

  16. 她满脸汗水淋淋。

    Her face dripped with sweat.

  17. 她的面颊满是汗水。

    Her cheeks were streaming with sweat.

  18. 她脸上汗水淋淋。

    Her face was dripping with sweat.

  19. 这个旧衣领上的汗水

    The sweat on this old collar

  20. 汗水浸透了他的衣裳。

    His clothes were soaked with sweat.

  21. 汗水差点把衣服浸透

    and almost took the whole thing off, okay?

  22. 他们的上脸流着汗水。

    Their faces were streaming with sweat.

  23. 汗水刺得她皮肤发痒。

    The pinpricks of sweat made her flesh itch.

  24. 矿工们得身上淌着汗水。

    Sweat streamed down the miners'bodies.

  25. 矿工们的身上淌着汗水。

    Sweat streamed down the miners'bodies.

  26. 他的脸一直充满汗水。

    His face was running with a constant stream of sweat.

  27. 他的脸一直充满汗水。

    His face was running with a constant stream of sweat.

  28. 播种汗水的人收获欣喜。

    Those who sow in tears, reap rejoicing.

  29. 不要渴望泪水变成汗水。

    Dont yearn to turn your tears into sweat.

  30. 她擦去脸上的汗水。

    She wiped the sweat from her face.


  1. 问:汗水拼音怎么拼?汗水的读音是什么?汗水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汗水的读音是hànshuǐ,汗水翻译成英文是 sweat



词目:汗水 读音:hànshuǐ 基本解释 [sweat] 指较多的汗 汗水顺着面颊流淌