







汉语拼音:xué fǔ







  1. 学问的府库。比喻学问渊博。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《太常卿任昉墓志铭》:“心为学府,辞同锦肆。” 北周 宇文逌 《<庾信集>序》:“父 肩吾 ,散骑常侍中书令,文宗学府,智囊义窟,鸿名重誉,独步 江 南。” 唐 骆宾王 《夏日游德州赠高四》诗:“灵臺万顷濬,学府九流深。”

  2. 与学问、学术有关的机构,如秘书省、国子监之类。后称学校为学府。现亦特指较著名或规模较大的高等学校。

    《晋书·儒林传论》:“ 范平 等学府儒宗,誉隆望重,或质疑是属,或师范攸归,虽为未及古人,故亦一时之俊。” 唐 蒋防 《连州静福山廖先生碑》:“先生之官,词林学府之官矣。”



  1. It was a time of high culture, when great cathedrals were built and renowned universities were founded.


  2. I wish to thank President Rudenstine for inviting me to this old yet modern institution of the United States in this golden fall.


  3. So far over a thousand UK institutions have signed up to sponsor international students.


  4. With China sending more students to American colleges than any other country, the competition for spots at the top schools has soared.


  5. He gave a male-dominated field after the appointment, the northeastern university to fight a first-class education.


  6. He would go with his parents, who had accompanied him to Beijing for the crucial interviews with the country's top performance academies.


  7. The annual College Entrance Examination will begin, and millions of students will enter into the door of higher education.


  8. As the matter of fact, Cungu School is the highest institution of traditional Chinese culture in Sichuan.


  9. Alumni were four times more likely than the general population to have attended institutions of higher learning.


  1. 大学城, 学府比比皆是。

    and colleges, in the University.

  2. 最老的高等学府

    The oldest institution of higher learning

  3. 开放的美国学府电影海报

    Fast times at ridgemont high Movie Poster

  4. 市政府的新址在学府路。

    The new address of the city government office is in Xuexu Street.

  5. 这是一所公立高等学府。

    This is a public institution of higher learning.

  6. 它是解放军的最高学府。

    It is the highest educational institution of the PLA.

  7. 对口支援推动绿洲学府建设

    Educational Assistance by Project the Promoting Development of Shihezi University

  8. 崇基长春藤学府交换生奖学金

    Chung Chi Ivy League Exchange Scholarship

  9. 我身在学府,一心向学,孜孜不倦。

    While I was in this learned body, I applied myself with so much diligence to my studies.

  10. 著名学府鹿特丹依拉斯姆斯大学

    Erasmus University Rotterdam

  11. 历史悠久,离誉中外的高等学府

    A prestigious Chinese institution of higher learning that has a long history behind it

  12. 她说到了牛津,那个古老的学府。

    She spoke of oxford, that ancient seat of learning.

  13. 三, 入新加坡政府高等学府的预科课程

    Preparatory Courses for Polytechnics and Universities of Singapore

  14. 另一个选择是去更高等学府上课。

    Another option is taking a course at an upper tier college.

  15. 哈佛大学是美国最古老的高等学府。

    Harvard University is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States.

  16. 牛津和剑桥是英国最著名的学府。

    Oxford and Cambridge are England's most famous seats in learning.

  17. 牛津和剑桥是英国最著名得学府。

    Oxford and Cambridge are England's most famous seats in learning.

  18. 清代著名高等学府学海堂的教学特色

    The Characteristics of the Instruction in Xuehaitang of a Famous Tertiary Institution in Qing Dynasty

  19. 这位务工佣人作家明天要来咱们学府。

    The recordr or stayer is coming to we educate tomorrow.

  20. 高年级的学徒在示威,校方在学府要求她们停止示威。

    The seniors brief demonstrating border brief audienceed, on campus, to desist.

  21. 大部分高等学府的主要中心位于波塞迪亚。

    Poseida housed most of the major centers for higher learning.

  22. 高年级的硕士生在学府示威,校方叫她们停止示威。

    The seniors brief demonstrating on campus border brief influence to desist.

  23. 正如古代的文法学校一样,高等学府也已消失。

    Just as the grammar schools of ancient times had disappeared, so had institutions of higher learning.

  24. 绝大多数的高中毕业生都进不了高等学府。

    The overwhelming majority high school graduates could not enter the Institute of higher education.

  25. 绝大多数得高中毕业生都进不了高等学府。

    The overwhelming majority high school graduates could not enter the Institute of higher education.

  26. 从1984年到1994年,许多高等学府的入学都变简单了。

    Between1984 and1994, it became easier at many colleges.

  27. 瑞士拥有数所受人尊敬,历史悠久的高等学府。

    It is home to several respected and historic colleges of learning.

  28. 小学毕业后我去了多尔顿学府,也在海牙。

    After primary school I went to the Lyceum, also in The Hague.

  29. 他打破了他所在的学府100米跑的古代事件很高记录。

    He bloke the whichletime record in the 100meter run at his educate.

  30. 过了元宵,京城的各大学府就要陆续开学了。

    Led a rice glue pellet, every university building of capital metropolis was about to continuously educate begins.


  1. 问:学府拼音怎么拼?学府的读音是什么?学府翻译成英文是什么?

    答:学府的读音是xuéfǔ,学府翻译成英文是 institute of higher education



“学府”是个多义词,它可以指学府(汉语词语), 学府(“学府”号大型实习实训船), 学府(苏州学府实验学校)。