


建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……





汉语拼音:mén xià








5.见"门下省"。 6.犹阁下。对人的尊称。 7.犹门第。



  1. 谓在某人的门庭之下。

    《战国策·齐策四》:“ 齐 人有 冯諼 者,贫乏不能自存,使人属 孟尝君 ,愿寄食门下。” 南朝 梁 江淹 《诣建平王上书》:“窃慕大王之义,復为门下之宾。” 清 叶廷琯 《鸥陂渔话·莪洲公诗》:“自袓及孙,受业门下者三世。”

  2. 食客;门客。

    《史记·魏公子列传》:“ 平原君 门下闻之,半去 平原君 ,归公子。” 唐 韩愈 《唐故朝散大夫商州刺史除名徙封州董府君墓志铭》:“宾接门下,推举人士,侍侧无虚口。”《儒林外史》第二九回:“我是 杜 府太老爷累代的门下,我父子两个受太老爷多少恩惠。”

  3. 门生;弟子。

    《淮南子·道应训》:“ 公孙龙 顾谓弟子曰:‘门下故有能呼者乎?’” 胡适 《白居易时代的禅宗世系》:“ 怀暉 也是 道一 的门下,其书今不传了。”

  4. 官名。

    《南齐书·百官志》:“ 永元 三年, 东昏 南郊,不欲亲朝士,以主璽陪乘,前代未尝有也。侍中呼为门下。亦置令史。领官如左:给事黄门侍郎。亦管知詔令,世呼为小门下。”《资治通鉴·晋安帝隆安二年》:“﹝ 王宪 ﹞领选曹事,兼掌门下。” 胡三省 注:“门下,侍中、常侍、给事黄门之职。”

  5. 见“ 门下省 ”。

  6. 犹阁下。对人的尊称。

    宋 朱熹 《与江东陈帅书》:“不审高明何以处此? 熹 则窃为门下忧之,而未敢以为贺也。”《新编五代史平话·梁史上》:“倘得门下做个盟主,可择日便离此间,沿途杀掠回去。” 明 陈士元 《俚言解》卷一:“致书称门下,犹言阁下、殿下、麾下、节下、座下、足下之类。古之贵人殿阁门下有謁者……不敢斥言尊贵,故呼其门下足下诸人。”

  7. 犹门第。

    元 关汉卿 《鲁斋郎》楔子:“被论人有势权,原告人无门下。”参见“ 门第 ”。



  1. The pupil how that year winter worship into the daughter village door, began to see, collar hanging decorations like named river "s lake. "


  2. Any beads trapped in the folds of the clothes fall into a collection trough beneath the door to the machine as the clean laundry is removed.


  3. It was even necessary to put something beneath the door to keep the water out.


  4. Now he began leisurely to take off his clothes, but stopped first with his coat, and tucked it along the crack under the door.


  5. That way, you could configure anyone in the "Family" category to see everything, but other groups would have access to less information.


  6. Accompanying by his wife and daughter, Franklin came out the prison gate. Then he was really free.


  7. He found a door in a wall; but it was locked, and there was no room for a fat little rabbit to squeeze underneath.


  8. How about giant fried bacon strips flowing out from underneath the door reaching for your legs, just like zombies in those B-movies?


  9. The old lady's door was shut , but I could see some coming through the letter box and under the door, and could smell something burning.


  1. 在门下插入一个楔子

    to enter a wedge under a door

  2. 门下的那线日光消失了。

    The ray of light beneath his door is extinguished.

  3. 我们是第一批从门下进来的。

    Kreela, we're the first ones to pass under the door.

  4. 然后把所有毛巾放在浴室门下。

    Then will you put all the towels under the bathroom door.

  5. 我会悄悄把信放在你的门下。

    I'll slip the letter under your door.

  6. 没有爆炸,没有失踪,门下也没有恐吓得字条。

    No explosions, no disappearances, no menacing notes under the door.

  7. 没有爆炸,没有失踪,门下也没有恐吓的字条。

    No explosions, no disappearances, no menacing notes under the door.

  8. 能够在老师门下学习,真是我的荣幸。

    It is a great honor for me to learn from you.

  9. 能够在老师门下学习,真是我的荣幸。

    It is a great honor for me to learn from you.

  10. 摘要毛姆历来被归类在现实主义的门下。

    William Somerset Maugham has always been attributed to one of the realistic writers.

  11. 公侯家中往往有很多门下,为他出谋划策。

    Marquises all have many hangers-on seeking advice.

  12. 随同先生一起来的那两个人是他的门下。

    He has two disciples accompanying him here.

  13. 门下还得堵点东西, 否则雨水会不断侵入。

    It was even necessary to put something beneath the door to keep the water out.

  14. 他们对亲戚们寄食在他们门下已开始有点厌烦了。

    They're getting a little tired of being sponged on by their relatives.

  15. 在公爵的帮助下,她开始在最好的老师门下学习音乐。

    With the help of the duke, he began to learn music under the best teathers.

  16. 老虎本来是什么也不会的,就投到猫的门下。

    Originally the tiger couldn't do any thing, so he turned to the cat for help.

  17. 制门板插在门下使门开到合适的程度固定的制门板

    A wedge inserted beneath a door to hold it open at a desired position.

  18. 他任赵国宰相时,礼贤下士,门下宾客至数千人。

    Zhao prime minister when his term of office, Synod Corporal, subglottic guests to thousands of people.

  19. 他显然已经入读犹太人的学校,受教于教法师的门下。

    No doubt he had already attended a Jewish school under a rabbi teacher.

  20. 我那只可爱得小猫很轻松地在门下钻来钻去。

    My lovely cat can get under my door easily.

  21. 我那只可爱的小猫很轻松地在门下钻来钻去。

    My lovely cat can get under my door easily.

  22. 黎明之门下的风笛手实现了目标并取得了绝佳的成果。

    The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn achieved that goal with spellbinding results.

  23. 黎明之门下得风笛手实现了目标并取得了绝佳得成果。

    The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn achieved that goal with spellbinding results.

  24. 他声名远扬,国人皆知,于是许多门生都来到他门下学习。

    His reputation extended far and wide throughout the land and many students gathered to study under him.

  25. 门下学习,我仍然保有一份钦敬与感恩得门徒意识。

    Having formerly had the good fortune to study under Michel Foucault, I retain the consciousness of an admiring and grateful disciple.

  26. 门下学习,我仍然保有一份钦敬与感恩的门徒意识。

    Having formerly had the good fortune to study under Michel Foucault, I retain the consciousness of an admiring and grateful disciple.

  27. 当它从门下溜出后, 它的微型翅膀开始扑闪并沿着街道飞去。

    Then its miniature wings begin to flap as it slips under the door and darts along the street.

  28. 防止敞车侧开门下门锁销丢失的建议

    Suggestions on Avoiding Loss of Bottom Door Lock Pins of Side Opening Doors on Gondola Cars

  29. 只需要敲三下门就能引起他们的注意。

    Three beats on the door was all it took to get their attention.

  30. 只需要敲三下门就能引起他们的注意。

    Three beats on the door was all it took to get their attention.


  1. 问:门下拼音怎么拼?门下的读音是什么?门下翻译成英文是什么?

    答:门下的读音是ménxià,门下翻译成英文是 Under the instruction of a teacher.; An adv...

  2. 问:门下间隙拼音怎么拼?门下间隙的读音是什么?门下间隙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:门下间隙的读音是mén xià jiàn xì,门下间隙翻译成英文是 floor clearance