







汉语拼音:qí xià







  1. 旗帜下面。

    《后汉书·耿弇传》:“树十二郡旗鼓,令 步 兵各以郡人诣旗下,众尚十餘万,輜重七千餘两,皆罢遣归乡里。”

  2. 清 代指八旗之下。

    清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷四:“上问辅臣出身,曰:‘身者库。’上惊曰:‘如此人物乃隶身者库耶!’立命出之,改隶旗下。”《清会典事例·八旗都统·旌表》:“ 康熙 十三年题准,文武官员带有军器出京者,係旗下人,该都统给予印文,若无印文,兵部不准给票。”

  3. 借指旗人。

    清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈献二·二文正墓》:“为孝廉时,见 耶律王 墓上断碑尚可读。二十餘年来,墓田归旗下,此碑无从復问。”《清会典事例·户口·旗人买卖奴仆》:“国初定旗下卖买人口,赴各城镇市交易,若越至他旗市被执者,身价二分入官,一分被拏获之人。” 欧阳山 《三家巷》一:“官塘街三家巷有一个旗下的大烟精要卖房子。”



  1. This whole exercise brings together their various businesses in a way that can only be good for the company.


  2. TUI Travel is now planning to merge its French operations to create one brand in the hope that this will turn around its weakest unit.


  3. He said he had no intention of selling the bank's Smith Barney brokerage and financial advisory business.


  4. Or Lehman has been trying to sell off some of its assets, including its asset management unit to raise money.


  5. Rising lease rates prefigured the last big move in gold back in the spring of 2007 just as the two Bear Stearns hedge funds were blowing up.


  6. defeat in the decisive battle after most of his men were mowed down in an ambush.


  7. The Fed said the loan was expected to be repaid by the proceeds of selling AIG operating companies.


  8. So in August, she traded in her Cross Country estate for a Buick Enclave, one of GM's upscale crossover sport-utility vehicles.


  9. A profit in French retail banking was almost entirely offset by losses at the bank's asset-management and international-retail division.


  1. 我们在五环旗下祈祷。

    We at five underneath orison of wreaths.

  2. 都受他诱,在休战旗下。

    Were lured by him, under a flag of truce.

  3. 汇集摩登天空旗下众多乐队的

    Chill Out of Modern Sky

  4. 举个例子, 我们在在格子旗下。

    As for example we've done on the lap to the grid.

  5. 孤儿网,宇软公司旗下公益网站

    An yuruan company charity websites orphans net

  6. 他们总是将船注册在方便旗下。

    They always register their ships under a flag of convenience.

  7. 国投集团启动旗下电力资产整合。

    Investment Group to start integrating its power assets.

  8. 这里就是他, 聚拢旗下得5个公司。

    So here are the five different companies that he brought under one roof.

  9. 这里就是他,聚拢旗下的5个公司。

    So here are the five different companies that he brought under one roof.

  10. 很多高科技公司都是它旗下的公司。

    Many high technology companies are listed on it.

  11. 这里是总店旗下盈利最高得支店。

    This is the most profitable branch under the main store.

  12. 这里是总店旗下盈利最高的支店。

    This is the most profitable branch under the main store.

  13. 这里是总店旗下盈利最高的支店。

    This is the most profitable branch under the main store.

  14. 圣安德烈大教堂原本在圣公会旗下。

    St andrew's Cathedral would come under the flag of the Anglican church.

  15. 征途信息技术有限公司正是巨人集团旗下企业。

    Journey IT limited company is the enterprise below giant group division.

  16. 宏利免佣基金旗下中华威力基金暂停买卖

    Manulife Funds Direct China Value Fund suspends trading

  17. 只有少量坦克兵和伞兵投奔到他旗下。

    Only a small number of tanks and paratroops have gone over to his side.

  18. 公司旗下的丰盈鞋厂加工各种款式的鞋类!

    The company's factory processing abundance of various models of shoes!

  19. 它同样还会把它旗下的悍马品牌抛售。

    It also has put its Hummer brand up for sale.

  20. 华纳兄弟唱片公司是华纳音乐集团旗下的公司。

    Warner Bros. Records is a unit of Warner Music Group Corp.

  21. 他没有办公室,而是轮流视察旗下的餐厅。

    He has no office, and visits his restaurants in rotation.

  22. 同时也是长安福特旗下的主力车型。

    Simultaneously is also the main force vehicle type which Chang An Ford serves under somebody's banner.

  23. 这些提供商现在都在新华社的旗下。

    The only such entity currently approved is a Xinhua subsidiary.

  24. 凯迪拉克是通用汽车旗下的豪华汽车品牌。

    Cadillac is a luxury vehicle marque owned by General Motors.

  25. 太阳报成为了其帝国旗下最赚钱的报纸。

    The Sun became the most profitable paper in his empire.

  26. 工会否认他们旗下的工人有意放慢工作速度。

    The union denies that its members had purposely slowed their work.

  27. 一些部门通过向职工筹资, 重整旗下的物业。

    Some of its agencies have financed the redevelopment of their properties with capital from their staff.

  28. 旗下创建模美服装版型设计生产中心。

    Establish the edition type American clothes of mould and design the production center under command.

  29. 东森财经新闻台, 是东森电视旗下的频道之一。

    ETtoday is a cable news channel operated by Eastern Television in Taiwan.

  30. 这两位将军在一面白色的休战旗下会谈。

    The two commanders met under a white flag of truce. Grant demanded unconditional surrender.


  1. 问:旗下营拼音怎么拼?旗下营的读音是什么?旗下营翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旗下营的读音是Qíxiàyíng,旗下营翻译成英文是 Qixiaying

  2. 问:旗下营站拼音怎么拼?旗下营站的读音是什么?旗下营站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旗下营站的读音是,旗下营站翻译成英文是 Qixiaying Railway Station


