







汉语拼音:pāo zhì








  1. 投;扔。

    唐 曹唐 《织女怀牵牛》诗:“封题锦字凝新恨,抛掷金梭织旧愁。” 元 宋无 《鲸背吟·抛矴》:“想见夜深抛掷处,警鱼错认月沉鉤。” 清 东轩主人 《述异记·狐祟》:“衙斋有狐作祟,白日抛掷沙土,污秽几席。” 巴金 《新生·五月十九日》:“几个西洋孩子站在池边叫喊地向它们抛掷石子。”

  2. 丢弃;弃置。

    唐 颜师古 《隋遗录》卷上:“帝饮之甚欢,因请 丽华 舞《玉树后庭花》。 丽华 辞以抛掷岁久,自井中出来,腰肢依拒,无復往时姿态。” 元 关汉卿 《玉镜台》第三折:“把你似粪堆般看待,泥土般抛掷。” 清 吴伟业 《临顿儿》诗:“我本贫家子,邂逅遭抛掷。” 沙汀 《选灾》:“于是他又开始工作,什么顾虑他都抛掷脑后。”



  1. There is a glory of the Master which can be seen only when the wind is contrary and the ship tossed with waves.


  2. Your argument (in support of a contradiction) implies that the next toss will have a greater tendency to land on edge.


  3. The traditional approach is to throw bags filled with sand or rocks into a breach.


  4. A fearful shock followed, and, thrown over the rail without having time to stop myself, I fell into the sea.


  5. When they were home at the White House during school vacation, they would go zooming down halls with pillows.


  6. Not far away, The Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show showcases competitions in logrolling , speed climbing, chopping and ax throwing!


  7. In London, demonstrators hurled sticks and stones at police outside the Israeli Embassy resulting in 24 arrests.


  8. I, a fake practitioner, and all those like me, always put off things until tomorrow and thus wasted precious life in distractions.


  9. Outraged, villagers surrounded the municipal government vehicles, threw rocks, and overturned dozens of police vehicles and utility cars.


  1. 抛掷有时, 堆聚有时,

    A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them

  2. 禾捆抛掷机

    bundle stripper.

  3. 石制的抛掷尖物

    A stone projectile point.

  4. 生活向我们抛掷弧线球。

    Life will throw us curveballs.

  5. 次元抛掷的耗蓝提高到45。

    Warlock warp throw power cost increased to 45.

  6. 次元抛掷得耗蓝提高到45。

    Warlock warp throw power cost increased to 45.

  7. 抛掷爆破加推土机回采深层煤

    Deep coal extraction by cast blast and bulldozer

  8. 地轮驱动马铃薯挖掘抛掷机

    Potato spinner with ground wheel drive

  9. 他们包围了大使馆,抛掷石头,挥舞棍棒。

    They surrounded the embassy, hurling stones and wielding sticks.

  10. 论抛掷物侵权责任的归责原则

    Discussion on responsibility principle of thrower tortious liability

  11. 斥骂一位女士、向女士抛掷东西,是一种耻辱。

    Scolding and throwing things at a lady is jus simply disgrace.

  12. 抛掷的, 弹射的能够被推进的或向前甩出的

    Capable of being impelled or hurled forward.

  13. 捕鱼时远于原先想投的一次抛掷

    a cast made in fishing that falls beyond the point intended

  14. 人们小心翼翼地采用了覆盖措施, 未发生抛掷。

    Very careful covering was carried out and no throw occurred.

  15. 海,就是冷酷无情的法律抛掷它牺牲品的总渊薮。

    The sea is the inexorable social night into which the penal laws fling their condemned.

  16. 严禁从高处往地面抛掷卡扣, 工具, 钢管等

    Strictly prohibit throw clips and tools from upper air.

  17. 所有那些爱你的人,不要将他们抛掷一旁。

    All the people that love you, don't cast them aside.

  18. 我可以一整天站在这儿练抛掷,他笑着说。

    I could just stand here all day and cast, he said, smiling.

  19. 游戏者可以抛掷硬币或抽签来决定进行游戏得顺序。

    Players then toss coins or are drawn out to decide an order of play.

  20. 游戏者可以抛掷硬币或抽签来决定进行游戏的顺序。

    Players then toss coins or are drawn out to decide an order of play.

  21. 所有情况下,抛掷器应排除在这些要求之外。

    In all cases kickers shall be excluded from these requirements.

  22. 分析了锯齿形振动槽面上颗粒物料的抛掷运动。

    This paper analyses the motion of a particle on oscillation serrated trough during jump mode.

  23. 高楼抛掷物致人损害是一类特殊的侵权行为。

    The tort the personal damage caused by throwing objects, is a special type of violations.

  24. 高楼抛掷物致人损害是一类特殊得侵权行为。

    The tort the personal damage caused by throwing objects, is a special type of violations.

  25. 生命就像是我们在空气中抛掷和捕捉的四个生命的球。

    Life is like throwing and catching four balls of life in the air.

  26. 她的成就使得伊拉克的群众在街上抛掷纸花, 喊叫。

    Her achievement had crowds flinging confetti and chanting in Iraqi streets.

  27. 把这些花朵抛掷上去的那种无尽的喜悦, 其源泉在哪里?

    Where is the fountain that throws up these flowers in a ceaseless outbreak of ecstasy

  28. 抛掷爆破对内排土场边坡稳定性影响的试验研究

    Experimental study of influence of cast blasting on Inner Dump Slope Stability

  29. 它经常能有效的躲避抛掷攻击如暴风锁链和魔法飞弹。

    It can also be used to evade some projectile based spells like Storm Bolt or Magic Missile.

  30. 不论走到哪儿, 他们都能听到投石机的抛掷石头时发出巨响。

    No matter where they walked, they could hear the thudding of the catapults lofting rocks.


  1. 问:抛掷拼音怎么拼?抛掷的读音是什么?抛掷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抛掷的读音是pāozhì,抛掷翻译成英文是 throw; toss; cast

  2. 问:抛掷方法拼音怎么拼?抛掷方法的读音是什么?抛掷方法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抛掷方法的读音是pāo zhì fāng fǎ,抛掷方法翻译成英文是 cast method

  3. 问:抛掷炸药拼音怎么拼?抛掷炸药的读音是什么?抛掷炸药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抛掷炸药的读音是pāo zhì zhà yào,抛掷炸药翻译成英文是 propelling explosive

  4. 问:抛掷装置拼音怎么拼?抛掷装置的读音是什么?抛掷装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抛掷装置的读音是pāo zhì zhuāng zhì,抛掷装置翻译成英文是 slinger

  5. 问:抛掷助推器拼音怎么拼?抛掷助推器的读音是什么?抛掷助推器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抛掷助推器的读音是pāo zhì zhù tuī qì,抛掷助推器翻译成英文是 booster jettison

  6. 问:抛掷式分级机拼音怎么拼?抛掷式分级机的读音是什么?抛掷式分级机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抛掷式分级机的读音是pāo zhì shì fēn jí jī,抛掷式分级机翻译成英文是 ballistic separator

  7. 问:抛掷式填充机拼音怎么拼?抛掷式填充机的读音是什么?抛掷式填充机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抛掷式填充机的读音是pāo zhì shì tián chōng jī,抛掷式填充机翻译成英文是 flight belt

  8. 问:抛掷式胶带填充机拼音怎么拼?抛掷式胶带填充机的读音是什么?抛掷式胶带填充机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抛掷式胶带填充机的读音是pāo zhì shì jiāo dài tián chōng jī,抛掷式胶带填充机翻译成英文是 beltstower




【出处】:唐 颜师古 《隋遗录》卷上:“帝饮之甚欢,因请 丽华 舞《玉树后庭花》。 丽华 辞以抛掷岁久,自井中出来,腰肢依拒,无复往时姿态。” 元关汉卿 《玉镜台》第三折:“把你似粪堆般看待,泥土般抛掷。”