


建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……





汉语拼音:mén kǒu






  1. 门跟前;门的出入口。

    《醒世恒言·乔太守乱点鸳鸯谱》:“ 刘妈妈 赶到新房门口,见门闭着,只道 玉郎 还在里面。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四八回:“我荐了客给你,特为带他来认认门口,下次他好自己来。” 许杰 《惨雾》下:“我要他回去,把他送到门口。”

  2. 借指看门的仆役。

    《负曝闲谈》第二十回:“到了第二天,﹝他﹞叫大侄子就是当轿班的到 田雁门 家中去取,谁知 田雁门 的门口作起刁来。”

  3. 比喻关口、关头。

    毛泽东 《第二次世界大战的转折点》:“拿 希特勒 在第一阶段上的情况和第三阶段作比较,就可知 希特勒 是处在最后失败的门口了。”



  1. Today, the weather in Gulangyu was some cool. Bursts of breeze blowing from the door, not only let me wrap the body by jacket.


  2. When you visit, when an Englishman, had to knock at the door, until he said "Come in" in order to go.


  3. Suddenly, a well dreassed young lady with a mask appeared in the door way, everyone is making way for her.


  4. I secretly looked at the back door of her mother's unusual look, could not help but "Head-Hey" A smile Out.


  5. was going out shopping last week, I noticed him in the garden near the gate.


  6. They came to the West-gate and found it shut, but at the door of the lodge beyond it, there was a man sitting.


  7. Fan went door when I stopped and watched the door has collapsed yesterday, reminds me of that war, that the market for Fan Daughter of war.


  8. He was at the office door when he saw it: a patch of shivering light dancing on the doorframe.


  9. And the priest will put blood on the altar of the Lord at the door of the Tent of meeting, burning the fat for a sweet smell to the Lord.


  1. 球门口混战

    goal post

  2. 在门口设岗

    to set sentries at a gate.

  3. 九门口长城

    The Great Wall at Jiumenkou.

  4. 峙门口硫铁矿

    Shimenkou pyritic deposit

  5. 门口有个人。

    There's someone at the door.

  6. 门口有个人。

    There's someone at the door.

  7. 他到了门口

    he came to a door

  8. 门口堵塞,危险

    Obstruction of the door can be dangerous.

  9. 在门口迎客

    Greeting Guests At The Door.

  10. 她站在门口。

    She is standing at the door.

  11. 请在门口停车。

    Stop at the entrance.

  12. 送某人到门口

    to escort somebody to the door

  13. 门口对着天井。

    The door opens to the patio.

  14. 菲尔走向门口。

    Phyl moved over to the door.

  15. 请在门口停车。

    Drop me off at the entrance.

  16. 他把头转向门口

    Rolled his head toward the door

  17. 他们在门口设岗。

    They posted guards at the door.

  18. 谁在门口?邮递员。

    Who was at the door? The postman was.

  19. 她快跑到门口。

    She raced to the door.

  20. 从门口闯进去。

    Rushed in at the door.

  21. 去门口那儿看看!

    Go to the door to see!

  22. 我送你到门口。

    I'll walk you to the door.

  23. 不要站在门口。

    Dont stand in the doorway.

  24. 他朝门口冲去。

    He dashed towards the door.

  25. 到门口去迎客

    go to meet a visitor at the gate.

  26. 去门口那儿看看!

    Go to the door to see!

  27. 她朝门口冲去。

    She made a dart for the door.

  28. 我慢慢向门口挪。

    I edged towards the door.

  29. 车停在大门口。

    The car is parked at the gateway.

  30. 她在门口等他。

    She was at the door awaiting him.


  1. 问:门口拼音怎么拼?门口的读音是什么?门口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:门口的读音是ménkǒu,门口翻译成英文是 entrance; doorway; gateway

  2. 问:门口有人拼音怎么拼?门口有人的读音是什么?门口有人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:门口有人的读音是Ménkǒu yǒu rén,门口有人翻译成英文是 there's someone at the door

  3. 问:门口帮拼音怎么拼?门口帮的读音是什么?门口帮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:门口帮的读音是mén kǒu bāng,门口帮翻译成英文是 respond

  4. 问:门口踏板拼音怎么拼?门口踏板的读音是什么?门口踏板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:门口踏板的读音是mén kǒu tà bǎn,门口踏板翻译成英文是 door saddle

  5. 问:门口铺石拼音怎么拼?门口铺石的读音是什么?门口铺石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:门口铺石的读音是,门口铺石翻译成英文是 doorstone

  6. 问:门口搜查案拼音怎么拼?门口搜查案的读音是什么?门口搜查案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:门口搜查案的读音是mén kǒu sōu chá àn,门口搜查案翻译成英文是 Doorway Search Case

  7. 问:门口擦鞋垫拼音怎么拼?门口擦鞋垫的读音是什么?门口擦鞋垫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:门口擦鞋垫的读音是mén kǒu cā xié diàn,门口擦鞋垫翻译成英文是 welcome mat

  8. 问:门口走廊的拼音怎么拼?门口走廊的的读音是什么?门口走廊的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:门口走廊的的读音是,门口走廊的翻译成英文是 vestibular


