




用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……



汉语拼音:fēng bāo






  1. 封缄。亦指封缄着财物、文书等的封套。

    唐 元结 《心规》:“其甚也,则须封包裹塞,不尔,有灭身亡家之祸。” 端木蕻良 《曹雪芹》第二章:“茶客们看了这字条,有的认为是打诗谜的;有的以为是送花会封包的。”



  1. You did n't have control . It was n't like a telephone system where you had control of a line -- you had to share packets .


  2. Each router that the packet encounters along the way is called a hop. The hop count is the distanced traveled.


  3. EIGRP routers use acknowledgment packets to indicate receipt of any EIGRP packet during a reliable exchange.


  4. The router uses path determination to decide which port to send a packet. This process is also referred to as routing the packet.


  5. If a configuration option is not included in an LCP packet, the default value for that configuration option is assumed.


  6. When a router starts an OSPF routing process on an interface, it sends a hello packet and continues to send hellos at regular intervals.


  7. is a program for monitoring Internet and Local Area Network (LAN) activity capable of capturing and analyzing network packets.


  8. The receiver replies with a request for packet five and again specifies a window size of two.


  9. Therefore, most connection - oriented, reliable protocols allow multiple packets to be sent before an ACK is received.


  1. 塑料薄膜封包

    plastic occlusion.

  2. 状态封包检测

    stateful packet inspection.

  3. 打开,盘点现金封包。

    Open and check the cash remittance envelopes.

  4. 以及发送所述蓝牙封包。

    And transmitting the bluetooth packet.

  5. 特种工业缝纫机,封包封袋设备。

    Special industrial sewing machine, bag closing machine.

  6. 网络封包过滤安全代理的实现

    The Implementation of the Security Agent based on Network Package Filtering

  7. 讯息摘要是依据密码和封包内容得混合资料。

    A message digest is scrambled data that is based on the password and the packet contents.

  8. 讯息摘要是依据密码和封包内容的混合资料。

    A message digest is scrambled data that is based on the password and the packet contents.

  9. 下面一个脚本的片断将展示如何来建立封包

    The following extracts from a script show how to create the envelope

  10. 卤米松乳膏封包治疗疥疮结节临床疗效观察

    Clinical study of enveloping pustule with halometasone cream in treatment of scabies

  11. 同一封包的所有迁移片段以管道方式按序传输。

    All flits in the same packet are transmitted in order as pipelined fashion.

  12. 封包包括准备和封包要搬运的财产过程中的所有活动。

    Packing includes all activities in preparing and packing your possessions to be moved.

  13. 在无连结系统中,封包在传送之前,与目的地尚未联系。

    In a connectionless system, the destination is not contacted before packet is sent.

  14. 发送端传送下二个封包,但是仍然指定三的视窗尺寸。

    The sender sends the next two packets, but still specifies a window size of three.

  15. 在循环冗赘核对中若需要重传将使得整个封包被重传。

    If a retransmission request is asked by CRC check, it needs to retransmit the whole packet.

  16. 步骤一,发起连线的主机传送一个同步化封包来开启连结。

    In step one, the initiating host sends a synchronization packet to initiate a connection.

  17. 亲友会互相贺年送礼, 派发红封包给小孩和未婚的成年人。

    Friends and relatives exchange visits and gifts while children and unmarried adults receive lai see, or lucky money.

  18. 这是因为蓝牙通信系统的蓝牙封包可承载差分相参考信息。

    This is because that a bluetooth packet of the bluetooth communication system may carry differential phase reference information.