







汉语拼音:miàn chéng






  1. 当面呈交。

    盛宣怀 《致妻庄氏家书》:“面呈父亲慈览,勿示外人。”



  1. The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted in relation to the ecliptic plane, an imaginary surface through Earth's orbit around the sun.


  2. last but not the least , i would like to extend in person our official invitation to the mayor of shanghai.


  3. As the two facades rise opposite each other, the roof lines connect to the ground and continue the existing park onto the actual building.


  4. The table can be tilted to any angle between 0 and 90 to horizontal by manual.


  5. The slide is circular slip and breach form the flat middle of base of slope when the reinforcement disables.


  6. Property bubbles almost always start because fundamentals such as population growth, interest rates and economic expansion are benign.


  7. His complexion was sallow, his face swollen.


  8. The wall of the maxilla protrudes in an arc shape and the wall of the protruding arc surface is provided with an observing port;


  9. the surfaces of the two drums take a slotted structure and the concave-convex patterns on the surfaces are arranged across;


  1. 他面呈菜色,脸部浮肿。

    His complexion was sallow, his face swollen.

  2. 戈塔尔当时已对我面呈愠色。

    Goebbels was flaring up at me.

  3. 我终因无聊厌烦,憋得面呈死色。

    My face turns dead with boredom.

  4. 这时只见这位服务员面呈怒色, 因为他正好是黑人。

    Suddenly Richard found the waiter looking angry, for he happened to be a black.

  5. 结果发现, 经漂白后的牙釉质面呈轻度类似于酸蚀后的改变。

    The results demonstrated that the enamel surfaces after bleaching were something like having been etched.

  6. 面涂迷彩漆得军队呈单行队列行进。

    Troops with camouflage face paint marching single file.

  7. 面涂迷彩漆的军队呈单行队列行进。

    Troops with camouflage face paint marching single file.

  8. 湖面呈水平状。

    The lake has a horizontal surface.

  9. 盒子的内面呈蓝色。

    The inside of the box was blue.

  10. 随着基准面得下降,沉积物总体呈进积特征。

    With rise of base level, sediments showed retrogradation features, in contrast, with drop of base level, sediments had progradation.

  11. 大殿气势雄伟,面宽、进深各三开间,平面呈纵长方形。

    Basilica momentum of the majestic, broad, deep into the third hall, the plane was vertical rectangle.

  12. 镜子呈凸面。

    The mirror is convex.

  13. 呈凸状而不刻面

    en cabochon

  14. 晶形良好, 一致, 呈多面体状。

    Crystal shape fine, even, and polyhedron.

  15. 呈螺旋状环绕柱身的柱面凹槽饰纹

    twisted flutings

  16. 该散热器呈倒梯形的六面体箱式结构。

    The radiator is hexahedral box structure with invertedtrapezoid.

  17. 用捍面杖搟压面包, 直到面包呈豌豆般大小。

    Coarsely crush with a rolling pin so that the largest pieces are the size of peas.

  18. 聚酯纤维表面均匀光滑,无条纹,横截面呈圆形。

    Polyester fibers have a smooth, uniform surface with no striations and are circular in cross section.

  19. 随着基准面的下降,沉积物总体呈进积特征。

    With rise of base level, sediments showed retrogradation features, in contrast, with drop of base level, sediments had progradation.

  20. 粉质胚乳淀粉粒排列疏松,呈多面体状。

    Starch granule of powder endosperm arranged loosely and showed a polyhedron shape.

  21. 抛光砖经过机械研磨, 抛光, 表面呈镜面光泽的陶瓷砖。

    polishing brick passes mechanical and abrade, polish, the surface shows the contented ceramic tile of lens face burnish.

  22. 桶体内壁上具有搅拌凸筋, 搅拌凸筋的横截面呈锥形。

    Stirring convex bars are arranged on the inner wall of the barrel body, and the cross sections thereof are conical.

  23. 饼形小巧饱满, 呈蟹黄色, 芝麻撒面, 馅多壳薄。

    Compact full pie, crab was yellow, sprinkle sesame noodles, filling more than a thin shell.

  24. 竖木地板以木材横切面为板面,呈正四边形、正六边形。

    Perpendicular wood floor is board face with lumber cross section, show quadrangular, hexagon.

  25. 试验中,我们把呈平行六面体的样品竖向放置在风道中。

    The experiments are conducted with small parallelepiped samples vertically placed in a wind tunnel.

  26. 试验中,我们把呈平行六面体得样品竖向放置在风道中。

    The experiments are conducted with small parallelepiped samples vertically placed in a wind tunnel.

  27. 牛胸肉放入油里,煎至肉呈深棕色,大约每面需要7分钟。

    Add brisket and cook until deep brown, about 7 minutes per side.

  28. 结果显示,波阵面的形状是呈稍微有点向上凸的圆弧形。

    Simulation results indicate that the shape of Cerenkov light front wave on ground is a curve rising slightly upward.

  29. 坡面径流泥沙含量随产流时间呈半正弦波衰减趋势

    The variation of sediment concentration with time was the attenuation trend of half sine wave.

  30. 晚期患者面部表情呆板,口半张,呈傻笑状态,颇具特征性。

    Terminal patient countenance is inflexible, mouth half pieces, assume giggle position, have diagnostic sex quite.


  1. 问:面呈拼音怎么拼?面呈的读音是什么?面呈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面呈的读音是miànchéng,面呈翻译成英文是 to submit in person; to deliver in person