







汉语拼音:zhòu sī






  1. Europa often dreamed that a strange woman said to her, "Let me take you to meet Zeus. You are doomed to be his lover. "


  2. Hera promised Hypnos to give him Pasithea 2 (one of the CHARITES) as a bride if he would help her to let Zeus fall asleep.


  3. Zeus is too outrageous to see her much, on the "good" and advised her to look elsewhere, innocent peasant outlet.


  4. In the beginning, Zeus refused, but he was soon deeply attracted to Europa's beauty when he met her and fell in love with her immediately.


  5. But the scarab beetle saw through this trick. He made, a pellet of dung, took flight, and when he got above the lap of Zeus he let it fall.


  6. created by Hephaestus on orders from Zeus who presented her to Epimetheus along with a box filled with evils.


  7. Moved by her fidelity , Zeus sent Hermes to escort the shade of Protesilaus back to the upper air to stay with his wife for three hours.


  8. Born Hercules, the strapping lad is rejected by his mother, envied by his brother Iphicles, and loathed by Zeus's wife Hera .


  9. Pegasus is said to carry Zeus' lightning bolts across the sky, and as he rushes across, his hooves create rumbles of thunder.


  1. 直到把宙斯弄死。

    Kratos wife The death of Zeus.

  2. 她想要宙斯忘记她。

    She wanted Zeus to forget her.

  3. 闪电是宙斯的象征

    Lightning bolts are an attribute of Zeus.

  4. 宙斯绝不是一位独裁者。

    Zeus was not an autocrat by any standards.

  5. 奥林匹亚的宙斯神像。

    Phidias's the statue of Zeus at Olympia.

  6. 有一次, 宙斯头痛欲裂。

    On one occasion Zeus suffered a racking headache.

  7. 阿瑞斯。宙斯与赫拉之子。

    The son of Zeus and Hera.

  8. 宙斯!我要捣毁他们的城墙

    Zeus! I will smash their walls to the ground.

  9. 宙斯和赫拉总是免不了吵架。

    Zoes and Hera bickered constantly.

  10. 最后宙斯决定直接帮助爱娥。

    Finally Zeus decided to help Io directly.

  11. 火和锻冶之神,宙斯之子。

    The god of fire and metalworking, Zeus's son.

  12. 奎托斯我是来杀你的,宙斯!

    Kratos I have come to kill you, Zeus!

  13. 他是宙斯和哈迪斯的兄弟。

    He is the brother of Zeus and Hades.

  14. 他们去见众神之王 宙斯。

    And they went to see Zeus, king of all the gods.

  15. 宙斯渐渐远离,留下濒死的奎托斯。

    Zeus walks away from the defeated and dying Kratos.

  16. 但是宙斯惩罚了普罗米修斯。

    However, Zeus did punish Prometheus.

  17. 任何凡人都没法与宙斯匹敌

    No mortal could vie with Zeus

  18. 就是你可能找到了宙斯之眼。

    Is that you probably found the artifact.

  19. 宙斯把她给了伊皮墨多斯。

    Zeus gave her to a Epimetheus.

  20. 奎托斯宙斯的时代该结束了。

    Kratos The time of Zeus is coming to an end.

  21. 宙斯爱上了她并娶她为妻。

    Zeus loved her and took her as a wife.

  22. 以及包括奥林匹亚的宙斯神像

    Statue of Zeus at Olympia

  23. 他还表示, 宙斯僵尸网络不易识别。

    And, he says, the Zeus botnets are not easy to identify.

  24. 宙斯一使劲,剑插入得更深了。

    Zeus plunges the blade further into Kratos'body.

  25. 宙斯给克瑞托斯赐福并且告别。

    Zeus congratulates Kratos and bids him farewell.

  26. 宙斯想要把动物布满在大地上。

    Zeus wished to fill the earth with animals.

  27. 宙斯对斯巴达城的屠戮开始了。

    Zeus begins his slaughter and destruction to The city of Sparta.

  28. 他们准备了一头牛要祭献给宙斯。

    They prepared a calf to sacrifice to Zeus.

  29. 他们准备了一头牛要祭献给宙斯。

    They prepared a calf to sacrifice to Zeus.

  30. 宙斯决定把她当作礼物送给男人。

    Zeus decided to send her down to men as a present.


  1. 问:宙斯拼音怎么拼?宙斯的读音是什么?宙斯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宙斯的读音是,宙斯翻译成英文是 Zeus

  2. 问:宙斯神拼音怎么拼?宙斯神的读音是什么?宙斯神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宙斯神的读音是,宙斯神翻译成英文是 zeus

  3. 问:宙斯弹道系统拼音怎么拼?宙斯弹道系统的读音是什么?宙斯弹道系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宙斯弹道系统的读音是zhòu sī dàn dào xì tǒng,宙斯弹道系统翻译成英文是 Ballistic Systems Zeus

  4. 问:宙斯盾文献汇编系统拼音怎么拼?宙斯盾文献汇编系统的读音是什么?宙斯盾文献汇编系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宙斯盾文献汇编系统的读音是zhòu sī dùn wén xiàn huì biān xì tǒng,宙斯盾文献汇编系统翻译成英文是 Aegis Documentation System