







汉语拼音:wǎn liú








  1. 使将要离去者留下。

    宋 苏轼 《辩才老师退居龙井作亭岭上名曰过溪》诗:“去住两无碍,人天争挽留。” 元 宋旡 《鲸背吟·抛矴》:“千斤铁矴繫船头,万丈滩中得挽留。”《老残游记》第二回:“管事的再三挽留不住,只好当晚设酒饯行。” 丁玲 《小火轮上》:“一难过,就是平日很活泼的孩子,也无力地懒于再说挽留的话了。”

  2. 使将要离去的人留下来。

    《明史·蔡清传》:“王欲诬以詆毁詔旨, 清 遂乞休。王佯輓留,且许以女妻其子,竟力辞去。”



  1. He said companies were using the fancy titles as an incentive to retain staff rather than pay them more at a time of economic uncertainty.

  2. "Retain the smile of life, " the story of a place in the true story of the war years, in this story, a huge smile to show her the magic.

  3. How much effort is needed to retain?

  4. But they should allow him to leave with as much dignity as he can salvage. Resignation would be humiliation enough.

  5. The earthquake did not keep my name on the home, the very next day they were divorced.

  6. As the economy continued to grow, however, companies increasingly recruited talent away from their competitors, creating retention problems.

  7. Perhaps, too, if he had been obliged to be away from home so much , he might have saved the lives of his mother and daughter.

  8. First time when I said I wanted to go, you asked me to stay and you transferred me to this group that did not require overtime.

  9. Her departure is not a tree, not the pursuit of the wind, but that she let the leafy green better care of life of fruit growth, mature.


  1. 挽留某人吃饭

    ask sb. to stay for dinner.

  2. 客户维系与挽留

    customer maintenance and retention

  3. 医学挽留我们生命

    Medicine takes over.

  4. 请看着我,挽留我。

    Look at me, see me.

  5. 警察已经挽留了嫌疑犯。

    The police sustained the suspect.

  6. 她的挽留还萦绕耳旁

    Her tearful face can not be forgot

  7. 菲力浦并没有挽留他们。

    Philip did nothing to restrain them.

  8. 你的离开,不是我的不挽留。

    Your departure, not I didn't ask her to stay.

  9. 挽留,不过是一阵哀叹的风。

    To retain, but lamented the wind burst.

  10. 摩根士丹利挽留关键员工

    Mack battles to keep key staff

  11. 需要花多大的力气去挽留?

    How much effort is needed to retain.

  12. 老师挽留我与他共进晚餐。

    My teacher pressed me to stay for dinner.

  13. 老师挽留我与他共进晚餐。

    My teacher pressed me to stay for dinner.

  14. 招募及挽留初级警务人员检讨

    Review on Recruitment and Retention of Junior Police Officers

  15. 因为这是挽留她唯一的方法

    because that is the only way to keep her.

  16. 我已经没有力气再挽留你了。

    I've got no energy left to stop you.

  17. 似乎还是有些东西值得去挽留的。

    It turns out some things are worth preserving.

  18. 在秋天果香的催促下, 母亲的挽留,

    With the ripe fruits urging

  19. 为什么吉达要挽留这些外来的人?

    Insist on keeping the outsiders?

  20. 保留对你的感觉,即使不能挽留。

    You retain the feeling, even if they can not stay.

  21. 要远行的人总是最希望被人挽留

    The excursion of person gets the most hope of detainment

  22. 我很想挽留, 却什么也留不住。

    I very want to detain, actually any also cannot detain.

  23. 于是我离开了树,树只是笑笑,没有挽留。

    I left the tree, the tree only smiled, not to stay.

  24. 尽管我们再三挽留,他还是不肯留下。

    Though we repeatedly asked him to stay, he declined.

  25. 彬格莱先生兄妹挽留她们多呆几天。

    Mr. Bingley and his sister pressed them to stay longer.

  26. 我会拥抱你, 亲吻你, 并对你多加挽留。

    I would give you a hug and kiss you, and call you back for more.

  27. 设计, 实施和评估员工挽留的策略和方式。

    Develop, implement, and evaluate retention strategies and practices.

  28. 妻子劝他, 以各种方式挽留他, 均无济于事。

    However his wife tried to maintain their relationship, it was in vain.

  29. 叶子的离开,是风的追求,还是树的不挽留!

    To leave leaf, pursuit of wind, tree keep!

  30. 叶的离开,是风的追求,还是树的不挽留?

    What makes the leaves float aways is the wing or the tree, seeking or giving up ?


  1. 问:挽留拼音怎么拼?挽留的读音是什么?挽留翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挽留的读音是wǎnliú,挽留翻译成英文是 press … to stay

  2. 问:挽留者拼音怎么拼?挽留者的读音是什么?挽留者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挽留者的读音是,挽留者翻译成英文是 detainer



“挽留”是个多义词,它可以指挽留(明月珰创作小说作品), 挽留(胥弋编选诗集), 挽留(汉语词语), 挽留(大雨演唱歌曲), 挽留(青乐组合演唱歌曲), 挽留(文妮莎演唱歌曲)。