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1. 缝 [féng]2. 缝 [fèng]缝 [féng]用针线连缀:~纫。~缀。~制。~补。~连。裁~。缝 [fèng]空隙,裂开或自然露出的窄长口子:~子。~隙。裂~。见~插针。缝合的地方:天衣无~。……
1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……
汉语拼音:féng hé
《后汉书·方术传下·华佗》:“若在肠胃,则断截湔洗,除去疾秽,既而缝合,傅以神膏,四五日创愈。” 宋 郭彖 《睽车志》卷一:“救之不死,医者以桑皮缝合其创。” 清 严有禧 《漱华随笔·朱良吉》:“ 俞 为纳其心,以桑白皮线缝合,未及期月已无恙矣。”
Starting from point A cut along the CF and halfway around the neck seam. Stop before the front shoulder neck point.
从A点开始沿着前中心线和衣领缝合一裁剪到前肩颈点停止。If you don't have one available, use a man's old shirt fixed on a hanger. Button it up and stitch the bottom together.
如果你还没有这样的篮子,只需要把一个男士的旧衬衫固定在衣撑上,将扣子扣上,缝合衬衣的底端就可以diy一个了。They anesthetized her to remove a piece of her scalp and skull and fold back a protective membrane underneath.
他们把她麻醉切去了她的一块头皮和颅骨,最后他们在下面用保护的假膜缝合起来。Rotting teeth and gums. Diseased lungs. A sewn-up corpse of a smoker. Cigarette smoke coming out of the tracheotomy hole in a man's neck.
腐烂的牙齿和牙龈,病变的肺,吸烟者被缝合上的尸体,从男人脖子上的气管套管洞中飘出的烟。We suggest that indian crust may under thrust the surface expression of the IYS. but probably does not do so as an intact plate.
我们提出印度地壳可能俯冲到缝合带地表之下,却不可能是整体俯冲。Quilting: Process of stitching together two layers of fabric, usually with a soft, thick substance placed between them.
绗缝绣:将两层织物缝合在一起的一种工艺。通常在两层织物之间填以软而厚的物料。The main bag is only single stitched which over time will not be able to withstand the constant tension and weight of groceries.
主袋是单线缝合的,时间一长,这种购物袋将无法承受食品杂货的重量和张力。The White House Medical Unit said the number of stitches used was high in order to reduce the size of any scar.
白宫医疗队称,要为奥巴马用较细的线缝合伤口,但是针数较多,以减小疤痕面积。Pin basting is often used in the sample room to join pieces of a garment where fitting is unnecessary.