




去,到:~返。~复。~还(huán )。~来。交~。向~。勇~直前。过去:~昔。~日。~事。~古。~常。以~。一如既~。同“望”。……



汉语拼音:yǐ wǎng








  1. 以前。

    晋 陶潜 《归去来辞》:“悟已往之不諫,知来者之可追。” 宋 叶适 《始议一》:“嗟夫!是已往之事,不可追而悔者也。” 邹韬奋 《抗战以来》一:“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆,对于已往的检讨,足为将来的借鉴。”

  2. 以后。

    《后汉书·吕布传》:“ 布 见 操 曰:‘今日已往,天下定矣。’” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·书证》:“ 西晋 已往字书,何可全非?但令体例成就不为专輒耳!” 宋 苏轼 《上神宗皇帝书》:“臣恐自兹已往,习惯成风,尽为执政私人,以致人主孤立。”



  1. However, the past is the past, and no matter how much time we spend thinking and lamenting about it, it doesn't change anything.

  2. 'Who has done most for peace in the past year? If the question is put in Nobel's terms. . . it had to be U. S. President Barack Obama.

  3. Still, if Mr Obama is going to emulate the economic record of any predecessors, Mr Clinton is not a bad one to pick.

  4. Some members of my staff felt that I should observe the custom of bygone days and allow him to call on me.

  5. While thanking you for your singled support. I wish to asc for a continuance of your confidence in the new company.

  6. "We've always found somewhere to stay here before. " "True, but we may not always be so lucky. "

  7. The result showed that this method was feasible for estimating the passed value and forecasting the coming value of the time series.

  8. It has often been said, and with truth, that Christianity is the only religion that can deal with man's past.

  9. Entering it , I saw my mother , who had passed away. She was extremely happy and talked profusely , asking me to stay .


  1. 他能记得已往的事情。

    He could remember events in the past.

  2. 背弃已往的言论或政策。

    Withdraw from an earlier argument or policy.

  3. 他的谈论唤起了已往的日子。

    His talk was evocative of the bygone days.

  4. 你已往申请了澳大利亚签证吗?

    Have you ever applied for an Australian visa?

  5. 因为冬天已往。雨水止住过去了。

    For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone.

  6. 已往他好吃懒做, 现在完全变了样。

    The sisters'personalities are completely different.

  7. 已往他好吃懒做,现在完全变了样。

    In the past he was greedy and lazy – now he's completely changed.

  8. 我们一点也不知道他已往的历史。

    We know nothing of his past.

  9. 我已往现实社会寄了一份申请书。

    I've sent in my application to the real world.

  10. 人和他们的观念也都不同已往了。

    How times change, and with them, the flow of ideas and people.

  11. 她已往的成就对她这个候选人很有利

    Her past achievements weigh In her favour as a candidate

  12. 教育者,非为已往,非为现在,而专为将来。

    Education is not for the past, not for present, but particularly for the future.

  13. 已往的事情不可挽回,未来的却还来得及。

    The past cannot be revised, and the future is yet to come.

  14. 儿子在海军的那位白叟已往是个木匠。

    The old man whose son is in the navy to be carpenter.

  15. 目前国际和平与安全的威胁同已往不同。

    The current threats to international peace and security differ from those of the past.

  16. 新年是人们辞别已往,欢迎新得一年得时候。

    It's a time to the old year, and to the new year.

  17. 新年是人们辞别已往,欢迎新的一年的时候。

    It's a time to the old year, and to the new year.

  18. 那杀人犯在已往三年内竟杀了九私人!

    The murderer has killed nine people during the last three years!

  19. 我的祖父们已往关照过我,其他人怎么对待你。

    My grandfathers told me one day it is none of your business what other people think of you.

  20. 已往的哲学人类学只研究人类个体而不研究人类整体。

    The Later philosophical anthropology only studied the individual, not the humankind as a whole.

  21. 即便你的已往是一团乱麻,你的将来也是明哲保身的。

    Regardless of how filthy your past has been, your future is still spotless.

  22. 每一个人都是已往得每一个君王和每一个奴隶得后裔。

    Every man is the descendant of every king and every slave that ever lived.

  23. 每一个人都是已往的每一个君王和每一个奴隶的后裔。

    Every man is the descendant of every king and every slave that ever lived.

  24. 检视已往的研究成果,发现史料错误并不罕见。

    A critical review of past research indicates that mistakes in utilizing historical documents were not uncommon.

  25. 谁晓得一般已往时和这个静词得功往总词?

    Who knows Past Tense and the Past Participle form of this verb?

  26. 谁晓得一般已往时和这个静词的功往总词?

    Who knows Past Tense and the Past Participle form of this verb ?

  27. 咱们已往老是每周去一次伦敦,但这段咱们每周去两次。

    We used visit London once a week, but lately we go there twice a week.

  28. 文章回顾了京西煤田已往地质勘查及开采状况。

    The geological prospecting and mining history has been reviewed, in the coal basin of western Beijing.

  29. 它是对已往三角测量,三边测量和边角网测量的统称。

    It is a general designation for the previously triangulation, trilateration survey and triangulateration.

  30. 气候预报说在气候热和起来已往还会先变得更蹩脚。

    The forecast says it's going to get worse before it warms up.


  1. 问:已往拼音怎么拼?已往的读音是什么?已往翻译成英文是什么?

    答:已往的读音是yǐwǎng,已往翻译成英文是 the past




拼音:yǐwǎng 基本解释 [before;previously;in the past] 在过去 而今已矣!除吾死外,当无见期。——清· 袁枚《祭妹文》 详细解释 1. 以前。 晋 陶潜 《归去来辞》:“悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追。” 宋 叶适 《始议一》:“嗟夫!是已往之事,不可追而悔者也。” 邹韬奋 《抗战以来》一:“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆,对于已往的检讨,足为将来的借鉴。” 2. 以后。 《后汉书·吕布传》:“ 布 见 操 曰:‘今日已往,天下定矣。’” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·书证》:“ 西晋 已往字书,何可全非?但令体例成就不为专辄耳!” 宋 苏轼 《上神宗皇帝书》:“臣恐自兹已往,习惯成风,尽为执政私人,以致人主孤立。”