









汉语拼音:diàn rè tǎn






  1. 装有电热装置,通电后能发热的褥子。有保暖和辅助治疗作用。



  1. Princess initially received oxygen therapy , pain relief and was placed on a heat pad to help bring her body temperature back to normal.

  2. But tis telephone turned into a heater and a electric blanket.

  3. hemorrhagic disease since the use of electric blanket can accelerate blood circulation, blood vessels expand, thereby increasing bleeding.

  4. Much nicer to have a human being with you in bed than one electric blanket believe me.

  5. Then: They made home goods. The first Sony product was a rice cooker, and they soon rolled out a heating blanket.

  6. The invention discloses an electric blanket and particularly relates to a double combinable zoned temperature control electric blanket.

  7. The condition also can be caused by overuse of heating pads and other heat sources that usually aren't hot enough to cause burns.

  8. meals, or do not use electric blanket should unplug the electric plug.

  9. Other electric blankets are used more to help people improve their circulation as they are in bed.


  1. 电热毯只有50瓦。

    Electric blanket is only 50 watts.

  2. 冬天我用电热毯。

    In winter I use an electric blanket.

  3. 做你伙伴的电热毯。

    Be your mate's eletric blanket.

  4. 我下周要买条电热毯。

    I'll buy an electric blanket next week.

  5. 我下周要买条电热毯。

    I'll buy an electric blanket next week.

  6. 您还记得祖母的电热毯吗?

    Remember your grandmother's electric blanket?

  7. 自动恒温电热毯电子开关设计

    Design of Electronic Switch for Automatic Thermostat Electric Heating Blanket

  8. 我在寒冷月份里使用电热毯。

    I use a thermal blanket during the colder months.

  9. 我在寒冷月份里使用电热毯。

    I use a thermal blanket during the colder months.

  10. 天太冷了,我买了个电热毯。

    It is so cold that I bought an electric blanket.

  11. 天太冷了,我买了个电热毯。

    It is so cold that I bought an electric blanket.

  12. 快上床躺着吧,床上有电热毯!

    Quick lay it to bed, bed with electric blanket!

  13. 我为母亲买了一床电热毯。

    I bought an electric blanket for my mother.

  14. 不过, 睡的舒适, 无一胜电热毯。

    However, for sleeping comfort, nothing an electric blanket.

  15. 性能可靠的电热毯,让君高枕无忧。

    With a dependable electric Blanket, surely you will always have a restful sleep.

  16. 电热毯的安全和性能关键指标评析

    Evaluation of Key Safety and Performance Specifications of Electric Blankets

  17. 备有电热毯24小时热水数字电视等设施。

    Equipped with electric blanket,24 hours hot water, digital TV and other facilities.

  18. 也可以启动你的电热毯, 如果你有的话。

    It may power your electric blanket, if you have one.

  19. 电热毯的电磁场强度和人体感应电流

    Intensity of Electromagnetic Field and Electric Current on Human Bodies Induced by Electric Blanket

  20. 睡觉的时候, 他帮奶奶打开了电热毯。

    He helped his grandmother turn on the electric blanket when they were about to sleep.

  21. 螺旋输送机用电热毯加热的防冻改造

    Frost protection of spiral conveyer by electric blanket heater at winter time

  22. 有了电热毯,到了冬天爷爷就不觉得冷了。

    With this electric blanket, the grandpa won't feel cold in winter.

  23. 但是手机变成了一个加热器和一个电热毯。

    But tis telephone turned into a heater and a electric blanket.

  24. 有了新得电热毯, 我睡得像个婴儿一样。

    I sleep like a baby with my new electric blanket.

  25. 快睡觉的时候,他帮奶奶打开了电热毯。

    He helped his grandmother turn on the electric blanket when they were about to sleep.

  26. 快睡觉的时候,他帮奶奶打开了电热毯。

    He helped his grandmother turn on the electric blanket when they were about to sleep.

  27. 从标准内容,看电热毯发热线的技术发展

    Prospect for Technical Development of Electric Blanket Heating Element Based on Standards

  28. 爱着你, 我看见你的电热毯闪闪发光而来,

    Loving you, I see your electric blanket come shining through

  29. 电热毯火灾模拟与微观形貌分析方法研究

    The Simulation and Microscopic Appearance Analytic Method of Electric Blanket Fire

  30. 电热毯火灾危险性分析及残留物鉴别技术

    Fire risk analysis on electric hating blanket and burning residue analysis technology


  1. 问:电热毯拼音怎么拼?电热毯的读音是什么?电热毯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:电热毯的读音是diànrètǎn,电热毯翻译成英文是 electric blanket; a blanket with an electrothe...


