








1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……



汉语拼音:wú suǒ shì cóng








  • 【解释】:适:归向;从:跟从。不知听从哪一个好。指不知怎么办才好。
  • 【出自】:《左传·僖公五年》:“一国三公,吾谁适从。”宋·姚宽《西溪从语》卷上:“源殊派异,无所适从。”
  • 【示例】:某书应读某音,敝处未得高明指教,往往读错,以致后学~。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容不知怎么办才好


  1. Choosing an air filtering device can be a little intimidating if you're not sure what you're looking for.


  2. Emeril had become a set of perfectly choreographed twin Emerils, which was one or possibly two more Emerils than I could handle.


  3. Even when you think you know what the results will be , strange events often take you in directions you never imagined .


  4. And in a state of physical balance and security, power, intellectual as well as physical, would be out of place.


  5. From Adam and Eve Toushijinguo beginning to face the desire to love and hate the vortex, the human is always a loss.


  6. On the basis of this book, there would be much to support such a view: when World War II ended, it was the adults who were lost.


  7. This time, there is no political ambition and talent Kennedy, speech is often next card, scratching, loss.


  8. "Yessuh, " said Bigger, feeling that this ought to place him in the light of a helpless bewildered man.


  9. In the face of such internal and external "troubles" , youths like us who had such high hopes for Nantah did not know what to do.


  1. 我有些无所适从。

    I kind of lost it.

  2. 我有些无所适从。

    I kind of lost it.

  3. 众说不同,无所适从。

    He that speers all opinions, comes ill speed.

  4. 詹姆斯无所适从,惘然若失。

    James was at a loss as to what to do and felt lost.

  5. 别问我,我现在无所适从。

    Don't ask me, I'm all at sea now.

  6. 吹得我一颗心无所适从

    Blow my heart into a dilemma

  7. 我很焦虑,但是我却无所适从。

    I am very anxious, but I know what to do.

  8. 选择太多了,令人无所适从。

    The choice is overwhelming.

  9. 逼得他无所适从,只好一吐为快。

    He had no choice except to spit it out.

  10. 我自己假想的想法却无所适从。

    I am self fanciful ideas but bewilder.

  11. 不留下任何踪迹令我无所适从

    Leaving no trace makes me wonder what to say

  12. 如果他在某个地方,他一定无所适从。

    If he's anywhere, he's in the middle of nowhere.

  13. 面对繁多的头绪,使我们无所适从。

    Faced with various things, we were at a loss what to do.

  14. 变化的价值观使社会感到无所适从。

    Society has been disoriented by changing values.

  15. 这只能让可怜得公众无所适从。

    All this leaves the poor public with whiplash.

  16. 这只能让可怜的公众无所适从。

    All this leaves the poor public with whiplash.

  17. 她在两项选择之间觉得无所适从。

    She was torn between the two choices.

  18. 他在两项选择之间觉得无所适从。

    She is teared between the two choices.

  19. 有时候我感觉自己很迷茫, 无所适从。

    Sometimes I feel out of place.

  20. 那是你自言自语,你遇到也许无所适从。

    That is that you speak yourself, it is had no clue perhaps that you meet.

  21. 我到巴黎火车站时,惶恐不安,无所适从。

    I arrived at the train station in Paris panicked and disoriented.

  22. 性能或界面的突变会让用户无所适从。

    Sudden changes in behavior or appearance will make users edgy.

  23. 女人会觉得无所适从,自觉不能满足他。

    His means You will dedicate all over, I however miserly.

  24. 大家都帮着出主意, 他反而无所适从了。

    Everybody helped him to come up with ideas but he was unsure what to do.

  25. 大家都帮着出主意,他反而无所适从了。

    Everybody helped him to come up with ideas but he was unsure what to do.

  26. 作文教学无方, 指导无法, 学生也就无所适从。

    If there is no direction for writing, students will be at loose ends.

  27. 服务很友好,尽管服务员显得有点无所适从。

    Service is friendly although waitresses seem a bit wet behind the ears.

  28. 服务很友好,尽管服务员显得有点无所适从。

    Service is friendly although waitresses seem a bit wet behind the ears.

  29. 他接受了许多劝告,多得使他几乎无所适从。

    He received so much advice that he was almost distracted.

  30. 她一会儿这么说,一会儿那么说,搞得大家无所适从。

    She spoke differently on different occasions so that everybody got confused, not knowing what to go with.


  1. 问:无所适从拼音怎么拼?无所适从的读音是什么?无所适从翻译成英文是什么?

    答:无所适从的读音是wúsuǒshìcóng,无所适从翻译成英文是 be unsure what to do



“无所适从”是个多义词,它可以指无所适从(汉语成语), 无所适从(2008年约翰·斯托克韦尔执导电影)。