


1. 莫 [mò]2. 莫 [mù]莫 [mò]不要:~哭。没有,无:~大。~非。~名其妙(亦作“莫明其妙”)。不,不能:~如。~逆。~须有。~衷一是(不能得出一致的结论)。爱~能助。古同“漠”,广大。姓。莫 [mù]古同“暮”。……


1. 衷 [zhōng]衷 [zhōng]内心:由~。苦~。无动于~。~肠。福,善:“降~于下民”。正中不偏:折~。贴身的内衣。……







汉语拼音:mò zhōng yī shì








  • 【解释】:不能决定哪个是对的。形容意见分歧,没有一致的看法。
  • 【出自】:清·吴趼人《痛史》第三回:“诸将或言固守待援,或言决一死战,或言到临安求救。议论纷纷,莫衷一是。”
  • 【示例】:人们议论纷纷,~。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语;用于书面语


  1. The word seems likely to have been influenced bygoblin, but accounts of its origin are various and none are certain.

  2. The new observations are very exciting, but the jury is still out on the importance of spicules in the big scheme of things.

  3. People discussed it with great earnestness and were unable to come to any definite conclusion.

  4. But despite widespread recognition of the changing global landscape, opinions differ widely as to which country will emerge on top.

  5. The question of how to express your life will probably never down, for the reason that men vary in temperament and inclination.

  6. There is a wide spectrum of opinions on the question of translation criteria.

  7. The truth which I intend to set forth here is not particularly scandalous , or is so only to the degree that any truth creates a scandal.

  8. there is constant controversy about the curriculum and a welter of disagreement about how children ought to be treated.

  9. But in the judicial practice, how limits the organized crime nature to organize this question, has wide divided opinions, unable to agree.


  1. 众说纷纭,莫衷一是。

    As opinions vary, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn.

  2. 但种种说法往往莫衷一是。

    Yet the many different accounts often disagree.

  3. 在这个问题上公众舆论莫衷一是。

    Public opinion is divided on the issue.

  4. 对这个问题的说法众说纷纭,莫衷一是。

    Theres a wide spectrum of opinions on this problem.

  5. 对于医疗改革, 人们意见纷纷, 莫衷一是。

    When it comes to the medical reform, opinions are abundant.

  6. 莫衷一是, 或许读者最好还是自己拿主意。

    Best perhaps for readers to make up their own minds.

  7. 可是, 关于它的来源专家们却莫衷一是。

    Still, language experts do not agree on where it came from.

  8. 在那一点上,大家意见纷纷,莫衷一是。

    As opinions vary on that point, no decision can be reached.

  9. 然而, 来自其它国家的证据都莫衷一是。

    However, the evidence from other countries has been quite mixed.

  10. 在这里我是个老手, 有点莫衷一是。

    Being the new guy here makes me feel a little bit out of place.

  11. 我被互相矛盾的陈述搞得莫衷一是。

    I was bewildered by the contradictory statements.

  12. 关于审判委员会制度,学术界众说纷纭,莫衷一是。

    Concerning the judge committee system, academic circles profusion of different opinions.

  13. 然而,关于创作方法,简直是人言言殊,莫衷一是。

    But with regard to the creative method, everyman has his own views.

  14. 至于如何解读街头的恐慌现象,投资者莫衷一是。

    Investors are in two minds how to interpret the street panic.

  15. 究竟谁对谁错, 以及应该怎么办, 人们莫衷一是。

    People have very different opinions about who is right and who is wrong and what should be done.

  16. 但众口一词与莫衷一是就存在于排他与妥协之间。

    But between exclusivity and compromise lie consensus and ambivalence.

  17. 关于围攻监狱一事,各家报纸众说纷纭,莫衷一是。

    There have been widely differing versions in the newspapers about the prison siege.

  18. 我国古代蒸馏酒得起源,众说纷云,莫衷一是。

    The origin of distillate liquor in ancient China still an unsettled enigma for experts.

  19. 我国古代蒸馏酒的起源,众说纷云,莫衷一是。

    The origin of distillate liquor in ancient China still an unsettled enigma for experts.

  20. 有关这些史迹的考证, 学术界仍是众说纷纭, 莫衷一是。

    The interpretation of these events is still a matter of academic discussion.

  21. 有关这些史迹得考证, 学术界仍是众说纷纭, 莫衷一是。

    The interpretation of these events is still a matter of academic discussion.

  22. 然而, 仍有许多运动员对服用药物这种方法莫衷一是。

    However, the method of taking drugs which is accepted by many athletes in doubtable.

  23. 导致豁免的义务的来源, 在委员会中是一个莫衷一是的主题。

    The source of the obligation giving rise to immunity was a subject of divergent views in the Commission.

  24. 有关妇女当神职人员一事, 教会成员意见纷纷, 莫衷一是。

    There was ambivalence among church members about women becoming priests.

  25. 但是, 一些老问题的解释依旧犹如不解之谜般莫衷一是。

    Some of the old questions, though, are still rattling around like skeletons in a cupboard.

  26. 关于知识产权和遗传资源的国际辩论在这方面也莫衷一是。

    There is considerable confusion in the international debate concerning intellectual property rights and genetic resources.

  27. 但因装配工的概念还莫衷一是, 所以反对意见仍值得一提。

    But because the assembler concept is still controversial, it's worth mentioning the objections being raised.


  1. 问:莫衷一是拼音怎么拼?莫衷一是的读音是什么?莫衷一是翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莫衷一是的读音是mòzhōngyíshì,莫衷一是翻译成英文是 unable to agree which is right; fail to come...


