







汉语拼音:cháng rén








  1. 守常道不变的人。

    《书·立政》:“继自今后王立政,其惟克用常人。” 蔡 沉 集传:“常人,常德之人也。”

  2. 平常的人。

    《庄子·人间世》:“采色不定,常人之所不违。”《史记·商君列传》:“常人安於故俗,学者溺於所闻。”《周书·韩盛传》:“ 德舆 姿貌魁杰,有异常人。” 唐 杜甫 《哀王孙》诗:“ 高帝 子孙尽隆準,龙种自与常人殊。”《醒世恒言·汪大尹火焚宝莲寺》:“老爷乃万民之主,况又护持佛法,一念之诚,便与天地感通,岂是常人之可比。” 鲁迅 《华盖集·题记》:“这病痛的根柢就在我活在人间,又是一个常人,能够交着‘华盖运’。”

  3. 固定的人。




  1. After his release he took deliberate steps, not only to avoid a normal life, but to excel in a life of crime.


  2. After my hearing tests, the audiologist told me that the decibel level at which I am comfortable hearing is twice that of a normal person.


  3. Classical sculpture is typically very serious and everyday people come in and they're kind of ready to be bored.


  4. The machine sitting at that desk was no longer a man; it was a busy New York broker , moved by buzzing wheels and uncoiling springs .


  5. He's a man of cinema, a connoisseur, because in his family, his father, his mother, his brother, all worked in the film industry.


  6. Indeed, speakers of geographic languages seem to have an almost-superhuman sense of orientation.


  7. Far from vulgarizing Marx, an acknowledgement of the more average side of him is the prerequisite to understand his thoughts.


  8. However, since childhood serious autism has made him unable to communicate normally, nor to understand the feelings of ordinary people.


  9. Twice in less than four years, New York magazine has run lengthy features about him and his latest offense against good taste.


  1. 英雄来自常人。

    Hero is made of the same stuff as common men.

  2. 超过常人的智慧

    superhuman wisdom

  3. 不是常人可比的。

    Than any other living human being.

  4. 不是常人可比的。

    Than any other living human being.

  5. 他比常人强壮三倍。

    He was thrice as strong as an ordinary man.

  6. 说话如常人,思考如智者。

    Speak as the common people do, think as wise men do.

  7. 酒徒喝酒未必胜过常人。

    A drunkard does not necessarily outdrink an ordinary man.

  8. 然而他却并不比常人幸运。

    He was no luckier than the average person.

  9. 我献不出常人称道的爱。

    I can give not what men call love.

  10. 请告诉他们,进行常人的对待。

    Please ask them to treat us like human beings.

  11. 趋同从众,不甘落伍,是常人常态。

    Convergence herd, unwilling to fall behind, is the ordinary normal.

  12. 这只是常人会做的事, 这很好。

    It's just what people do, and it's nice.

  13. 而不去狩猎常人的格林生物。

    instead of, you know, hunting kehrseites.

  14. 他们具有什么不同常人的个人魅力?

    What charisma different from us have they?

  15. 超过常人或常人所及的不可思议或超自然的

    Above or beyond the human preternatural or supernatural.

  16. 她努力教海伦象常人一样生活。

    She tried to teach Helen to live like other people.

  17. 他相信自己是个心地真诚的常人。

    He believed himself to be a sincerely conventional person.

  18. 像你这种和常人没啥两样的人。

    Anything different from someone like you.

  19. 才子的策略有时候也有异于常人。

    For a man of literary talents, he may adopt a unique strategy that differentiates from that of ordinary people.

  20. 有这种变异基因得人们比常人少眠。

    People who have nutation this mutation need less sleep than other'sothers.

  21. 有这种变异基因的人们比常人少眠。

    People who have nutation this mutation need less sleep than other'sothers.

  22. 其中, 最重要的是比常人更强的记忆力。

    Most important of all is that she seem to have a better memory than average.

  23. 有过失是人之常情。能原宥别人, 才是超越常人。

    To err is human. To forgive, divine.

  24. 为什么呢?因为我喜欢的事物与常人不同。

    It's because I enjoy things that are so different from each other.

  25. 戏谑不能化敌为友,倒常人失去朋友。

    Ajoke never gains over an enemy, but often loses a friend.

  26. 我们将自己得目标, 订得比一般常人要高。

    We hold ourselves to a very high standard of performance.

  27. 常人每天需要吃一定量的水果和蔬菜。

    Everyone needs to eat a certain amount of fruit and vegetables each day.

  28. 这个人跟常人不一样,做起事来特别邪行。

    This man is different from ordinary men, he behaves in a strange way.

  29. 我想这人一定是有异于常人的功夫。

    I believe that this guy must possess some outstanding characters.

  30. 首先,要找出百岁老人们异于常人的原因。

    First, to discover what, genetically speaking, makes centenarians different from other people.


  1. 问:常人拼音怎么拼?常人的读音是什么?常人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:常人的读音是chángrén,常人翻译成英文是 ordinary person