












  1. As a typical estuary wetland, Minjiang estuary wetland is one of the important stops of migration route for Eastern Asia- Australia birds.


  2. A saltwater wedge may be found when the sea water encroaches on the estuary during the plentiful runoff and spring tide.


  3. Minjiang River is the longest river in Fujian Province. The area of the Minjiang River Basin is one half Fujian Province.


  4. This translation is provided by Microsoft, jinjiang College Professor Chen Dongsheng audit, please correct me where haste is insufficient.


  5. Conclusion: This investigation will be of great significance for prevention and cure of bacteria infection in Minjiang river.


  6. Minjiang estuary Mawei Port is China's modern shipbuilding industry pioneer and nurture the cradle of scientific and technological talents.


  7. Conclusion: This investigation will be of important significance for early stage prevention and cure of bacteria infection in river.


  8. I Minjiang Management, a financial management professional college students.


  9. It shows that peculiar natural resources and propagation resources are favorable base of exploitation.


  1. 闽江河口湿地

    estuarine wetland of Minjiang fiver.

  2. 闽江河口的潮间带泥滩

    Intertidal mudflat at minjiang estuary

  3. 水运畅通,50吨级货船可直通闽江。

    Water flow,the 50 ton cargo ship can direct Minjiang.

  4. 闽江河口湿地鸟类监测研究初报

    Pilot Monitoring Study Report on the Minjiang River Estuarine Wetland Aves

  5. 近45年闽江流域气候变化特征分析

    Changes of Climatic Features in the Minjiang River Basin in Recent45 Years

  6. 闽江河口湿地生物多样性及其保护。

    The biodiversity of wetland and its prevention measures in Min River Estuary.

  7. 福州盆地闽江河谷的发展和变化

    The development and changing of the Min River valley within the Foochow Basin

  8. 闽江河口湿地主要植物群落生物量研究

    Biomass of Main Plant Community of Estuarine Wetland of Minjiang River

  9. 闽江水利工程的环境水质效应问题

    Some environmental problems concerning water quality effected by construction of water conservancy projects along the Minjiang River

  10. 闽江学院工程造价的确定与控制探讨

    The determining and control of the cost of Minjiang College's project

  11. 闽江流域耕地动态变化及其驱动力研究

    Study on Cultivated Land Change and Driving Forces in Minjiang River Basin

  12. 福州闽江公园锦江园入口景观设计分析

    Landscape Design Analysis of the Entrance in Fuzhou Minjiang Riverside Park Jinjiang Garden

  13. 闽江下游白岩潭潮位站洪水位研究

    Studies on the Water Lever at Baiyantang Tidal Station in the Lower Minjiang River

  14. 闽江南港洪塘大桥桥位河段特性分析

    Characteristics analysis of Hongtang bridge location reach at south branch of Minjiang River

  15. 闽江口晚第四纪海侵地层的研究

    Study on the Late Quaternary Transgressive Formations in Minjiang Estuary

  16. 闽江水库库湾拦鱼网的设计与安装

    Design and Installation of Fish Blocking Nets in Coves of Minjiang Reservoir

  17. 闽江属山地型河流,水量大,水力资源丰富。

    River is a type of mountain rivers, water, rich in hydropower resources.

  18. 从定海湾沉船看闽江下游的海洋文化

    The Marine Culture of the Lower Reach of Min River from the Perspective of the Sunken Ships in Dinghai Bay.

  19. 闽江河口洪季悬浮泥沙特征及输运过程

    Suspended sediment characteristics and transport in the Minjiang estuary during flood seasons

  20. 处理低浊度闽江原水的混凝剂选择试验

    The selecting coagulant tests for the treatment of low turbidity Min River primary water.

  21. 福建闽江河口湿地土壤重金属污染特征及评价研究

    Heavy Metals Pollution and It's Assessment in the Wetlands of Min River Estuary in Fujian Province

  22. 闽江河口湿地的生物多样性及其可持续发展策略

    Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development Strategies fo Wetlands in the Min River Estuary

  23. 山脚沿闽江边砌驳岸,围栏杆,堆叠假山,广植草木。

    Foothills along the Minjiang River Edge build Bulkhead, Wai railings, stacking rocks, planted trees and vegetation.

  24. 闽江河流湿地是海陆之间重要的生态廊道和湿地链

    Min River wetland is an important ecological corridor and chain between the sea and land.

  25. 河工模型试验在闽江福州段水污染防治规划中的应用

    Hydraulic Model Experiments Applied in Pollution Prevention and Control Planning of Fuzhou Reach of Min River

  26. 闽江河口丰水大潮期盐水入侵过程中可见到盐水楔。

    A saltwater wedge may be found when the sea water encroaches on the estuary during the plentiful runoff and spring tide.

  27. 已完成福建长乐闽江河口国家湿地公园总体规划设计。

    Overall Planning and Design of Minjiang Estuary National Wetland Park in Changle, Fujian has been completed.

  28. 潮汐是影响闽江河口鳝鱼滩芦苇湿地的主要水文过程。

    Tide was the main hydrology course, which influenced the Shanyutan Phragmites australis marsh of Min River estuary.

  29. 另一是做好闽江、九龙江等流域的水上保持,控制沙源。

    Preventing soil and water erosion in the Min River's and Jiulong River's basin for controlling source of sands.

  30. 武夷山是个远足的好去处,可乘竹排在翡翠般的闽江上漂流。

    Wuyi is a place for hiking and bamboo rafting down the jadegreen Min River.


  1. 问:闽江拼音怎么拼?闽江的读音是什么?闽江翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闽江的读音是,闽江翻译成英文是 Min River

  2. 问:闽江达氏吸虫拼音怎么拼?闽江达氏吸虫的读音是什么?闽江达氏吸虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闽江达氏吸虫的读音是Mǐnjiāng dáshìxīchóng,闽江达氏吸虫翻译成英文是 Dietziella minjiana