







汉语拼音:tā shí






  1. 犹他日;将来。

    宋 欧阳修 《试笔·学书作故事》:“学书勿浪书,事有可记者,它时便为故事。”



  1. Method can safely be called at any time, but its value is cached only if it is called from within a session.


  2. Again I stress this was at night, it had not shown in the headlights until I was almost on top of it.


  3. He doesn't have to keep such trivia in his head, but can depend on the menu to keep it for him, available when he needs it.


  4. Imagination is one of the manifestations that go without attention. The moment you turn your attention to it, imagination stops.


  5. Software deployment is often treated as a necessary evil that can be cobbled together before going live.


  6. As you move it, a special cursor called the mouse pointer moves around the screen in the same direction as you move the mouse.


  7. Adrian : No way. Every time I run up to kick it you pull the ball away and I fall flat on my face.


  8. By the time I backed up, tried to see it, it had moved at least a mile away, if not further. That quick. I was just astonished.


  9. You talk about it as if it's the only place in the world where this story can happen.


  1. 它时好时坏。

    It doesn't work all the time.

  2. 我洗它时会掉色吗

    Will the colour come outif I wash it

  3. 大多数人直到失去它时。

    It's the type of thing most people don't think about.

  4. 大多数人直到失去它时。

    It's the type of thing most people don't think about.

  5. 我看到它时非常惊讶

    I was really surprised at this.

  6. 她谈到它时非常羞怯。

    She had very great shyness about telling it.

  7. 当我压它时, 就会流血。

    When I press my gums, the bleed.

  8. 因此, 使用它时应格外小心。

    Therefore, it should be used with great caution.

  9. 当你吃它时,你关心的是重量。

    And when you eat it, the weight matters.

  10. 当设置它时不对其进行分析。

    It is not parsed as it is being set.

  11. 光束通过它时能够汇聚成一点。

    A beam of light passing through it is brought to a point or focus.

  12. 每次使用它时,我们总在争论

    We argue about it every time we use it.

  13. 用手指快速戳它时, 有何反应

    How does it behave when you stab it quickly with a finger

  14. 当它的主人揍它时,狗抖缩了。

    The dog cowered when its master beat it.

  15. 我们靠近它时,水渐渐深了起来。

    As we drew nearer to it the water gradually deepened.

  16. 其实,我们说到它时,心里很明白。

    Surely we understand well enough when we speak of it.

  17. 当通过它时能够改变信号的频谱。

    Alters the frequency spectrum of signals passing through it.

  18. 当我看到它时我总会想起你。

    I always think of you when I see this.

  19. 当我第一次握住它时,我惊讶不已。

    When I first held it in my hand, I was wonder-struck.

  20. 和我们拿到它时一样的色彩鲜艳

    That's as it was given to us in all of its clarity and glory.

  21. 猫在我摸它时高兴地咕噜咕噜叫。

    The cat purred as I petted it.

  22. 当她用舌头舔它时他还在摇晃。

    It totters when she licks it with her tongue.

  23. 上次烹煮它时, 我们加入了豆芽。

    Last time we cooked it we added bean sprouts.

  24. 上次烹煮它时,我们加入了豆芽。

    Last time we cooked it we added bean sprouts.

  25. 你觉得艺术家在创造它时是什么感受

    What do you think that the artist felt while making it?

  26. 搬动它时当心别把盘子掉在地上。

    Mind the plates don't fall off when you move it!

  27. 我当然喜欢能看到它时样子,那不错

    I liked it sighted. It was fine.

  28. 记得知道我遗失它时你有多生气吗?

    Remember how mad you got when I lost it?

  29. 我想知道在听它时你是否打哈欠了。

    I wonder if hearing it may make you yawn.

  30. 搜索栏只在你鼠标经过它时才出现。

    The search bar appears only when you hover over it.