







汉语拼音:yuán gào







  1. 向司法机关提出诉讼的一方。

    元 高文秀 《黑旋风》第三折:“孔目云:‘大人,我是原告。’ 白衙内 云:‘我这衙门里则枷原告。’”《老残游记》第十八回:“ 白公 举了红笔,第一名先传原告 贾干 。” 洪深 《这就是“美国的生活方式”》第三幕:“我准备以后代表原告,代表 麦克及尔 跟轮船公司进行诉讼。”



  1. In this case, we named the plaintiff after the jury reached a verdict that the woman had not been sexually exploited.


  2. Under Japanese law, he could have been given the death penalty, but prosecutors chose not to call for it.


  3. A lawyer for the plaintiffs says the trial will likely take about a week. Iverson is expected to take the stand in his defense.


  4. The accuser's attorney, Ken Thompson, said the report of his client's involvement with a drug dealer was a lie.


  5. Judges upholding the suit said the large number of affected women didn't matter and that the suit would be manageable.


  6. have to ask him author to appear in court attest or undertake notarization to autograph to notarial place, this cost cannot be borne at all.


  7. Although the marriage did not last, plaintiff's fury over the quality of the photographs and video continued on.


  8. Such revelations leave the accuser's credibility in tatters, whether or not her account of what took place in the hotel room is true.


  9. But so far nearly all of these cases appear to have been filed by Chinese complainants against Chinese companies.


  1. 原告所在地

    place where the plaintiff is located.

  2. 归原告所有

    be in the plaintiff.

  3. 有利于原告

    in favor of plaintiff.

  4. 被告和原告

    defence and prosecution.

  5. 判原告胜诉

    rule in favour of the plaintiff.

  6. 原告对被告

    the plaintiff versus the defendant.

  7. 法定原告资格

    statutory standing.

  8. 传唤原告到庭

    calling the plaintiff

  9. 原告资格理论

    Theory of Prosecutor Qualification

  10. 我们宣布原告

    We find in favor of the plaintiffs.

  11. 宣判原告胜诉

    pronounce a judgment for the plaintiff.

  12. 原告请求复审。

    The plaintiff moved for a rehearing.

  13. 判决原告胜诉。

    Judgment was entered for the plaintiff.

  14. 原告撤回起诉

    nolle prosequi

  15. 名义上的原告

    nominal plaintiff.

  16. 原告人心理

    mind of plaintiff.

  17. 谁替原告出庭?

    Who appeared for the plaintiff ?

  18. 原告的起诉缘由

    cause of action

  19. 他是原告证人。

    He was a witness for the prosecution.

  20. 提出要求者, 原告

    Claimant A party that makes a claim

  21. 法官判原告胜诉。

    The judge decided in favor of plaintiff.

  22. 被告与原告对质。

    The accused was confronted with her accuser.

  23. 请原告, 被告到庭。

    Take the plaintiff, and the defendant to court.

  24. 请原告,被告到庭。

    Take the plaintiff, and the defendant to court.

  25. 请原告、被告到庭。

    Take the plaintiff, and the defendant to court.

  26. 原告无话可辩。

    The plaintiff has no case.

  27. 证明责任在于原告。

    The onus of proof is on the plaintiff.

  28. 我们断定原告无罪。

    We consider that the plaintiff is not guilty.

  29. 原告指控被告欺诈。

    The plaintiff accused the defendant of fraud.

  30. 法官判定原告胜诉。

    The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff.


  1. 问:原告拼音怎么拼?原告的读音是什么?原告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原告的读音是yuángào,原告翻译成英文是 plaintiff

  2. 问:原告反驳拼音怎么拼?原告反驳的读音是什么?原告反驳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原告反驳的读音是yuán gào fǎn bó,原告反驳翻译成英文是 reply

  3. 问:原告某甲拼音怎么拼?原告某甲的读音是什么?原告某甲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原告某甲的读音是yuán gào mǒu jiǎ,原告某甲翻译成英文是 John Doe

  4. 问:原告自诉拼音怎么拼?原告自诉的读音是什么?原告自诉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原告自诉的读音是yuángàozìsù,原告自诉翻译成英文是 plaintiff sues in person

  5. 问:原告住所地拼音怎么拼?原告住所地的读音是什么?原告住所地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原告住所地的读音是yuán gào zhù suǒ dì,原告住所地翻译成英文是 domicilii actoris

  6. 问:原告胜诉率拼音怎么拼?原告胜诉率的读音是什么?原告胜诉率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原告胜诉率的读音是yuán gào shèng sù lǜ,原告胜诉率翻译成英文是 plaintiff win rate

  7. 问:原告存款账户拼音怎么拼?原告存款账户的读音是什么?原告存款账户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原告存款账户的读音是yuán gào cún kuǎn zhàng hù,原告存款账户翻译成英文是 suitors' deposit account

  8. 问:原告住所地法院拼音怎么拼?原告住所地法院的读音是什么?原告住所地法院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原告住所地法院的读音是yuán gào zhù suǒ dì fǎ yuàn,原告住所地法院翻译成英文是 forum domicilii actoris

  9. 问:原告效忠国法院拼音怎么拼?原告效忠国法院的读音是什么?原告效忠国法院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原告效忠国法院的读音是yuán gào xiào zhōng guó fǎ yuàn,原告效忠国法院翻译成英文是 forum ligeantiae actoris


