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汉语拼音:yì niàn
汉 枚乘 《上书谏吴王》:“臣 乘 愿披腹心而效愚忠,惟大王少加意念惻怛之心於臣 乘 言。” 南朝 梁 江淹 《悼室人》诗之八:“意念每失乖,徒见四时亏。” 明 王守仁 《大学问》:“盖心之本体本无不正,自其意念发动,而后有不正。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·娇娜》:“家君恐交游纷意念,故谢客耳。” 梁斌 《播火记》五:“ 春兰 再也睡不着,好像有一种什么意念触动着她。”
Sometimes our mind tends to overpower the heart. It's our logical faculty after all right?
有时候,意念的力量可以超越内心,我们的逻辑思维都是对的吗?I knew I should go back to the stockade now , but an idea came to me and I sat down to wait for darkness .
我知道我应该立刻回到寨子里去,但一种意念驱使我坐下来等着天黑。"I've received an impression from a tree about two or three miles northeast of here, " he said.
我从距离两到三英里、东北方向的地方的一棵树那儿获取到一个意念。Sympathy is also a prayer. Because the moment you think of that person with love and sympathy, you transmit your good thinking.
同情别人也是一种祈求,因为当你怀著爱心和同情心想到那个人的时候,你已经传达了好的意念。He is nothing if not stubborn; nobody survives five-and-a-half years as a prisoner-of-war in Vietnam without a steely will.
他相当固执。如果没有如钢铁般的意念,没有人可以作为一个战俘在越南生存五年半之久。He said they represented He and I and as there is no separation, my thoughts would be His and we would engage in this co creative endeavour.
他说那代表着他和我是一体的,正因为是没有分离,我的意念即是他的,我们将一起共同合作。But he knew their thoughts, and said to the man which had the withered hand, Rise up, and stand forth in the midst.
耶稣却知道他们的意念。就对那枯乾一只手的人说,起来,站在当中。Haier Brothers , I am always nearby. As long as you think of me, I will come out in your mind .
海尔兄弟,我时刻在你们身边,只要你们想到我,我就会在你们的意念中出现。And I know it was a huge emotional win for you to complete your personal slam last year at the US Open and a lot of good memories for you.