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汉语拼音:péng wū
Two years later, she had a small writing room in the garden constructed out of a wooden toolshed below a loft.
两年后,她在花园里拥有了一个用于写作的小房间,那是从阁楼下的木制棚屋改建而来的。There was the hint of cosmic cruelty that I felt when I saw the curved timbers of a wooden shack that had been warped in the summer sun.
还有,我看到小小棚屋的椽木,在夏日里晒得弯弯地翘起,便对造化的狠心稍有所悟。They say there is an old man who sells the beads you wanted from the front of his hut, and eight miles of white sand.
听他们说,有个老人在自己家门口卖你一直想要得到的珠子,他的家—一间棚屋,就在离银沙滩八英里的地方。The garage was no more than a couple of big preformed sheds that had been bolted together with their interior walls knocked out.
说是车库也只不过是几个大的已经搭建好的棚屋绑在一起,并将它们的内墙打掉组合而成。"Oh, yes, it's a fine blanket, " said Petey, and got up and went into the shanty.
“噢,嗯,是条好毯子,”小彼得说道,起身走进棚屋。When they'd washed up the supper dishes they went out on the shanty porch, the old man and the bit of a boy, taking their chairs.
吃过晚饭,洗好盘子,老人和那个半大不小的男孩各自端了把椅子,来到棚屋外的门廊上。He turned away; there was no sadness in him, no remorse. It was time to leave this shack and take charge.
他转过身子,没有悲伤,没有悔疚。是时候离开这棚屋,去掌握全局了。He took me by the hand to a shabby little barracks beside the tarmac, its windows blown out.
他拉着我的手走向跑道旁一个窗子被炸掉的简陋小棚屋里。A witness in a penthouse apartment called it a perfect landing, as if on cement.