


1. 汗 [hàn]2. 汗 [hán]汗 [hàn]由身体的毛孔排泄出来的液体:~水。~流浃背。出汗,使出汗:~颜(因羞惭而出汗;泛指惭愧)。~马功劳。~牛充栋。汗 [hán]〔可(kè)~〕见“可2”。……


1. 毛 [máo]毛 [máo]动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:~笔。羽~。~织品。~骨悚然。轻于鸿~。像毛的东西,指谷物或草:不~之地。衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长~了。粗糙,没有加工的:~布。~估(粗略地估计)。~坯。不是纯净的:~利。~重……



汉语拼音:hàn máo






  1. 即寒毛。人体表皮上的细毛。

    马烽 西戎 《吕梁英雄传》第四十回:“﹝ 辛在汉 ﹞打了个寒噤,浑身的汗毛都竖了起来。” 杨朔 《百花山》二:“有个班长带着人钻到敌人肚子里去,一宿光景,汗毛没丢一根,只费一颗手榴弹,俘虏五百多人。” 阮章竞 《漳河水》诗:“不准打,也不准骂,动他根汗毛也犯法。”



  1. But if they want to wear short sleeves, or get a date with a woman, they absolutely have to be smooth and shaven from the elbow down.


  2. And the air has a warm breeze to it - the kind that warms the hairs on your arms as it blows by.


  3. It raises the hair on the dark of my neck, and I take an involuntary step away from the window.


  4. Is the Pringle a vital foodstuff from which our government has no right to extract a screw?


  5. It was diverse, it was widely different across geographic areas, it had lots of different doctrines.


  6. he thought, as Tihon slipped his nightshirt over his dried-up old body and his chest covered with grey hair.


  7. The fine hairs on his body rose up like porcupine quills, virtually pulling his shirt away from his skin.


  8. It is March, and the cold makes the hairs rise from his arms, but the sun warms the arm beneath them.


  9. " Yang zhu after listen to shake to say: " all the problems, is by no means a hairs can remedy it.


  1. 令人汗毛直竖

    It's creepy.

  2. 让每茬汗毛都摇摇摆摆。

    Let every body hair sway.

  3. 吓得我汗毛直竖。

    My hair stood on end with fright.

  4. 这使我汗毛都竖起来了。

    It gives me the willies.

  5. 她有剃腿上汗毛的习惯。

    She always shaves her legs.

  6. 现在我可有点汗毛直立了。

    Now that would give me the creeps.

  7. 这种化妆品能清除脸上的汗毛。

    The cream dissolves facial hair.

  8. 她看到蛇就汗毛直竖。

    The sight of the snake made her flesh creep.

  9. 炙热烤焦了她手臂上的汗毛。

    The heat scorched the fine hairs on her arms.

  10. 皮肤上的汗毛也能保存水滴。

    Hair on your skin can hold water droplets too.

  11. 我会刮掉大脚趾上的汗毛。

    I will shave the hairs off my big toe.

  12. 我会刮掉大脚趾上的汗毛。

    I will shave the hairs off my big toe.

  13. 这种化妆品能清除脸上得汗毛。

    The cream dissolves facial hair.

  14. 你姐姐没让他碰一根汗毛。

    Your sister didn't let him touch her.

  15. 他的鬼怪故事使我汗毛直竖。

    His ghost story made my flesh creep.

  16. 你没机会接近我, 动我一根汗毛。

    And you're never going to get close enough to touch me.

  17. 又是一声惨叫,叫他汗毛直竖。

    The scream froze him again.

  18. 红细胞表面覆盖得是像汗毛一样得糖链。

    The surface of red blood cells are covered by sugar chains fine hairs.

  19. 红细胞表面覆盖的是像汗毛一样的糖链。

    The surface of red blood cells are covered by sugar chains fine hairs.

  20. 我给吓得脖梗儿的汗毛都竖起来了。

    The hairs on the back of my neck prickled with fear.

  21. 听到开门声, 我颈后汗毛倒竖。

    The hairs on the back of my neck prickled when I heard the door open.

  22. 因为噗一下,就会烧掉你脸上的汗毛

    because poof!You'll singe off all your facial hair.

  23. 他发誓他从未动过那个孩子一根汗毛。

    He swore that he never laid a finger on that child.

  24. 邓肯觉得他脖子后面的汗毛都直立起来了。

    Duncan felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck.

  25. 如果美貌是肤浅的话, 时髦连汗毛都没沾上。

    Beauty is only skin deep, fashion even shallower.

  26. 那小男孩的脸上渐渐长出了汗毛。

    The first down was beginning to appear on the young boy's face.

  27. 她应该更经常地剃剃汗毛,不过好像也没什么意思。

    She should shave more often, but there didn't seem much point to it.

  28. 于是我决定, 拔下自己脸上的一根汗毛。

    So what I decided to do is to pluck fine hair out of my face.

  29. 这个老板娘是个希腊人,手臂上长满了汗毛。

    The proprietor was a Greek with hairy arms.

  30. 在日落的余晖中, 他感到自己汗毛直坚, 浑身打战。

    His flesh crept and he shivered in the evening sun.


  1. 问:汗毛拼音怎么拼?汗毛的读音是什么?汗毛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汗毛的读音是hànmáo,汗毛翻译成英文是 fine hair on the human body; hair


