







汉语拼音:bǐng xìng








  1. 天性,本性。

    元 杨显之 《潇湘雨》楔子:“老夫秉性忠直。”《红楼梦》第九十回:“ 薛蝌 一则秉性忠厚,二则到底年轻。” 清 林则徐 《会谕澳门同知再行谕饬义律缴上交凶稿》:“念其秉性未驯,或日久自知悔悟。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第八章:“凭着这个青年团员正直的秉性,他觉得 孙水嘴 未免说得过分了。”



  1. She was a religious woman, with a tendency to be skeptical of people and events that she had not heard of.


  2. If he is his mother's son, then his instincts and understanding could be the making of the royals.


  3. Her mother had her tutored rigorously in maths in an effort to keep rationality to the fore, and her father's madness in abeyance.


  4. If our father carry authority with such dispositions as he bears, ths last surrender of his will but offend us.


  5. In his temperament as in the circumstances of his time, he was destined for an extraordinary career.


  6. Participating in activism had always been an important part of being a citizen of the United States for me.


  7. Or- as is more thy nature- be a scholar and a sage among the wisest and the most renowned of the cultivated world.


  8. I'm afraid I can't stop myself. I often wish I were less sensitive and loving . But that's my character and I have to live with it! '


  9. "If people are concerned Americans will stop spending, you do not understand the American psyche. "


  1. 她秉性坚强。

    She is strong by nature.

  2. 他秉性纯朴。

    He is simple and honest by nature.

  3. 江山易改, 秉性难易。

    The leopard can never change its spot.

  4. 江山易改,秉性难易。

    The leopard can never change its spot.

  5. 螃蟹横行, 秉性难移。

    You cannot make a crab walk straight.

  6. 螃蟹横行,秉性难移。

    You cannot make a crab walk straight.

  7. 江山易改,秉性难移。

    It's is impossible to change your basic characteristics.

  8. 我父母秉性仁慈, 心地宽厚。

    My parents were possessed by the very spirit of kindness and indulgence.

  9. 我爱上他,是因为他秉性善良。

    I fell in love with him because of his kind nature.

  10. 干这种事不符合他们的秉性。

    It is not in their nature to do such a thing.

  11. 怎样的家庭环境能熏陶她的秉性?

    What kind of family environment to nurture her mettle

  12. 所以,你要看一个男人的秉性。

    So, you want to see a man's mettle.

  13. 他秉性和蔼,关心手下的工作人员。

    He was kindly and took an interest in his personnel.

  14. 她们俩都是秉性坚强而有主见。

    They had strong, independent natures, both of them.

  15. 我知道这一切的价值,因为我知道人的秉性。

    I know the value of these things, for I know human nature.

  16. 他们都非常老练,对牛的秉性了如指掌。

    They were mature men, and knew bulls thoroughly.

  17. 这病就是打这个秉性上头思虑出来得。

    It's this habit of worrying that's made her ill.

  18. 这病就是打这个秉性上头思虑出来的。

    It's this habit of worrying that's made her ill.

  19. 圣人说得好, 江山易改, 秉性难移。

    It was the Sage himself who taught that it is easier to move mountains than to change the hearts of men.

  20. 我认为人最要的秉性是富有想象力。

    I think that the most necessary quality for any person to have is imagination.

  21. 弄清楚你到底是谁, 你的脾气秉性, 喜好。

    Find out who you really are, what your temperaments, likes or dislikes are.

  22. 篇页间可见其温文尔雅, 光彩熠熠得秉性。

    His own genial nature reflects its sunshine through his pages.

  23. 虽然小张秉性愚鲁,但是他一直很勤奋。

    Though Xiaozhang is slow-witted by nature, he always works very hard.

  24. 我生气时通常都会哭,这是一个很丢人的秉性。

    I usually cried when I was angry, a humiliating tendency.

  25. 对有些男性来说,这甚至将成为其秉性的一部分。

    For some men, it may even be a part of their personality.

  26. 虽然他秉性是保守的,但他骨子里对政策并不感兴趣。

    Though by instinct conservative, he was at bottom uninterested in policy.

  27. 事实上非常少量的这些犬具有作为警犬的驱力或秉性。

    The facts are that very few of them have the drive or temperament for the work.

  28. 如果美国始终坚持这些秉性,我相信美国梦仍然会存在。

    If you keep all these things, build on them, I still believe in the American Dream.

  29. 这些秉性显而易见,触手可摸,能够在最初的吸引中起作用。

    These characteristics are highly visible and accessible to others and can play a role in initial attraction.

  30. 属于护卫犬种,具有王者的霸气和对主人极其忠诚的秉性。

    Belongs to escort dog, with the domineering king and master of a very The mettle of their integrity.


  1. 问:秉性拼音怎么拼?秉性的读音是什么?秉性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秉性的读音是bǐngxìng,秉性翻译成英文是 nature


