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汉语拼音:jī yā
A man is in custody on suspicion of trying to arrange an air crash police said.
警方说,一名男子被羁押,他涉嫌安排一起飞机坠毁事件。To say the least, even if the appeal succeeded, the case may probably continue to be in custody to face the embarrassing situation.
退一步讲,即使上诉胜利了,绝大多数情况下也得面临被继续羁押的尴尬局面。The first is the obvious point that having him in custody would have been a major policy challenge.
首先很明显的一点是羁押他将是一个巨大的策略挑战。Now, at a train station in communist East Germany, he learns that his mother died while he languished as a political prisoner.
现在,在一个共产主义东德的一个火车站里,他知道了他妈妈在他被当做政治囚犯羁押期间去世了的消息。if a court order is not complied with , the power of the court to punish for contempt of court may be exercised by an order of committal.
如法庭命令不获遵从,法庭可藉作出交付羁押令而行使惩罚犯藐视法庭罪者的权力。The suspect did not apply for bail and was remanded to appear at Melbourne magistrates court on Monday.
嫌犯没有请求保释,目前被羁押并将接受周一在墨尔本地方法院的庭审。As one of the most severe compulsory measures, pretrial detention may infringe upon individual freedom of a suspect or defendant.
审前羁押作为一种最严厉的强制措施,会使犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人身自由受到较为严重的侵害。By now, however, each of the detainees at issue in this case has received at least one offer of resettlement in another country.
(调卷令申请)然而,截至目前,本案涉及的每一位被羁押者均已收到至少一份在其他国家定居的提议。Conservative figures in Parliament have made similar comments, and at least two investigations of the prison abuses are under way.